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Everything posted by JohnK

  1. Today. First I’ve seen.
  2. That’s the one we have. Seems fine even with a princess border collie.
  3. Haha, indeed. It’s an interesting moving line. See new technology. Want new toy. Explain to wife it’s a necessity. Ironically over time it becomes a necessity. As you lose the skills to manage without it (I don’t consider this a bad thing as long as the technology is reliable). My mantra is “he who dies with the most toys wins” [emoji57]
  4. Too many or not enough if you say here [emoji57] How many chocolate eggs do you want?
  5. Interesting how the concept of technology has changed. A few years ago an engine, lights, electric bilge pumps, tv, fridge, cooker and electric hookup would have been considered new technology. But now people with all of those things and more talk about going back to basics [emoji6]
  6. I must be missing something. I just read this thread again. I can see a bit of mild criticism of other members here but I can’t see any criticism of the NSBA or it’s chair. I certainly intended no criticism of either in my post.
  7. Me too. It’s just that my means to an end is something to bolt stuff to [emoji57] To be fair I love the nature side of boating here, the not dealing with work issues etc. I just love the technology too. I don’t think it has to be one or the other.
  8. I feel that’s very unfair. I didn’t express an opinion about the NSBA (of which I’m a member and I like what they do). They did use the term National Park and I was surprised by that.
  9. I agree it’s six of one and half a dozen of the other. I also agree everyone is entitled to their opinion. I don’t agree the discussion should stop though. Everyone is entitled to participate, or not. To read the discussion or not. I’ve had my mind changed by the likes of JM etc in several of the issues surrounding this discussion. To me that’s what debate is all about.
  10. No. I was genuinely surprised which is why I said I’m genuinely surprised. I feel you already did. You don’t seem to have much time for people who disagree with you.
  11. It’s odd, I have a lot of respect for most of the people who do the “it’s not a National Park” thing. I just disagree with them on that issue.
  12. Not for me. I treat boats as toys and thoroughly enjoy fitting every bit of technology I can. I’m not claiming I’ve got any answers, just saying what I enjoy.
  13. I’m not really sure why I thought it but I expected the NSBA to be anti the term.
  14. I genuinely didn’t expect to see this but in the Green Book foreword National Park is mentioned several times (well twice).
  15. Don’t think I said you did [emoji57]
  16. The complexity is accessing it from an app without breaking somebody’s rules. Many sites rules don’t allow commercial use of their data. Apple don’t like you reading http sites rather than https and as far as I can find anyone who makes the data available via an api wants to charge for it. There are ways round all of the above but I like to do things properly.
  17. I’ve done a bit of research for my own benefit and it appears tide data is a bit of a minefield. I THINK seven days ahead is available free of charge so you’d have to have data available at least once a week. I think I’m going to have a go at creating an iOS app but I doubt it will ever appear on the App Store, it’s a different league of programming for me. I’m thinking as a start having a display of high and low tides at different locations. If that works then maybe a graphic showing an approximation of the flows across the Broads.
  18. JohnK

    My Day

    Today .... Two and a half hours Potter to Wroxham in our little day boat. Norfolk Marine, bag of chips, coffee. Two and a half hours back to Potter for tea. Awesome! Five hours boating for under a tenner in fuel. My Land Rover would drink that in about 15 minutes! The ski boat in about 5!!!
  19. If you’re going to create an iOS app I won’t. But if you’re only going to do Android then I’ll have a go at an iOS one. In reality mine would probably start as free as it won’t be great but no competition for you as most people don’t have both devices.
  20. Haha, thought you thought Apple was dying off so no competition for the growing Android market [emoji57]
  21. Ok, you do the cheap android version and I’ll do the pukka iOS one [emoji57] I think I have everything required except being registered as an Apple developer. I’ve been looking for something I want to develop to give me an excuse to learn it properly. This could be a good excuse. At the very least I’ll have something I can run on my own phone. Have you thought about how to get tide times? Read a website? Input tide tables? Rough approximation?
  22. Wouldn’t buy android at all. I’d pay £3 for an iOS version. Or have ads then pay to remove ads maybe? I tried doing iOS development but Xcode is too much like a proper programming language for me. I’m a VBA / Visual Basic type of programmer (bad programmer if you will [emoji57])
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