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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. and good luck with the project. You have certainly come to the right place.
  2. On behalf of all those in the future looking for this info, thank you!
  3. The toilet inlet could be blocked, probably with seeds from the trees and dead spiders. But seriously, I had to clean out my weed filter quite regularly when I was there.
  4. BBC announcer introduced a program about "Da Queen".
  5. I can't lie........ ..... you had to be there.
  6. Engineers trying to be trendy would replace "what do you think?" at the end of a sentence with "if that makes sense?" Your instead of you're. The Grand Master of all comedy, and punctuation: Bye Gracie, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, Laters!
  7. I know what you're saying...
  8. "So, have some Madeira M'dear!" You can't express in writing but going up at the end of a sentence as if asking a question? Annoying. Ever heard anyone finishing a phone call these days? Bye, bye, bye, bye,bye, bye, bye, bye.
  9. A couple more from a year earlier. They had started to clear up the docks but were yet to develop them into the shopping mall they are today.
  10. Hasting Direct - unbelievable! Last year £195, renewal £288, Esure £248. I thought I would give them a chance to match it. "Our response time is currently over 30 minutes". There is no way to cancel the auto renewal other than to ring so I took the Esure policy. Hastings were right, it took them 33 minutes to connect. When I told him I had already paid for the new policy he told me I had 14 days to cancel so that was his justification for trying to quote me again! He said, "It'll only take around 5 minutes". I told him I understand he is only doing his job but I don't want to be on the phone for ages and before he asks, I don't want my house insuring either. He got the message and it ended pleasantly. But it doesn't give me confidence in them to handle a claim. He was English and easy to understand though.
  11. In fairness to Multicell I have been using them for years for cars, caravans and the boat, with no problems at all. They were started in 1989 where I live and you can find the history on their website: https://www.multicell.co.uk/ They have expanded over the years and only recently opened a massive new depot. They've never been taken over and it still remains in the family.
  12. From Dom: I'm curious what the sailing vessel in your channel header is though? I was in the Onedin Line as Cap'n Baines. I took that pic years ago on a visit the Gloucester Docks. I'll have to see if I can find the name if it isn't shown.
  13. I think it's only fair to answer in the thread about Youtube.
  14. How Youtube has changed! I remember it's appeal was that anyone could post videos on there and most of them were terrible home movies, now anything goes! The greatest satisfaction from making Youtube content is gained when a complete stranger from the other side of the World says well done. I wouldn't want to be monetised for my content as it then becomes a job and you have a duty of customer care, which then invites open criticism. It can't be that difficult though; I have 604 subscribers and without even trying.
  15. The move continued.... Clive (C. Ricko) had advertised available moorings towards the end of 2022 but in the end Mother in law was deteriorating and time seemed to vanish into thin air. It was just easier to leave it another 12 months. I needed to have a few days to finish off making the topsides completely waterproof because the cover was also deteriorating! That never happened either. So I went for it this year and thankfully there was a mooring available at Clive's Cove Marina. The advice from the Chairman was slack water so slack water it was. Then it was a matter of choosing the weather and trying to muster a crew. My son's best mate is a qualified sea captain, up to 4,000 tons, so he would have been alright but he was unavailable. There was a very useful Facebook group for BGM boat owners but this has recently been shut down. Via that group we could keep an eye on each other's boats, top up electricity card etc. and report security issues. Luckily I have contact details for a couple of ex members and these came up trumps along with this forum. Why a crew? Mrs Raser is not confident moving around the boat. Her sister and husband who live near Dereham usually come over when I'm at the boat, but they are in Florida soaking up plenty of sun. I also had concerns over the fuel filter so I wanted someone at least on standby in case it blocked again on the way. I have changed the filter with the help of several members of this forum and thanked them via one of the videos I made. Unfortunately I deleted all the videos after derogatory comments so here's the clip: 20220707_102509.mp4 I'm relatively inexperienced so it's a fine line between going it alone and risk being an irresponsible idiot, or waiting and being an over cautious idiot. I'm used to the label idiot; the only way to avoid it is to sit on your a*se and do nothing. Kev (Old Berkshire Boy) offered to be First Mate. The weather and it's forecast were as usual, all over the place and other folk could only help at the weekend so I chose Saturday 23rd March, slack water being between 11.40 and 13.40. But the usually unreliable weather forecast said gentle winds on Wednesday and increasing towards the weekend. Aagh! Then a bit of luck: an ex-member of the defunct Facebook group was dead keen to help. He was working around Surlingham and his boat is moored at Coldham Hall. Perfect; he was the emergency cover so I could go for it on Friday. Kev was available so I arranged to get over Friday morning and go at slack water, 11.30 to 13.30. When I got there the boat was covered in small brown seed things from the trees. These were usually caught in the cover and easily ejected but not this time. I swept them into a heap and shovelled them on the Sheerline next door, to feed the spiders which are now massive. Then it was time to fetch OBB but I couldn't find the car key! There it is, hanging on a sky hook. So I found OBB and we took his van to Cove in case it rained, then back to BGM. Engine fired up ok and we were away. Because of an extra long boat on one of the berths I had to take a shunt to get around the first turn and this is where I first encountered the breeze. We drifted a bit but managed to get out of the marina without touching anything. Five mph comes up at 1,000rpm and the engine is very quiet. The trundle down the dyke to Cove was as pleasant as I remember it 4 ½ years ago going the other way. Engine ran like a dream and I needn't have worried. The problem came when I tried to reverse into the mooring and the breeze took over and pinned us to the boats opposite. Thankfully Clive was there to rescue the situation and shouted for a rope. He caught it with a boat hook and pulled us in. RELIEF! Right, back to BGM to get the Corsa and hand in my electric card and gate passes. Lost the car key again in OBB's van for which he called me a muppet. Not mutiny as he had resigned his commission by then and besides, it was an accurate description. Back to the White Heron to feed the now redundant crew, then back to the boat. I managed to clean the back of the boat and the port side but then the head fell off my brush and that was the end of that! The only other main achievement was to sterilise the water tanks ready for summer use. The only downside was the discovery of three water leaks: one in the main bedroom where it had soaked the bedding, one in the kitchen where it made a puddle in the top of the cooker and another in a cubby hole. So I need to budget in a couple of days for resin and painting but only after a dry spell. No more major surgery though. Sunset looking off the rear of the boat: Then swing round and this is the view to the front at the same time: So we'll be getting the sun all day. I think we're going to like it here!
  16. The move: Firstly, why move at all? Well this was my first venture onto the Broads and Brundall Gardens was the nearest to home, and they had availability. After that, it was an adventure into the unknown! That was around October 2018. It's a good marina but I began to feel vulnerable due to the way the business operates; I didn't feel they were always on my side as it were. At this point I will point out that Brundall Gardens Marina management take a dim view of negative comments on social media so there'll be none here. I will assume they monitor the forum and hold Mark (ExSurveyor) responsible for it's content. On the other hand I feel a loyalty towards other boaters so if anyone is thinking of mooring at BGM and wants a fair and constructive review, they can PM me and get it away from the forum. Don't ask for gossip though; I have no axe to grind. Continued..............
  17. It's annoying when you're just under, 58 or 59 and you have to suffer the embarassing question, "Are you seniors?". No, full whack then. I remember going to Lincoln Cathedral at 62 and being told the threshold was 63. We asked why and the answer was that the managements of the cathedral and the castle were linked and one said it should be 60 and the other said 65, so they compromised at 63! We said that's pathetic and if we can be bothered we may see you next year! I notice they've done away with concessions altogether now so we won't be back at all.
  18. Just found out I'm a veteran at 67. Yep, according to the Camping and Caravan Club's definition we qualify for veteran membership. You need over 25 years consecutive membership and be of pensionable age. It's not automatic; you have to apply for it. You just have to ask yourself do you mind feeling really old or do you want 30% off? I'll suffer, but don't ask me to run from London to Brighton once a year.
  19. Quite right MM, but I always reckon that advertising your bling is inviting someone to try and relieve you of it. Best to have nothing on board worth nicking like outboards or navigation gear which I understand is what most minor thieves go for. Besides, there are security measures in place. I remember when I was driving an artic, how easy it was to see the amount of people with big, expensive TVs on show.
  20. Memories of lockdown: A very empty Sainsburys; empty of people and empty shelves. Queing very quietly around the car park of our local Aldi waiting our turn. I took a picture at the time but can I find it? Scum selling hand sanitizer at astronomical prices. The press: if you were unlucky enough to have a close relative pass away due to Covid then you had a value. If your relative passed away on the day of a party then you had even more value and all the other bereaved relatives were cast aside. In our 12 house cul de sac most of them ignored the rules then stood outside at 8pm clapping for the NHS. This was BEFORE the parties.
  21. Who chooses the codes for What3words? There are some good ones for the location of my boat but my favourite is: ///robot.stupidly.knitted Reminds me of the term: a camel is a horse designed by a committee. I don't think we'll be down next weekend unless we get the heatwave someone was dreaming about a few weeks ago. We are delivering one of the grandchildren to Okehampton in the week so it may a bit much after we get home on Thursday.
  22. Phew! The plan was to move today at slack water 11.40 to 13.40. It's 10.00 and never mind the water, it's blowing a hooley! Nearly.
  23. I missed that, is there a video?
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