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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Just a note on Ebay: if the bids get above the reserve price and you cancel the listing, Ebay will charge you commission on the basis that it sold at the price of the latest bid. They have got wise to the trick of getting people interested then trying to avoid the charges. They will also charge you if you give out any contact details through their messaging system.
  2. I would too. They are nice looking and expensive pegs but there are cheaper but chunkier ones which fit with a bolt, probably heavier though.
  3. Thanks Griff. This is the kind of use I had in mind with the cheapo plastic thing I bought. If tried to copy this, three rungs would probably be acceptable but the rest would look like they had been made by different five year olds. The knots would have different spacing so the rungs all be at different angles too. Tidy garage by the way. Are there more steps to spell "Welcome aboard" reading from the bottom?
  4. No, you are a genius. I had a similar thought: how about the box section being free with either of these alternating as steps either side - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1-Pair-Steel-Mountain-Bike-Foot-Pedal-Bicycle-Rear-Folding-Pedals-Accessories-SA/202316352176?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160727114228%26meid%3Dfc17950955d64410ad8a3bbccafa5bb6%26pid%3D100290%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D133409604489%26itm%3D202316352176%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2060778%26brand%3DUnbranded%2FGeneric&_trksid=p2060778.c100290.m3507 or https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2x-Folding-Highway-Motorcycle-Clamp-On-Foot-Pegs-for-Yamaha-Honda-Harley-UK/264700590113?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 If it could also be light weight with a hook on the end it could be a boat hook too. No rum assistance.
  5. Actually, that thought occurred to me also. Firstly though, I had a thought as to how I may be able to track down the original steps and I have started the hunt. I have realised how the steps attached to the boat so I would need to buy the corresponding fittings and set them the correct distance apart to fit.
  6. I had to trawl through another load of yachting videos showing bikini clad females before I found it but I consider it a public service. I'll expect an OBE one day...
  7. I'll have a look and see if I can find it again. Just found this though: https://www.adverts.ie/parts-accessories/boat-boarding-ladder/17462352
  8. On our local news last weekend was a report of people on finding the public toilets closed in Derbyshire, just doing it close by.
  9. How about a pole with folding motorcycle type foot pegs?
  10. Dutch Drascombes? Are they left hand drive? Sorry, my humour again. My first thought about a ladder would be the clutter factor but I recently found a YT video where a yacht owner had adapted an aluminium ladder to be a very adaptable boarding ladder/gangplank thingy.
  11. Sorry Vaughan, there was something of a smiley there but it's just my humour. I appreciate your input.
  12. Along with old bikes, pot plants, bent TV aerials and other detritus. I think I'll stick to the usual safety equipment, practise the drill and brief the crew.
  13. Yep, I think I'm guilty of over thinking it, and not for the first time! Thanks.
  14. The stainless steel straps look expensive on their own.. Would you know if these steps are a standard design?
  15. That's a very good point. I must admit I don't take much notice of the reviews on Ebay but I have only been invited to do a review after the completion of a purchase. I just hit the review button and it did take me to the form but I'll hold back until I've had the refund just in case. I also notice the wording, "Most relevant reviews" which suggests they may be selected. I think the boat was "asset stripped" of these lovely steps and other things before I bought her. It would be nice to get hold of another set.
  16. For anyone thinking of getting one of these: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Emergency-Boat-Ladder-134-cm-5-Steps-Yacht-Foldable-Safety-Boarding-EMLAD5/273010791893?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 I will be sending it back. It's cheaply made. It's shown mounted through the storage bag so you pull the strap and it deploys, but the eyelet holes in the bag are too small so the ladder ropes won't go through. The 5 steps are only 3ft top to bottom and as Marshy observed, they would need to be below the surface leaving you well short of being able to get on board anyway.
  17. I've looked at a couple of charts; how about 5 of these in blue for each side (37ft): https://www.brianwards.co.uk/product/anchor-fender-26x8-white/?highlight=fender I have a couple of round ones for the forward flare as Peter suggests and others for the stern.
  18. Just looked at mine, it's by 3-in-1 and I probably got it from Halfords. I thinks cyclists use it so it could even be in supermarkets. It's good for any plastic lubrication.
  19. That's the one, and because you can't carry a boat on a submarine, it's a boat. And if anyone wants to argue with that, I'll back down immediately.
  20. I couldn't possibly say, I'm the straight man. Anybody?
  21. And how could you miss out WAFI? An ex colleague of mine was also ex navy and used to like to explain why a submarine is a boat and not a ship. I could be someone's straight man couldn't I?
  22. Tiny bit of silicone lubricant around the seals? By tiny I mean spray a small paint brush and use that to apply in the groove.
  23. Cliche alert! I wish I had a pound for every time I've heard "there's only one rope on a boat" and I've not been boating long!
  24. I was thinking more that "halyard" and "sheet" would be easier to say than "rope".
  25. That's brilliant, thanks Vaughan; couldn't be clearer.
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