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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Reelstreets compares stills from the films to fairly modern photos of the same locations. As Griff says, the airfield was Leconfield but the village scenes were Norfolk and the Broads.
  2. And I do have an understanding of the relationship between submitted accounts at companies house and the day to day running of a business, which some here clearly don't.
  3. Well said Sir! I haven't been following this thread but I had a quick browse of the last couple of pages and the references to accounts seem to have a lack of attachment to the human side of business.
  4. Filmed Norfolk, airbase in Yorkshire. I missed the start, was it supposed to be in Norfolk or the West Country? The accents were from all over the place weren't they?
  5. So true. There's a narrow road in North Walsham were the locals have put up 20mph signs; it works better than the law and makes you slow down.
  6. I wondered what all the fuss was about so I checked up here: WARNING: this website is addictive - https://www.reelstreets.com/films/conflict-of-wings/ If you've never seen it before, click on the tabs above the photos. Maybe someone can help fill in the blanks when we can get out?
  7. Open it up and get the drinks out and it'll soon cool down. I check it when someone mentions crime, when I'm bored or when I can't find something I last used in the boat.
  8. 27.8 degrees to be precise, lovely!
  9. I take that back, it was done automatically.
  10. No offence intended. No venom here either. Oh look, my post has been removed. now the balance of the thread more towards BA bashing, just for a change then.
  11. And everybody is called Jeremy and Jemima and the garden is full of lovely roses. Furlough causes exactly the same resentment being voiced within this thread: "It's not fair, why me not him/her?" It is still hardship to some poor human being. Two members of my close family are Managers of people and have had to decide who to furlough etc and then tell the poor souls that they are going to be 20% down for an unknown period. Not easy for anyone. It's one thing to reckon the hardship against "We're all in this together" but not against poor cashflow caused by some rich bloke refusing to pay his dues, which JP will surely be quick to exploit.
  12. Quite, but do you know how they select which staff to furlough?
  13. Not at this time of exceptional circumstances, which is the basis of this thread.
  14. The BA are looking after businesses as a priority and quite rightly IMO. When the green light goes on we private owners will recover the use of our boats immediately whereas hire companies could take months to recover. It's in all our interests that nobody gives up on the broads. I doubt holding back tolls will have much effect but the BA would be quick to point out that extra staff have to suffer being laid off because of it. How would you feel then? I think I can answer that myself on the basis of mathematical probability: the BA would be lying because they always do?
  15. Someone reading through rose tinted spectacles in my opinion. Hang on, let me put mine on...Oh yes, I see it now: so I only have to pay a toll for the actual days when I'm using the boat as when I'm not there it's being stored. Brilliant, should save me a fortune. Right up to the point where the BA goes bankrupt and we all have to give our boats away because they have no value. I don't think so. Paid my toll as soon as it came through. There is a "Winter lay up toll" which is for project boats on or off the water. But you are only allowed to work on the boat but not use it for any kind of leisure activity. About 1/3 full toll I think. And it ends on April 31st.
  16. There is one of these in my Brother in law's garage hiding under a sheet, under a pile of golf clubs/model aeroplanes/motorbike stuff. Unless it crept out while he wasn't looking. Been there years and should be available one day...
  17. Crikey, here we go again! I didn't actually insult them did I? I can only express an opinion on what I see on the TV without insider knowledge of course. With so much success and wealth behind them for such a long time, as Pru said, why has it taken them 80 years to discover the Broads on their own doorstep? The Broads never appealled to them enough in the past for them to give it a try, whatever they may say now. Of course they were nice when you met them; they are nice people. My opinion is just that, it's not entirely wrong because they are nice people.
  18. Agreed. I wonder if they have to make a contribution to the cost of the restoration? The dukebox when finished, matched one on the market for £14K.
  19. I remember Tim & Pru on the Broads the first time around. I think they were a little patronising and avoided actually saying they didn't really like it. Good exposure for the broads though, and probably timely as people may be thinking about holidays at home.
  20. A particular part of the presentation template we don't like (applies to RP and Antiques Roadshow) is the short but annoying resume at the start of each show. I don't what the purpose of this is but I try and hit the mute button for it's duration.
  21. Yes it's getting too predictable now, but not so much that you can't play "Guess who's going to cry". I lost that one this week. I was right with "Guess the technique" though: guessing, "She'll glue pigskin on the back of it" for the leather chair. The window restoration was interesting though.
  22. I was trying to be minimalistic and not convey any kind of attitude but I guess as has been said a million times before, it's all in the interpretation. I have a response, I'm sitting on it, and removing all the offensive bits, so it should be ready for consideration in about a week.
  23. And the meaning of this, after your previous post is what? Moderators wake up please.
  24. Here is Part 13. This will be the last time I post a link to my videos on this forum but there are instructions within the video for anyone interested enough to follow the progress. You can subscribe to my Youtube channel and get notified when new vids appear.
  25. Chameleon got in first but: Peter, why not hand the World over to your children? The future is there's to shape for the next generatons. You've done your bit and earned the right to relax and enjoy what life you are blessed with. If your kids want to go on a crusade for the future of the Broads then fair play to them. And by the way, you started the other thread and this one because you thought JP included reference to the national park to antagonise. Just under Jenny Morgan in all your posts is similar mention, even when welcoming new members?
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