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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Marketing covers a very broad spectrum. Keeping the front of your corner shop clean is part of marketing as is an advert in the local rag. In this thread recently I have seen pin badges advertising the BNP at a local hotel which are promotion, backed up by the signs. Just because the wider promotion is not so visible, doesn't mean it's not happening. He's had the top job for over 20 years according to what I have read on this thread. No one is apparently clever enough to dislodge him. That in itself is quite an achievenment and even if anyone does, it would be an empty victory after all this time. Bit like Ms Thatcher vs miners.
  2. Loddon PC said they didn't reply to the BA due to a vacancy I think. So someone left and all work stopped? Not too clever and ever so slightly lets the BA off, a bit. Did Loddon go to sleep or something? To be fair, Parish Councillors are only ordinary people who deserve respect for putting themselves forward in the first place. And they should be allowed to not get it right occasionally.
  3. I notice the comments below this article are about as split as they have been on this thread. I say have been as people have drifted away but there is clearly no overwhelming support either way on the surface of it. So Acle PC approve of the signs.
  4. Thank you for posting this Peter, it provides an interesting insight to the other side of the argument. This is from a well run hotel business (the name of which is irrelevant, and I don't know it) who clearly have their finger on the pulse when it comes to publicity and the use of social media. It was posted on Wednesday this week(?) It has several hashtags referencing the business community and especially tourism. So it's looking from here like local businesses who would benefit from more tourism are in support of the BNP brand. Just as the councils who replied to enquiries earlier in this thread, they don't appear to be in any way in fear of, or intimidated by, opposition to the BNP movement. I wonder how many other members of local business groups are in favour of the BNP brand? I would guess therefore that JP is very popular among the business communities of East Anglia?
  5. Good heavens, I almost agree with you Mr P! It is indeed a poor choice of words but I think he meant the content of the road sign and not the actual sign itself. If only he had your excellent command of the launguage!
  6. Yep, guilty as charged, but with every intention of killing the subject off.
  7. I think most of us know what is or isn't an illegal act. Ignorance of the law is no defence in court so I don't see the relevance here. No one is questioning the right or justification of discussion, it's whether or not it is the responsible thing to do.
  8. I would like to add my condolences to those already here. Unfortunately I never got the chance to meet Craig but I will always be grateful for the effort he put into his database which was the only real source of information about my boat. Through his website I discovered the information which convinced me it was worth saving. I sincerely hope the database continues as it helps define the Broads as part of our cultural heritage. I may not be correct here but I think that away from his website, the database is known as "Craig's list"? I wonder if this could be incorporated more prominetly within the website as a tribute?
  9. On this question I admire the lead shown by New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ahern who refused to use the name of the gunman in the mass shooting last year (I think). Any mention keeps the issue in the public eye which in itself could be interpreted by the perpetrator(s) as encouragement, whether or not that was the intention of the contributor to the discussion.
  10. I read about Sandford and the year 1974, and just about everything has changed since then. Among a lot of other things Glover seems to hint at bringing in younger and more diverse folk to run these National Landscapes, and centralisation. Could it be that Dr JP senses his own demise in a dramatic restructuring? Could this BNP thing be him putting himself forward for some kind of top job? Anyone want to bet the new bodies will be called Boris-scapes?
  11. We had a really heavy blast of intense rain and wind for about 20 minutes or so, then it calmed a tad and we've actually seen some blue sky. At times like these we always appreciate that being as far inland as it's possible to get, we say that whatever we're getting, some poor b*gger is getting it worse. God bless them. However, the bird box on the side of the garage is now listing at 45 degrees, what should I do to help the blue tits?
  12. Had the paper shop blown away?
  13. Peter, why did they want to do that?
  14. Something looks to have come loose just in front of the Yare webcam, anyone close by? Looks like a dinghy about to get adrift?
  15. So here's the latest episode. I hope it takes your mind off the storm Ciara battering we're all getting right now. Unfortunately though, I think everyone has taken to the internet and speeds are drastically slow around here in the Midlands. It's taken ages to upload although it is 23 minutes long this time.
  16. Absolutely. And better they become aware of it by hearing of peaceful, well organised protest (of any form) than the opposition giving wide publicity to the vandalism first.
  17. Good morning and good luck to everyone afloat today. Getting slightly battered here but just one fence panel damaged so far. We have a good fence supplier locally but I think he's going to be busy very soon!
  18. Don't agree. Another example: if they wanted to stop walking and climbing in the Lake District I think they could bank on the support of ex and future tourists for support. Similarly boating on the Broads.
  19. That is your opinion and fair enough. As for the mooring signage being defaced, how sure are we of the EXACT timescale of these defacings? Is it that they have been happening for a while and we have only just heard about it, or can we be absolutely positive that it is new? The way it's sometimes reported here, it can be more sensationalised than it probably is; some are interpreting the situation as if this involves a lot of people when actually, it is more likely to be just one very bitter person with a tin of paint, a permanent marker and a bike!
  20. It was I who mentioned the Tooting popular Front in response to secretive groups, NOT the defacing signs. Every mention of defacing signs, even with the box-ticking "while I don't condone..." is still giving exposure to this kind of action and this post is almost encouragement. If leisure boating on the Broads were really under threat then it is my opinion that the wider public would offer it's support on the grounds that it is part of our cultural heritage. However, I also believe that although they may be in support, I don't think they would be willing to show support to a group which involved vandalism. This defacing of signs doesn't help the cause whatsoever; it gives ammunition to the opposition who should not be seen to give in to such actions. Whatever the depth of feeling it's not a good strategy.
  21. Getting a bit windy here in the Midlands but nothing to write home about yet. Don't fancy the Lake District tonight: https://derwentwatermarina.co.uk/web-cam/
  22. Yes they have cut them back quite a bit where that one came down last year. Thankfully not much foliage about to catch the wind but there'll be twigs all over the place for sure.
  23. Yep, I reckon it'll be the end of mine! Fingers crossed...
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