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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Well I nipped over on Monday/Tuesday and near the top of the agenda but below exchanging fridges and lifting the diesel tank was looking for possible hose connections on the engine. I'm stumped. My information was that the original engine would have been the 2.3lt version but this is a 2.6lt and doesn't look 50 years old. So it's quite possible that my engine came from a source that didn't require any further connections. I'm putting this part of the project on hold while I do more investigation and in the meantime I'll look at other means. Here's the vid: https://youtu.be/1X8G8dbot1k
  2. Well I nipped over on Monday/Tuesday and near the top of the agenda but below exchanging fridges and lifting the diesel tank was looking for possible hose connections on the engine. I'm stumped. My information was that the original engine would have been the 2.3lt version but this is a 2.6lt and doesn't look 50 years old. So it's quite possible that my engine came from a source that didn't require any further connections. I'm putting this part of the project on hold while I do more investigation and in the meantime I'll look at other means. Here's the vid: https://youtu.be/1X8G8dbot1k
  3. Not much, but it is the basis on which this renowned charitable organisation exists, the same organisation on which a few people depend to maintain a nice lifestyle to which they have become accustomed. Nineteen people get a salary in excess of £60k managing the RSPB, and one more around twice that. What would they do all day if we stopped being mean to birds? There has been a trend for quite a few years now where charities are allegedly having to invent issues to justify their own existence. Raising the profile by doing something keeps the cash rolling in. The whole country has gone, “Ahhh” at Spring/Autumn/Winter/Summer Watch on TV so they are probably struggling for things to do. And without the RSPB Countryfile would only be 5 minutes long. “ Many of these are diesel powered - out-dated, fossil fuel burning, 20th century technology. “ I should like to add to that, “..being used for a relatively very short period of time.” Each boat with at least two people not travelling to work and not flying abroad. Seventeen RSPB trustees claimed £25k in travel expenses according to the 2018 financial report, how many have electric cars? Just like the birds, they haven't learned that it's not a good idea to cr*p on your neighbours. Sorry, I don't know much about the BNP but you mentioned a "charity".
  4. Sorry, just a quick note: OBB, JM and I got together at my place to exchange fridges and likewise, it was great to see them both. In fairness to Brundall Gardens that green thing is by far the worst kept boat in the marina by a country mile.
  5. That'll be this'n then. I like it there; makes mine look clean.
  6. Someone probably ordered a quantity for a hire fleet. I found this when I was looking for a Freeman 33, which mostly come with twin engines/shafts. I wonder if Princess keep their build records?
  7. In the Lake District a few years ago. And in the Lake District a few years before that. They do this every so often to tick boxes to say they are actually doing something for their fat salaries. It never works. I remember an article on TV a few years ago, probably Countryfile, where they took a group of the aforementioned "minorities" around the Lake District and they all said how great it was and they'll be giving it a try. They clearly didn't. We all like to holiday with our own kind of people and changing the culture is just as likely to drive people away, as improve things. Too late for political correctness then.
  8. Sold! I am hoping to get over next Sunday/ Monday or Monday/Tuesday depending on the best weather forecast. No rush though; it can stay there until collected. I'll pm you when I know for sure. Thanks, I'm pleased it'll be of use.
  9. I suppose all this stuff is non boaty, but the fridge and water heater are in a boat, and already in Norfolk so it would be easier to shift them from there. Apart from updating the boat systems, I am clearing out a rented lock up garage I no longer have use for, since giving up car restoration for boats. Fridge – Free to a good NBN home! Logik 68lt 240v mini fridge. In perfect working order with a tiny dent in the door. This can only be two years old and is still the current model available at Currys for around £90. PM me for the instructions in pdf. Someone on this forum will have offspring heading to a university where this fridge would be handy to store all that home baked food you sent them, while they nip out to KFC and spend all the money you sent them! Water heater – £50. Cointra Cob 5 again, in good working order as shown in my videos. Includes all the flue fittings. I have a pdf of the fitting instructions. Transit case – Free. This is a large, strong packing case originally built for a wave meter, whatever that is. Dimensions: 740mm x 340mm x 390mm (high). The lid will screw down and there are metal handles for lifting. Mixer tap – Free. The tap spindles have a nice, new feel to them so I don't think it's very old at all. Winch - £25 Trailer Light Board - £15 Welding gear - £100 No urgency to move this stuff, there can't be due the distance I have to travel over there.
  10. Thanks again guys. Smoggy, The photo is a great help; I wouldn't have thought the connections so close together would have worked but if that's what I find, I won't be worried. Bob, I think (contrary to you wife) that you're right. The engine was also used in tractors but is generally an industrial engine. Choice of calorifier comes down to price, availability and practicality: Surejust do an upright but only 10 litres, around the same price as the equivalent horizontal. Their calorifiers come with matching/recommended fittings and mountings. With others they are extra unless I shop around, then they've got to match and fit properly, and if anything wasn't quite right I would be kicking myself and end up with a poor job. 15 litres is just a tad bigger than the heater in our touring caravan, which has a shower. I don't see us spending more than a couple of days at a time on the boat just yet and if we do, it'll be in the summer. So heating more water for such a short time would be wasteful. Any future owner will have to replace just the calorifier for a larger one if needed; no plumbing to do, and the cost would have to seen in relation to overall purchase price. No plans to sell at all, hence the 15 litre calorifier! Yes D46, that's the one. Not quite "prepared" though; removed from an old SD1 and cleaned up to be measured for a fitting. The exhaust is a BL Motorsport Rally spec replica and the blue subframe was for fitting to this:
  11. I won't be paying extra for the thormo valve; it comes with the calorifier from the manufacturer. I think it's recommended modern practice to fit them and I want to end up with a proper job and honour the T&Cs of the warranty. I've just bought a Haynes manual for a Tornado jet fighter and another for the Moon (stocking fillers for Grandchildren) but they haven't got round to the Scammel Mechanical Horse yet. Pitty. No matter though; I do have an owner's manual for the engine and gearbox, and a workshop manual for the engine but no tappings shown, and no mention of calorifiers. Looking at some of my "older" videos I can see something bolted to the back end of the head but I can't make out what it is until a I get over there again. I could call Thornycroft engines after Christmas but hopefully I'll be sorted by then. They don't list much if any info about these engines (the OE.138 & OE.160) on their website so hopefully the old guy in the workshop will still be around! In the meantime, here's one I prepared earlier: A bit of engine porn for you...
  12. Thanks John. Here's the calorifier I'm looking at: http://www.surejust.co.uk/15-litre-horizontal-single-coil-surecal-calorifier Fitting instructions: http://www.surejust.co.uk/surecal-horizontal-calorifier-connection-instructions You'll see the top and bottom connections are for the "drinking" water and the engine water pipes side to side, but I get the idea regarding flow and return. So I could do with finding a ready tapped connection to the rear of the head for the flow, and the return goes to the car equivalent of the bottom hose, or thereabouts? I was hoping to find blanked off connections as there must have a calorifier fitted before. Where they around in 1970?
  13. Steady on, someone may get hurt! My original thought/hope was the same, but then I thought it can't be that simple; nothing ever is... I will have a good look around for more tappings in the block and head, and get down there and see exactly where the "bypass hose" goes to/from. It should go from the thermostat housing into the block, the water pump being a separate item just below. It's a bit hard to see with that Bowman heat exchanger stuck on top. The video is the best I've got up till now but I'll record everything as ever when I do the job. The engine was fitted in the old Scammel Mechanical Horse 3 wheeler and the Karrier, which were always dustbin lorries around here. And I think if you could find a very old lorry driver he may say they didn't have heaters! Thanks again.
  14. Ok the penny has started to drop, a little; I got my flows and returns back to front. I'm a bit slow but I normally get there in the end. I've just found a very good diagram via Google which makes it a bit clearer.
  15. Thanks for the reply. I think you've confirmed what I was beginning to think: The blanking plug visible on the side of the header tank I'm pretty sure is part of the fresh water cooling system and therefore a good place for the return from the top of the calorifier loop? The raw water pump is on this side of the engine (video still) driven by the same shaft as the injection pump. The fresh water pump is in the "traditional" place behind the front pulley, on the front of the block. I still think I'll have to tee into the bypass hose though, but on the next visit I'll have another good look around to see if there are any other plugs on the block. I've done a bit of comparison and the calorifier I'm going for comes with everything needed including a pressure relief valve. Ditto the matching expansion tank. Boatyard? Not until I've been forced to admit the challenge has beaten me! They can however, gladly have the forthcoming antifouling job!
  16. Yep, same here, I thought it was just me. Thanks.
  17. I was on the verge of ordering the calorifier and expansion tank but got the jitters at the last minute. There’s no rush but I want to be sure I can make satisfactory connections to the engine before jumping in with both feet. The engine is a Thornycroft OE160 which is a British Leyland – Triumph 2.6lt 4 cyl derivative. I have experience of rebuilding engines but not diesels, and not marine versions. I have worked out that I need to connect to the bypass next to the thermostat housing but is it just a matter of diverting the bypass via the calorifier, or should I be teeing into the bypass hose with the return somewhere else? I've just spotted a blanking plug - could that be part of the answer? Thanks again, the video may help.
  18. I hope they wrote it off and replaced it. I would consider it forever second hand.
  19. Stand by to cringe: My neighbour at the Gardens on hearing my story related the time his mate allowed him to have a go in his brand new Aston Martin. The front spoiler was lower than the kerb he dried to park against. Ouch. Bad enough in your own car!
  20. Mine was fine. The bollard just rolled over and lifted the front wheel clear of the ground so no more drive, therefore it didn't get to damage the CV boot or anything. Drove home, no vibrations, 76mpg so nothing out of line.
  21. Thanks Alan. Well there's three of us, and that's a crowd. Any more for any more?
  22. Thank you David, now I'm not so lonely. I think anything bigger would probably spoil the appearance of the place but then again if they were hollow with a "mast" above bonnet level, that would help. When I drove artics we had a Bridge Club. Nothing to do with card games and not a membership to be proud of. Thankfully, very exclusive though.
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