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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. It's a Dutch barge - just add a gallon of petrol and a match - that'll sort it!
  2. Thank you all. Any guesses as to the fourth from the right? It's round in section with a slot up the middle? I thought the two in the middle may be for cutting holes in tiles or glass? One is damaged so at least one of my ancestors was clumsy!
  3. I've been mightliy impressed with the woodworking talent shown on this forum, especially when someone has so much spare talent they can build another boat in minature! So I'm hopeful here: I re-found this brace and bit set the other day and wondered if anyone could tell me about the bits shown here, outside of the roll. I would also be interested as to the age of it. It came from my Dad's stuff but it wasn't his; I'm using his, so it must have been my Grandfather's or even a previous generation. I note the fluting on the last countersink bit, is that special? I have never taken them out of the roll in all the years I've had them (since 1996) but I didn't know they were there because they're so short!
  4. Hi both and welcome. Two people at 31 will hardly make a dent in the average age on this forum, which somewhere around "fossil". Your first boat is likely to be a bit of a throw away as you find out from experience more precisely what you need, so take your time and look for a bargain. The BSC shouldn't be too much of a problem if it's a renewal but a boat having it's first one may require a fair amount of work. Pay particular attention to the fridge; if it was fitted since the previous BSC then it should not have ability to run on gas. Hence 12V fridges are pricey!
  5. I thought they were both rather pathetic. Both seemed too frightened to voice any kind of opinion and contributed nothing to the debate.
  6. As I thought then: now it doesn't look like such a bad deal after all, and I note that the BA don't just get the use of the land for the moorings, ownership will be transferred so they get an asset.
  7. So if the SWT didn't take the spoil, where would it go and would there be a cost involved? If so, how does that compare to the agreement?
  8. Why would he want to do that? Ingratiate himself I mean.
  9. Please correct me if there is something here I fail to see but: Do we know what other options were put forward at the meeting? What do you mean by "do not appear to have been told"? It sounds like you can't be sure. The agreement seems to have been signed by the Operations Director, R, Rogers not the CEO so there must have been at least two people at the meeting who knew about it.
  10. Spooky: As you were posting this I was there having a look at the job and thinking I must post something when I get home. Looks a nice job and the jettys don't look too old either, but I never saw it before the work was done.
  11. I fully understand this policy and wish more companies did the same to cut down on junk mail. Some time ago junk mail was highlighted and it deminished for a while but it seems to be on the increase again. We used to be members of the National Trust and the amount of loose flyers which fell out of the newsletter was beyond a joke, and it all came in a recyclable wrapper which had come from Austria! Richardsons are on the ball with modern communications and looking at their website shows just how much they have invested there. And I would think most people would get a comprehensive guide to the Broads to thumb through long before their hire period.
  12. Anyone else remember the early adverts for electric showers? They said something like, "A three minute shower uses a third of the amount of water as a bath". Three minutes? Once a week? No wonder we have droughts!
  13. Maybe we should all hope that a few of these people get lumbered with this stuff when it's all over.
  14. An alternative to gel could be hand wipes, wet toilet tissues or antibacterial surface wipes. Be careful with the latter as they can smell quite strongly and horrible. Supermarket own brands are usually ok. I have a bit of time on my hands, and it's showing... In 2012 I started work in an open plan office with a group of around 20 blokes averaging 30 years old. Air conditioning circulates all the bugs nicely thank you but if the bugs needed any help they certainly get it from people who never use a handkerchief or tissues. There always seems to be one bod or another sniffing something back as if they want to keep it. Ironically, if they use the toilet and the previous user hasn't flushed it properly, they claim it's disgusting! I had to put up a notice board between myself and one colleague (thankfully he's left now) because of the constant distraction of him picking his nose literally all day! I never share a keyboard! For those reasons I always keep a packet of antiseptic surface wipes at work and in the car. I always clean the toilet door lock, handle, flush handle and tap before the seat then chuck the wipe in the bin. But then we walk down the corridor and there are fire doors with stainless steel push plates. I understand hospitals and other public places are slowly reverting back to copper for it's antibacterial properties.
  15. I've been using Apache Open Office for years with no problems.
  16. Thanks Andy, a very interesting and balanced view.
  17. Andy, IMO the best way is to remove the old bearings, measure them, and get the details as Scaniaman says. Real old trailers had taper rollers but I think most now have plain rollers. If so, you'll have choices: cheapo Chinese via Ebay (with added virus!) or a decent make. You could also have open bearings or sealed for life. Depends how much you value the trailer etc. If you are going to be dipping into salt water quite frequently you may want to go for cheapo Chinese and replace every year or so. Briefly dipping to rivers I would go for a good sealed for life jobby. Get some latex or vinyl gloves as there'll be plenty of muck and grease involved, some new grease for the new bearings. There'll be a large castellated nut with split pin so some big sockets or large grips needed. A large "technical adjuster" may be required to get the hub off. Hope that's not too involved but it's based on my own experiences of starting a job and finding I haven't got the right kit; worse when you're 140 miles from home!
  18. Looking at Google Earth I can see why they would want to improve Trowse bridge but not the others. It carries the main line to London and surely they are trying to improve this part of the infrastructure along with recent improvements to the roads. According to Wiki there were three stations in Norwich and the Great Eastern won. Norwich Victoria didn't need a bridge so it probably came down to brown envelopes. There seems to be a bit of ex-industrial land at the south end of Trowse bridge, have they considered building a shiny new station there? The other two bridges surely don't justify any investment, or are they in danger of being welded shut?
  19. Is that four letter word allowed on here? I can just about remember it. As Marshman says the anti-social working hours payments would make the costs astronimical on their own but you could also add in the extra costs of health and safety, like lights, generators etc. And I don't want that lot going off outside Brundall Gardens in June thank you very much! European working directive rules limit the hours that can be worked at night as well, adding to the problems. There may be other spokes that have been shoved in the wheel since I had to be aware of it.
  20. You probably won't see where it happened because posts have been removed. While we don't all agree all the time with what the moderators may do, or don't do (and I don't), I assume they are all unpaid volunteers (?) and therefore giving up there spare time to try and keep order here. They are therefore amateur, human and the best we've got! Unless I'm wrong of course.
  21. Leave it alone because we would all have to pay for it one way or another. If it were commercially viable, someone would design a modern boat to go through as it is: Inflatable roof as per modern tent and caravan awning technology?
  22. All of the above! Back in the day, if someone did something nice only a handfull of people would normally get to here of it. Likewise, a bully could only intimidate a similar amount. Social media and other vast improvements in communications has expanded all that, but we are still learning how to use it. If only anonimity was abolished and people's was income linked to what they posted, it may invoke a bit of concentration. But until then: The internet is just the back of a huge toilet door.
  23. Sounds like a good plan, best of luck. The gate valve should be fine with regular use and while it ain't broke...
  24. Thanks again but It needs to come out and have it's bum painted this year and I have nice big ball valve ready to go in while there's no chance of disaster.
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