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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. My first thoughts at reading about the new proposals: us non broads dwellers, and there's millions of us, think of the "Norfolk Broads" as a place for boating holidays just as we thinking of the Lake District for walking and climbing etc. Therefore the Broads is surely in the category of cultural heritage as much as navigation? http://www.cultureindevelopment.nl/Cultural_Heritage/What_is_Cultural_Heritage
  2. Legality should be challenged, absolutely. Sitting on the fence though: Everyone new to this subject should be sitting on the fence as it were shouldn't they? At what point should they decide to climb down one side and what would you do to make sure it's you're side, if indeed, you want the support? And what kind of painful landing do you mean? If were truly on board and in the spirit of this thread I would take that as a thinly veiled threat but as I remain on the planet "normal" I'll take it for what it is, an unfortunate choice of metaphor.
  3. That's a mis-quote somehow? That's Paladin's writing. I'm not offended, just setting the record straight.
  4. Good strategy. I thought we established before that there was no strategy.
  5. Wow, isn't it exciting? Reminds me of Citizen Smith and the Tooting Popular Front! Is there a code word to set everybody off in action? Is there an activist behind every bush along the Yare? Sorry, but it is funny.
  6. Well it seems we don't have the answer to that just yet so why can't we have a neutral attitude towards it until we do? For instance, it could be they were looking for confirmation, or it could always have been part of the procedure and the question came in mid way through. I've seen quite a few premature "look, we've got 'em on the run" type inferrences on here.
  7. Please explain to me if I’m being a bit thick here, or provide further proof, but: From up here on the fence it looks like someone wrote to a council and received a prompt, precise and full answer to his questions. No delay, sidestepping or other fudging to suggest the holding back of relevant information. One council openly admitted their consultations and acknowledged their knowledge of the questions to the first council; nothing hidden there then. It looks like the councils were fully aware of the regulations and the scrutiny they would undoubtedly face, and worked in respect of both BEFORE erecting the signs. The key here is “in respect of”; they don’t appear to have flagrantly chucked the signs up and to hell with the consequences. Even if the Secretary of State turns them down I can’t see anyone losing their job over it. I don’t see anything to have Dr. John running for the hills just yet. The councils seem to display solidarity with no sign of fear.
  8. Being the size of the table could be a red herring. Could it be an extension piece to be used as a temporary worktop in the galley area? Are there any pull out/fold out supports hidden away for it? Superb woodwork anyway and I am extemely jealous; the 33 sedan was my first choice but I just couldn't find the right one. Built just 7 miles from where I'm typing. Edit... I make videos and I've just had a look at the one of the 33 I viewed in Brighton Marina. Could it be a replacement table; you put the big one away and use the small one to give more leg room?
  9. Anyway, back to the story... As she was built around 1970 I have been trying to keep the saloon and deck looking as she should for that period. So while visiting antique dealers it gives me something to look out for. I have already invested in a cigarette lighter of the period and I've been keeping my eyes open for an ash tray. I don't smoke by the way and never have as a regular habit, but it's about the boat and the era, not me! So today I found this in a local dealer's place we've never been to before.. It's still dusty here but I'll clean it up and give the teak oil treatment and it should match the lighter perfectly!
  10. It's a very cunfused hula hoopist.
  11. No perhaps about it Peter. I wrote somewhere that maybe some people should write their posts somewhere else and then sit on them for a while and contemplate. I know that's not always practical at the speed some of these threads move but it would help, especially with some subjects which some people feel passionately about. I was going to reply to Alan's post but I'll do it here to your face as it were... I was going to point out that I drew attention to one of your posts in the other thread which many people would say was childish. There was a response from the mods. But since then you have made other posts equally so with no response. I was going to ask that the mods take care to be consistent with us new boys as well as the old. "It's the way some folk are.." Yep, and the mods know the way you are, and now they're learning the way I am. No offence intended.
  12. It's not really a highjack, besides, I'm joining in! I'm trying to think of characters I've met who would fit the description. Was he here last summer? There was a portly chap (see, I can be polite!) with a 34 footer and a Jack Russell who could talk for England. His boat was behind mine a bit further along the jetty.
  13. I'll leave this to Mark because I never knowingley met this guy, although I'm starting wish I had!
  14. Thanks Mark, I forgot about the gardeners, they do a great job.
  15. I would like to claim some talent for getting this boat back to within a mile or so of where it was built, but I can't; it was all a happy accident! I started by looking for the closest marina to the Midlands and BG is just about it. I read through the reviews and some of them weren't very complimentary but I think they were quite old. I'm not sure when the major refurb took place (but hopefully Mark will be along in a minute to clarify) but if the reviews were posted before then, BG could apply to have them removed. I must remember to mention it to them sometime. I came over for the day and checked out BG first. Karen was in the office at the time and she was very helpful and welcoming. Then we chatted for ages because she used to visit a place in Leicester where I used to work. The first thing I checked out was the toilets which came up to spec. As an aside though, the loos have individual timer switches for the cubicle lights; you press the button then after a while the light goes out and you have to press it again.. if you haven't finished! What I want to know is, who decides how it takes for the average person to do a No.2 and what did they do to find out?I would like to have been a fly on the wall in the meeting where that was decided. Maybe there's a British Standard for it? No, we'll have to stick with European Poo Time until the end of the transisition period... Sorry, I shouldn't type late at night.. Anyway, I liked the mooring and spoke to a very friendly local on his boat there. I had to decide fairly quickly for fear of losing the boat to a live aboard student in Glasgow. I then nipped round to the Yare for some lunch before driving home. Since taking the mooring I've found just about everyone is very friendly and being close to the bank I get a lot of passers by who like to stop and pass the time of day. I love it! There is very little noise during the day. I don't mind the big diesel trains but they all stop at night anyway. I think the Type 37's(?) are being phased out anyway. At night I love the silence. Just one time there was a hen party in the holiday cottages but that's all. I was also fascinated by the history of the place and found this:http://www.brundallvillagehistory.org.uk/maps.htm Looking down the jetty from the back end of my boat I can just see the thatched cottage which is pretty much all that's left. If I was really picky I could say the black ash like stuff in the car park is a pain in the wet. I watch the forecast and usually only come over in the dry but this time of year needs must. It's quite fine and sticks to your shoes, and then to the boat carpet if you forget! So yes, I love it at BG and will hopefully be there for a while yet. Haven't tried the other pub yet, and isn't there a new italian restaurant in Brundall?
  16. Here's the reply. We were typing at the same time. I'm finished here, it's all your thread.
  17. I never said I know a lot about you or Dr Packman. I don't think he's all powerfull and never hinted that I thought so. But the fact that he's been in the job for twenty years and you have failed to knock him off his perch backs up what I did say thanks. To get the better of him someone has to have a better strategy than he does. Futile bickering on a minor forum, drowning in bitterness and predjudice is just that: futile. You and others appear to be just waiting around for him to trip over something. It reminds me a lot of a Ms Sturgeon and a Mr Corbyn who said something about another bloke being unfit to lead, would crash out without a deal and be a Trump Puppet. They're still waiting in hope too. Just in case you're struggling with that; my point is that this thread is a futile waste of everyone's time. Saved you asking.
  18. Are you hinting at some kind of victory on the back of vandalism? That would be a seriously bad precedent to set wouldn't it? So every time someone disagrees with a decision made involving local authorities, just go out and spray something and get it overturned. What a place to live in! Imagine someone wanting to move house to this area and on the way to the viewing they see a defaced sign or two. And what about the seller, could they expect the best price? But on the upside, plenty of "affordable" housing in the area!
  19. And I note that the immediate reply to this is yet another which lacks any intent to actually do something.
  20. The logic there is almost on the level of you're mate's recent effort. So if you visited a place where the locals were smashing the place up for some reason (a reason you may well consider to be not your problem and besides, you're trying to relax not looking for a cause.. well most people) you would gladly return for another visit?
  21. Well now, who should I believe? All I know about Dr Packman has been learned from these two threads on this forum, and the same goes for you Paladin. From where I sit up here on the fence I can see that Dr Packman is an extremely clever chap who is a darned sight better at what he does than I am at what I do. He is also clearly so far, a darned sight better at it than anyone trying to oppose him.
  22. Yep, that's why I expect and hope my XC90 will see me out. Let me remind you of what all that rust looked like: My TR7 rear screen inside and out.
  23. Complete with Quartic (is that right?) steering wheel I hope!
  24. Yep, but they're smart, presentable and part of a well planned strategy. Criminal damage is not. Criminal damage cannot be seen to influence decision making so it was never a clever thing to do. But then again: would anyone like to volunteer to superglue themselves to Reedham Ferry?
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