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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. First we had to sing "Happy Birthday" as we washed our hands, do we now have to sing "I'm forever blowing bubbles"?
  2. I was thinking along these lines and wondered how much wealth had been created in Ghana and if there are statues over there. Future history will have to explain why in 2020 all these statues were removed or relocated.
  3. I agree, it is getting stupid but I always wondered how Little Britain got away with it in the first place. For me it was the same humour as in Love Thy Neighbour. But no complaints when it first aired on the BBC? Anyone have a copy of the album "Monty Python Live at Drury Lane"? Probably all been burned.
  4. No. I find it reassuring that the views expressed on this thread are not that extreme or far removed from my own. If we are having a vote on which subjects should be banned, add the Broads National Park to the list please.
  5. I watched 'Till Death us do Part and Love thy Neighbour but neither of them convinced me to hold racist views. Ordinary black and asian people with a sense of humour do more good for race relations than any activist.
  6. I wouldn't know, maybe your flies are undone? Depends on your interpretation of an evil stare. My natural expression is "dead miserable" even when I'm as happy as a pig in whatever the word is. If I caught your eye in the street you may interpret that as an evil stare, with or without your girlfriend present. Where do you live?
  7. Here in Leicestershire I didn't witness racism until I left school in the early seventies. When my kids went to school they witnessed hardly any racism. My grandchildren cannot for the life of them understand hate based on skin colour/religion and even sexual orientation. Racism should be encouraged to "grow out" of our culture with generations, which it is naturally doing. Unfortunately, there seems to be a group of people who's agenda includes stoking the racism fire to keep it current. As always the media doesn't help.
  8. I wonder if any of the wealth from the slave trade funded medical research?
  9. Now I would pay to see that! As if I needed another excuse to visit Woodbridge.
  10. We had to wear our best clothes because we were going to watch it in our Grandparent's front room! I was 9 years old, some of you must have been married with several kids?
  11. Yep, I would say all parking restrictions have been lifted for the duration. Reminds me of the book, "Eats shoots & leaves".
  12. I'm sure there's a few on this forum who hear falling water at 06.30; it comes with age.
  13. How about an old redundant punt gun? That'd make yer eyes smart. There must be a few left in Norfolk?
  14. It already has in Derbyshire and some coastal places. Ironic then that a lot of beaches still ban dogs to avoid mess!
  15. Needs to go off automatically after 30 seconds or so; after the burglar has cr*pped himself and legged it. Any repetition of the noise is just a nuisance and that's why most of us ignore them. I have a wi-fi camera which cam be triggered to record.
  16. I agree with the sentiment but it'll be a very brave politician who announces it. The BBC have probably already got some loser lined up ready to get passionate in front of the camera about rich people when others are suffering hardship. I think it'll come in a batch of other relaxations so it may be "lost".
  17. There's "we" and "we" in this case. The "we" in this case is the general public which is all of us whether or not we joined the queues. It highlights an underlying every man for himself attitude. Social media started the panic buying then raised thirty odd million. That's about a million for every thousand deaths. There's an interesting, if sad statistic. We didn't queue either by the way, that's the other "we". Confusing isn't it?
  18. I think it's unfortunate we will probably never know the effect of the panic buying episode on the statistics. Just as the virus was starting to get a hold on our tightly packed country, some idiot posted pictures of empty shelves and we all packed ourselves tightly in long ques just to help it along. No politician of any party is going to mention it again because it would lose them votes. I seem to find it easy to remember when we hit the self destruct button.
  19. Someone somewhere said they use one of these for a mudweight. I like the idea of a practical solution combined with a bit of history and bought this yesterday. It's not clear but it does say 56lbs and I have tested it with a spring balance of similar vintage. I guess it'll bring a nice sample of mud up in the dished top! And I promise to paint it...
  20. My maritime and broads experience is a nice round figure: zero. But I was recently impressed by the general attitude towards my thread regarding safety equipment. It was quite relaxed in a "don't worry, we've got it covered" sort of a way. On the other hand, too many safety patrols or even safety notices could put people on edge, create unnecessary fear and spoil the relaxation.
  21. I often get distracted on Google Earth when I see an old railway and find myself searching out old stations (or swing bridges on the Broads). Usually a good pointer is a "station road". When following the old line from Malvern to Upton on Severn, Worcs, where you would expect to find station road there is M*nge Lane.
  22. Ok back on topic. With big items there's always the possibility that the winner will not have viewed it before hand and may back out when they see it for the first time. It's why some people put, "you're bidding to buy not bidding to view" in the listing. With a non running engine they are likely to win the auction, come and see if they can get it going, rub their chin and offer you less than the winning bid, hoping you'll just give in. JM is spot on; if you can get it running and edit the listing it may save you being messed about and get a better price. My feedback rating is 597. I sold an electric guitar - collection only - for £10 and when asked the winner when he was coming over he said he couldn't because, "you live too far away". Yep, my fault because he lived in Southampton and I wrongly live in Leicestershire. I sold a Morris Minor - barn find, restoration project, non runner, no MOT - and this winner came back with, "I can't get a trailer". The time wasters usually have a very low feedback.
  23. Sorry for adding to the thread drift but: I bought my first boat, a Seal 22 Sinbad from Andy. Great bloke, and his son will do anything to help too. There are great bargains to be had if you haggle politely and especially if you include storage into the deal. He's an old campaigner though so any sign of aggression and he'll tell you where to go. Love Woodbridge. Favourite places: Riverside Restaurant as above, Adnams shop in the car park and Ye Olde Bell and Steelyard pub.
  24. We have taken part but our neighbours are the same. We live in a cul-de-sac of 15 houses and after the clapping there is a gathering of households with drinks. There is now quite a clique of those who think it's a waste of time. Back on topic, I think it has run it's course. Brilliant idea which could be revived in the future. If it carried on though, it would have just faded away as less people took part.
  25. Agreed, so I'll jump in with just 20 hours to go: He obviously considers himself to be Royalty because he's clearly read the Royal Handbook on how to conduct a car-crash interview. He stuttered a bit, probably because he was cringing as he realised someone had written the words "eyesight" and "driving" in the same sentence. Should have read it through before going live Dom.
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