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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Assuming people reading this thread are interested in walking, can anyone recommend a guide to walks in the Broads area? Seven miles is about right for us for a start. If you leave it too long the Grandchild will have got bigger, but if you leave it 25 years the Grandchild will carry you!
  2. That's better. So now is not the time to start bashing the BA again. My sympathies are with anyone working and in fear of losing their job. That was me in 1992 and I did lose my job. It was a long, hard road back, and the only advice is try to keep spirits up and keep plugging away.
  3. My point exactly, so if nobody comes along with figures to the contrary, you're right Andy.
  4. Nope, getting bored with it already. I wondered how long it would be before someone kicked off and I note your posts were quite restrained until your mate came along.... Difficult to prove either way I imagine; hardly worth arguing about, but that won't stop anybody.
  5. I think they must have Fridays off, I haven't had a call yet. I wonder if it's something I may have said last time? I wouldn't want to feel left out.
  6. So someone said something positive about the BA and/or JP, Paladin then comes in with a very cleverly worded post, JM backs up everything Paladin writes and off we go again: same old same old same old....
  7. No I don't think so either; couldn't be accurate enough.
  8. I haven't done that yet but looking at the prop just after would save me the bother.
  9. When you say "look at" do you mean literally; you just want to see if it's chipped etc, or do you mean a full inspection and check the cutlass bearing? I have an action camera with a waterproof casing which would probably go under there.
  10. The boats could have their names/registration numbers more prominent but I hope they don't start making more and more rules. So long as the hirers are happy that they have covered themselves should the inevitable happen, then the rest of us can only be vigilante. Should one of these idiots drown you can bet some no-win-no-fee solicitor will try and prove negligence.
  11. Me too, about twice a day at the moment. They have a the ability to "hijack" a local or mobile number and keep changing them. The recorded lady tells me she is going to renew Amazon Prime for £79 something and if I don't want to, to press "1". Of course I don't but I do always wait until the end of the recording to see if anyone takes up the call, then I can tell that person to ***k off! They don't take up the call unfortunately. My kids bought me an oversized desk bell for a laugh some time ago and my wife often gives these rogue callers an earfull of that. They usually hang up afterwards which is very rude in my opinion.
  12. I fear there will be a second spike anyway as the holiday makers start breathing all over each again after this weekend. Same sex parties apart, I would have thought the Broads is one place less likely to spread the virus compared to coastal resorts and holiday parks.
  13. I am very sceptical of anything put in the media at the moment. The Express article was just another "something to write about" article to provoke. TV companies just want to find the saddest person with the hardest luck story. I would like to hear the other side of the story of the bloke who was told to work but nothing to do with bending the rules and advice surprises me anymore. Here's one example: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8474491/Leicester-mayor-Sir-Peter-Soulsby-71-broke-Covid-rules-visit-girlfriend.html We are about 5 miles outside the Leicester red line which just pens in all the major council estates. Word on the street is that there may be a mass exodus on Saturday when the pubs open.
  14. Firstly, I think that's a fair opinion from someone who like most of us here, doesn't know the all the legal ins and outs of hiring. Secondly, I think that's a fair reaction to all the stick dished out to someone raising an issue. Interesting thread, thanks Rummy.
  15. I'll put my hand up here and say yes, at that I age I could see myself and a few mates doing the same; getting bored sh**less and larking about. But I'm now my Dad! But I wouldn't want to be there as an adult with young children witnessing that kind of thing. It is a shame that these vids get as much exposure as they do and I hope we don't get people like the cyclist's vigilante brigade who strap cameras all over themselves then go out looking for articulated lorries!
  16. Why am I not surprised to see this behaviour? A group of young lads leave their BMWs and Audi's behind and take to the scenery at 4mph. How much fun did they think that was going to be? Idiots yes, and they'll probably be more while Ibiza's out of bounds. We saw a stag party on the broads when we first came over here for a look in 2007 and were surprised that same sex groups were allowed.
  17. And they blame our generation for the state of the environment!
  18. Does this mean a contraflow past the biscuits and temporary lights by the bakery?
  19. Did you use a plate camera for that Peter? 5x4 or 10x8??
  20. Somewhere, a long way from here in another thread, Griff mentioned "Admiral Brown". Is that term only to be used exclusively by ex-Navy types or can we all repeat it?
  21. I think it may have been me what started all this. I would apologise but I think someone's trying to pull my chain.
  22. Sorry I'm late with this but I didn't know until last Saturday that the 40mph limit around the north of Cambridge has now been lifted. I did see a few cones at the side of the road so they may be putting restrictions back while they plant flowers or something but we got home in 2 hours instead of 3!
  23. I move from one insurer to another either every year or every other year. Sometimes the NCB entitlement is on the renewal notice and sometimes I have to ask for proof but it is always on record. If you have reached an age milestone, that could put the price up. I've never seen it written down but some companies don't like older drivers. Every insurance company makes it up as they go along anyway so it's best to shop around. One month company A will be cheaper, next both company B will be cheaper for no obvious reason.
  24. Very similar to what we did over here in Leicester: we dug up a car park and found a Richard 3rd! No thread drift....
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