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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. That's very interesting. My experience is that old boys tell you osmosis is not a problem and even a bloke who does anti fouling etc and had the chance to quote for it says it's not a problem. I get the impression that the main purpose of osmosis is to negotiate a price down following a survey, after which the new owner says it's not a problem!
  2. Yep, it's in Technical Questions and Answers and it's titled "Boat Safety Certificate Renewal" or something close. I started it but it wouldn't cover your problem I don't think. I have just had the Denham Owl's done but I'm waiting for the final bill before I post a conclusion to that thread. However I can sort of back up Vaughan's comment regarding the outboard etc: the examiner checked the fuel system for leaks, filters and taps so the BA may be concerned about a separate fuel tank and may want the photo to see if that's the case? Any wiring may also be a concern, I had a fuse box which had lost it's cover and this was a fail.
  3. I think cost comparisons are a whole new can of worms: If you consider people who like the canals and don't care for the Broads or visa versa, there is no comparison for them, but they are contributing to the statistics anyway. Then there are people who never move their boats, so are happy with the little bit of water they are sitting in, which destroys the mileage argument. We could go on and on.....
  4. All? No, but it'll do until Ernie picks out my number then I'll be having a look around. It's a great place but there are loads of great places so I try to see a few of them as long I am blessed with good health. Rutland Water is where I had my first boat. How does it compare? Closer to home. Boat stored on a trailer so had to launch every time I wanted to use it. Fishermen have priority and take great delight when bored and catching f-all, in firing up the outboard and stopping on your heading to force you to change direction. Deeper; 13 metres in one place. I used to try and find it with the depth sounder! The main appeal of East Anglia is the people; there are two kinds: those who are outgoing and friendly, and those who are introverted and friendly. The latter are just harder work. It's therefore a great place to visit, Broads or not. We still have a week's holiday in Keswick (Her Majesty's Lake District) at least once a year and while the scenery etc. is perfect, trying to get "Good morning" out someone is like pulling teeth!
  5. They had no members, so decided to remove the rquirement of "sensible".
  6. They use "cover" not canopy but I wonder if there is a difference by definition? I would expect a tailored canopy to be part of the boat, being very expensive and made to last. Although they obviously have a limited life span I would expect it to be far more than 3 years. Mine has a cover which although tailored, I would expect to be defined as vulnerable to wind damage.
  7. No, they're shop owners or market traders and they get you in the afternoon; there's no hiding place!
  8. On the inside cover it says, "This map has been specially drawn to supply all the information necessary for the full enjoyment of a holiday in Broadland". So I would take that to mean anything not helpfull like closed lines and stations would be omitted. There is unfortunately no border to the map as you can just see on some of the pics. Obviously there was a creative type working for Jarrolds at the time of publication!
  9. The mental image of old combinations hanging above classic wooden broads craft in a wetshed.......
  10. Seems to be a chain ferry at Buckenham, when did that pack up?
  11. This has come my way and I thought I'd share it. There is no date on this map so knock yourselves out trying to work it out, for instance: two stations in GY?
  12. Oh dear Mark, I am disappointed; I thought I was about to learn about some remarkable technique for looking after old boals. Ah well...
  13. No but you can easily scratch the gelcoat trying to get it off.
  14. What year are we in anybody? Well seasoned timber smelling of creosote and a black, sticky mess around the bottom which your Mum would clout you for getting on your clothes? Or is this in your lounge?
  15. Could you manage without the flappy bits Peter?
  16. Not just me then.... I see Timbo's point about the roof leaking but they look very uniform and seem to be deliberately above each boat. That would likely tie up with Peter's bat idea; it would encourage the little blighters to cr*p elsewhere. At Rutland Water boats are at the bottom of the food chain below fishermen, who are in turn below the birds. You are not allowed to sail near the bird sanctuary but the birds are allowed to fly over your stored boat. God only knows what they put in the bird feed but they sh*t Polyfiller.
  17. And on a lighter note: It is true that I tend to think too much and walking past this wetshed I began to wonder what the vertical flag like things hanging down above each craft are for? I have a vision of someone sitting in the corner of the shed on a summer's day, pulling a rope to make them wave back and forth.
  18. She's not shown on the Little Ships website but even so, that seems a very good price if she's in such a nice condition?
  19. Yep. Sorry Regulo, my silly sense of humour. It's a template; the left hand edge describes the profile of the side of the boat. Back on page 4 of this thread there's a pic showing the original wooden steps which should have come with the boat and I am trying to do something similar. As my woodworking skills are sadly light years behind quite a few people on this forum I should keep quiet about it but hey, a bit of humiliation never hurt anyone. The template is made up of bits because I keep adding sections to get the profile as close as possible to the shape of the boat to spread the load.
  20. As has been said before on a similar subject: inexperienced people have been hiring boats on the Broads and canals for years and years and it's only since the coming of the internet and social media that we get hear more about it. I'm sure if we knew how minor car accidents there were on the road everyday we probably never drive!
  21. Exellent job Griff. I still marvel at how you get the knots in just the right place. I think that would be a good one for The Generation Game! Here's my effort. It's made of several bits of 6mm MDF glued together. It'll work fine as long as the MOB can tread water while I finish the job.
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