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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. But if you click on the image to enlage it you get a clearer view... of the no entry sign....
  2. Yep, it's almost as if some people think Civid 19 is waiting in some kind of truce until midnight Wednesday when an Almighty Referee will blow a giant whistle and call, "Game on!" Or Covid 19 is waiting with it's head in it's hands until the same time when it will shout, "OK, ready or not, I'm coming to get you!"
  3. This is far from the first occasion I realise I should have tried harder at school.
  4. Packham is an author among other things. One thing I do know about publishing is that you will get published and sell more books if you have a bit of notoriety for whatever reason. It could even be that his agent could be telling him, "It's coming up to Christmas y'know better find something to crow about!"
  5. Gordon Bennet! I've got to have another wondow open on Google just to keep up with this thread!
  6. When I was as rich as Crassus (no I didn't have to google him, honest.) I was invited on a local fox shoot. This was because the local hunt wasn't effective enough and a pig farmer was losing too many piglets to foxes who kill for fun. I expected to see a bit of blood but not a freshly skinned piglet. Foxes are a godsend though if you are looking to photograph a cute animal in fresh snow, for a calendar or Christmas card.
  7. I leave my engine bay closed in as the tube heaters are (?) very low wattage and on a protected circuit. BTW I found that when setting the thermostats, it's very difficult to set them accurately at the lowest settings due to the wide range. I use WiFi to switch mine on and off but I have considered using a separate frost stat to save the electricity bill.
  8. So that's what it is! Thanks fishfoxey, I'll have a look at mine this week when I get over. Anybody: what should I expect to find and what's the best way to clean it up?
  9. That's horrible. But the fact that it's happening at all shows these fat salaried bods are not earning their corn anyway; concentrating their efforts where they think they can earn a badge or two.
  10. As I see it the problem has two parts: one is that the heads of certain organisations are paid fat salaries which they would find hard to get in another profession. The second is that we are not cruel to wildlife anymore therefore these people have to invent problems to give themselves a purpose and therefore justify their positions. So could we either find them all decent alternative employment, or just enjoy ourselves and start badger baiting, cock fighting and shooting every bird in site? I wonder if we did, would they notice as they clearly think we do all that anyway!
  11. Same here but we have sailed a bit close to the wind recently and I can understand that poor neighbours doesn't always mean a poor neighbourhood. We now have a few houses for rent locally and we get a bit twitchy everytime they change occupants, based on experiences of the past.
  12. I'm sure that in this case the Lidl and Aldi ones come from the same factory as do most of their tools. I have noticed however, they are getting more competitive lately and one will undercut the other. The main difference for me is that I can walk to the local Aldi!
  13. I would like to apologise for the weather; it was me what jinxed it. In another conversation somewhere I mentioned the forecast was looking nice for Friday and Saturday. That was because we were planning to come over. I did say I may have just jinxed it and I clearly had. Sorry. Mind you, the last couple of times I have come over, the forecast has been completely wrong so you never know, there may be a heatwave. I pity any first timers who may be out this weekend too.
  14. Thanks for the Lidar thing grendel, I'm going to be playing with that for hours now!
  15. This came up in a thread about old railways a while ago so here it is again for anyone interested in old maps: https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=5&lat=56.00000&lon=-4.00000&layers=1&b=1 I've already had a look and can't find a clue to the tramway but maybe if you knew more accurately where to look it may be worth a squint.
  16. My elderly Mother in law suffers the same. Luckily she knows not to give out information but the scammers try different things and it is a worry. We got one of these for her: https://www.livingmadeeasy.org.uk/communication/telephones-with-photo-or-picture-buttons-1342-p/ I don't know this company, I'm just using this link as an example. When she wants to call, she just pokes one of us in the face.
  17. And where did you get that much money from?
  18. Quite right Sam, I didn't put it very well. I guess I was trying to point out that it's very easy for anyone to buy any size boat and take to the water without previous experience.
  19. Good point. We private owners never have a hand over. No we don't need to introduce tests; we have them for cars some people can't "moor" their cars properly either.
  20. Well they look solid enough. I think it's also great that these have ended up with a worthy charity. It's the kind of thing that we see at a local auction which then end up at a car boot or on Ebay. I buy quite a few cheap Chinese tools and the main problem if there is one, is lubrication. They often use thick grease and not much of it. A strip down, clean and re-apply decent lubrication is the way to go for a longer life, as in so many things.
  21. The rule is SIX people, standing at the front like that doesn't fool anybody.
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