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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. I've just got back from Brundall Gardens and two boats have recently departed and another has been sold so there should be at least two moorings in the 37 - 40 foot range available.
  2. I think you mean mopo? I have no right to know the answer as I am well over 50 and have Grandchildren, but I'm going to guess "my own personal opinion".
  3. Oops, sorry. Make that Baked beans, bog rolls, Adnams Broadside, whisky and Copper House gin, and a fruit based drink for the girls. Better?
  4. Get out the "Protect and Survive" leaflet, turn the settee over and get the family underneath, panic buy baked beans and bog rolls; it could last all winter!
  5. A respectful point of order Vaughan: As far as the BA is concerned I remain on the fence. I don't see the videos as a threat in themselves. What I will always highlight though is what my mind interprets as dishonesty bordering on corruption of a body who, I presume are funded partly by the taxpayer, putting out propaganda in favour of (presumably) one or more of it's supplementary funding sources. If I get more time on my hands I may investigate the funding of this academy. Either way, if they want to make a video promoting paddleboarding then I don't have a problem with that, just call it "Paddleboarding for all" or something and state if you're getting any funding/advantages (advertising/discounts) for it. What may be a better project for the young students of the academy is this: Do your research into the history of the Broads Authority and then research the history of the Broads National Park status. Now produce a video which busts a gut to unite all parties to make an agreeable future for the Broads and it's prospects. Get everyone on board and working for a common cause. An excellent opportunity to learn how to communicate effectively and with purpose. You will also have achieved something which will push your academy to the top of the ratings making it an extremely valuable asset to your CV as well as easing future funding. Carry on as you are and it'll be nothing to be proud of. I also have no problem at all with anyone helping with the education of our young people, but "help" shouldn't be used as an oportunity to brainwash.
  6. I use a Sonoff but I don't know if it would record the temperature in a log. It shows the current temperature and humidity and I use it to switch on a dehumidfier between 02.00 and 06.00 using a timer via the dedicated app. This shows the installation: I'm not sure if I say I don't use the timer in this vid, but I have learned now anyway.
  7. True. I meant tourists in the broader sense.
  8. Anyone know a painter who can abseil? Or one prepared to saw 12 inches off one leg of his ladder?
  9. I saw this and the other offerings by the academy although I haven't watched it all the way through. Again, comments turned off. The description introduces it as being aimed at students of the academy. So assuming that to be true, the good news is that it won't be being peddled all around the place to potential tourists. The bad news is that the academy has made a massive mistake in two parts, or even two massive mistakes: 1 The information is wrong/inbalanced 2. They've made the videos public. If I wanted to secrectly brainwash a bunch of students into becoming my own Master Race, I would keep quiet about it and make the videos private. The fact that they haven't shows they've failed to do their homework on the workings of Youtube, or have they? It would be very interesting to see the search tags entered for these videos. My own Master Race are not ready yet; they're still in my secret lair below BGM....
  10. I think it also reflects very badly on the academy. And before anyone plays the inevitable trump card that it was produced by a poor student with a back story, it's still publishing to the World and responsibility for that lies with the leadership. The future output of this academy will now be monitored and if it continues to be unbalanced, funding and leadership should be called in to question.
  11. I don't think in this case JP can be blamed too much for this, but I do think someone is trying to crawl up his.....ooh, sometimes you just can't think of the right word. Comments disabled shows clearly that the publisher (a person at the academy) was doing nothing to keep it from the public's viewing therefore the very publication itself was provocation. "I'll do that for you Dr Packman!" or "Have you seen what I've done for you Dr Packman?" I suspect JP could be livid; I had him down as being far too clever to support something so unbalanced.
  12. Yep, I agree with vanessan and Vaughan but would add: Paddleboarding has more than a little impact on the environment - the environment is starting to be destroyed as soon as someone gets in their car and starts the engine to go work to produce something totally unnecessary, then they're made using crude oil, electricity for machines, heat etc. True they don't impact the environment in actual use, unless you fart while paddling. I'm not an eco-warrior but I just see the hypocracy of claims involving the environment. No mention of hired cruisers or private boat owners? Thanks. I thought I made a contribution via my tolls but clearly the lady with the car park ticket is more worthy of a mention. No mention of the purpose of the video on Youtube. You can put a description so viewers know what to expect. Anyone can post a video on Youtube and you have 3 choces: Public - anyone can search for it and see it. Private - you can only see it if you have the right url. Unlisted - available to anyone but doesn't come up in any search. If this is only aimed at subscribers/members then it should be private, unless they really want to influence those outside the academy. But then with comments disabled they obviously know there would be very unfavourable comments. I try to sit on the fence but I'm afraid this is nothing short of car crash publicity on the level of a royal/Cummings TV interview.
  13. Carbs?? Are you reffering to those pesky Cortinas and Minis? Or is it some disgusting practice to do with their digestive systems?
  14. Joking apart MM, at BGM there seems to be plenty of room away from the boats for trailers so it may be ideal.
  15. Actually, we need him; the green one behind me (picture on here a while ago) has now been cleaned by the owners who hadn't been for 7 years!
  16. No, not a pub for ooh, (rubbing chin) 40 miles or so. And you have to keep your boat spotlessly clean ("Brand new customers only".)
  17. Yep, Marshman is spot on. If you leave it in the boat you still have to charge it somehow? I had an electric outboard for my 22ft Seal. It worked a treat in use but hauling the battery in and out tests your back muscles and your balance! Of course the ultimate electric outboard is I guess, the Torqueedo, but they are pricey.
  18. Congratulations. About this trailer space you need: will one of them have a 42ft boat on it by any chance??
  19. Denham Owl is insured through CETA/ MS Amlin. I had a notice to say it will automatically renew on 1st October. I was waiting for confirmation so that I could send a copy of the certificate to the marina for their records as required. Today the marina chased me for the certificate so I checked and it hadn't renewed! A phone call soon sorted it out but you would hope that there was something in place to set off alarm bells if it doesn't happen. The system failed to take the money or notify anyone of the failure. I won't trust the system again!
  20. This video contains images of an old bloke, a poo pipe and a duck. I'm giving no clues at all as to how the story pans out but you'll either have to watch it or leave it up to your own imagination. The current situation is that she (the boat, not the duck) now has a new BSSC and simplified gas piping but no water heater. I made the decision to bin the gas water heater and install a domestic "under sink" electric one. The old one is currently on Ebay and the new one isn't piped in yet so I'm back to domestic hardship for a while. The decision is based on our projected use of the boat and should we decide to go cruising we will have to rely on electric points, buy a generator or boil the kettle! The generator is not such a daft idea as one of my neighbours installed one when one of his female guests insisted on having a hair dryer on board. Ok, it is daft! In the process of removing the old heater I discovered that the hot water supply ran from the heater down into the bilge, accross the boat, rearwards through a bulkhead then back accross the boat and up to the hot tap, about 2 feet from the heater! And none of the pipe was insulated. The run to the heads hot tap was about the same length and would explain why it took ages to get any hot water at either tap. Also gone is that bloody ugly chimney! Another tip for renovating/updating: Try and avoid domestic wash hand basins. Pot ones are ok in a heated environment but in a cold boat the mass of the basin also absorbs heat from the water and you use more. Not worth me changing it now but I notice the difference between the boat and my caravan ABS jobby. Work has started on the outside again: I've removed some more rotten wood (I hate bringing bits of boat home in a bag!) and started applying resin and glass matting. The BSS and the weather has stopped progress there for a while though. I was hoping to have it waterproof by this time but hey ho. Once the water heater is up and running I can focus fully on the outside.
  21. How easy is it when out and about, to find a mooring with electric hook up?
  22. Hey, that sounds like a great improvement to a long running political TV show. It would be worth the licence fee on it's own!
  23. Yep, that sounds like you can have a short term toll then once it runs out, you won't need the BSS. Bit silly that. BTW the BA don't get any money from the BSS; you pay the examiner who has to be certified/qualified, for which he has to pay. I'm not saying it's fair or not overpriced, it's just not the BA which gains financially.
  24. Sorry for the aside but did they answer the bit about paying a toll for the tender?
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