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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Well you could always borrow my camera and take your own photos, it may need a wash first but you'd be welcome???
  2. As a Broads foreigner, fascinated more than interested. I think we need symbol for "elbow nudge and talking from the side of the mouth". Well I guess that's close!
  3. Actually, having given it a bit of thought, just a mirror needs to go in the tank so MM should be fine. Also, if I'm right about the inlet pipe they'll be no urgent need for a pump out as there would be no chance of any backflow. So I'll do as OBB suggested earlier and whip the top off and have a butchers inside. There's not much of anything in there as I can move it by hand, and I have added Odorlos. I was going to take the boat for a Poo Cruise round to Brooms for a pump out but it occurred to me that if the marina don't reopen the toilets I may as well wait until the tanks got a bit more in it and get my money's worth. Thank for all the replies so far, shame about the ongoing lack of volunteers though.
  4. Yes, I've had a quick look and found the whole pump is worth the extra. I've also had a look at tank designs and every one shows the inlet at the top. So mine must have the inlet extended upwards, possibly with a "U" on top. This must be the case to prevent back pressure. The connections have been that way for years so can't be wrong. I could confirm this by risking taking the level indicator access off as OBB suggests, and shoving my action camera down.
  5. I'm sure there must be a drop pipe and I'm wondering if there would be a pipe from the inlet going upwards. I have some photos somewhere of the stampings on the top of the tank and I'll try and trace the manufacturers.
  6. The brown pipe to the left is the breather, small white is the "rinse" and goes to a deck fitting next to the pump out fitting, which is where the other white pipe goes to. The white ones are the ones replaced by me and are the kit for the job by Lee Sanitation. The inlet is at this end of the tank (bottom of the pic) and goes in a couple of inches from the bottom of the tank. I've already cut a chunk out of the fridge support to allow access to the clamp. In further preparation I have made bungs for the ends of the pipes and the tank as I envisage it taking a while to get the old pipe out and thread the new one in through the holes in the bulkheads. I will also put some old towels etc in the bilge to catch anything before it gets to the bilge pump, and have plenty of wheelie bin liners to take the old pipe away. I thought that's what it must be but there is no gauge or warning light anywhere and I have never traced the wires to see where they go. And it's not shown on the wiring diagram. Last time I disturbed a cover like that on a water tank some of the bolts snapped so I think I'll try and see if it works first. I've just realised that I covered this in DO12 so here's a link. The tank bit is right at the beginning so no need to watch it all the way through.
  7. And as mentioned in one of my recent videos I have a 3M face mask from Screwfix which also keeps out smells. I'll be doing both when the time comes. And yes, it should all be on video in glorious colour!
  8. No, but as we're already discussing such things, details please. Yes but as the lever is switched over it closes off the water inlet to the bowl. I wonder if it then pumps air behind the "stuff" or if it draws in water, bypassing the bowl?
  9. Attention seeking title or what? Denham Owl is fitted with a normal Jabsco loo and holding tank. I've never had the pleasure of using any kind of boaty type toilet before and maybe I'm over thinking the job(by) here but: what happens when I pump the “stuff” towards the tank? I have researched the subject and found that due to the velocity attainable I have to pump 7 times to achieve 1 metre of distance but what happens when it gets to the holding tank? I notice the inlet to the tank is at the lower end (avoiding the word “bottom”) so is there a one way valve there or is there nothing to stop the transfer pipe being part of the storage? Does it use air to pump the “stuff” through the transfer pipe? Ultimately, I am wondering what to find in the pipe when I disconnect it, although I could take a wild guess! I am hoping that pumping a load of clean water through followed by a good pump out will make changing the pipe a little more pleasant.
  10. One of the greatest gifts I gave to my kids was a wicked sense of humour. This has come back to bite me with this creative Father's Day present. We nipped over yesterday (Sat 20th) to freshen things up and get it ready for the "next time" whenever that may be. Nice to see a few people about and nice to see not many insects had invaded.
  11. There'll be a few Rolls Royce's covered in soot.
  12. Just a couple of thoughts: Do we know who the owner is? Do we know he has no funds? If someone were to refloat it, would he then come out of the woodwork and claim it back and if so, how would you claim back any costs incurred unless you had his prior permission? Happened to me with 1936 MG SA which had been dumped in a field for 20 years. Luckily a legal notice had been posted giving a set time for the owner to come forward. So should a legal notice be given to the owner and by whom? That's made simpler hasn't it? No. Once that's cleared up I would think it would make a good project for a student looking for a degree in environmental studies. Ok, I lied about "a couple".
  13. I think it may depend where abouts you are in Brundall, and by that I am presuming you are looking for the best signal in a marina? I'm with BT and the signal at my mooring in Brundall Gardens is non existent, but it's there sometimes when I get to the carpark! Luckily we have wi-fi and use Whatsapp when on board. To make calls I walk or drive to the village centre. Another factor I have discovered is the phone. Wife and I are both with BT but we can be in the same place and her Samsung A70 will get a better signal than my HTC 626. Yes I will be upgrading soon!
  14. So they could have kept completely quiet about 4th and then on the day announced that "from today" you can stay over night. Everyone would cry "Not fair! We need time to prepare!" Or they could wait till the 4th then say "from the 11th.." and some would say "Not fair! We need more time!" So maybe a good idea would be to say that on the 4th we'll make an announcement. Then some will interpret that to suit their own agenda, selectively ignoring the previous statement that everything depends on the R number. They'll be the ones crying the loudest if it doesn't happen. Damned if you do....
  15. A little word in there which sticks out a mile: "intention". Which for me means it's not set in stone. Camping and Caravan Club are saying pretty much the same. Some will open without facilities though.
  16. Just a thought: Boris said that a big factor is the R number. How long does it take to react to the R number? The 4th July is three, oops, two weeks away so given the R number could change, it would be foolish to commit this early?
  17. floydraser

    Sold Boat

    I wonder how many of us are looking the new situation with a view to lifestyle changes? We have a touring caravan which we love and before buying the boat, we considered a campavan for long days out and the odd overnight stay. Having decided to leave it I bought the boat. We have recently been reconsidering the situation and for the moment we are waiting to see how things pan out but in the long term if the campavan looks more practical, we may also sell up. Not before next April though. I was never too keen on using public toilets before, even less so now.
  18. It's what Bill used to call Eddie in Love Thy Neighbour. And as far as I know, no-one complained?
  19. And at the same time destroying the environment because someone had to make the machine to boil the water (nothing else will do apparently) and take the capsule thingys. The capsule thingys are now recyclable - whoopee-do! Great news if you ignore the use of the raw material and power in the first place. What's not to like? Please tell me I'm not helping any drug Overlords by buying Aldi Columbian coffee beans for my (gas) percolator?
  20. Is the marina open for access? I haven't had an email.
  21. I think this thread has just about run it's course. Steam has been let off and there's little more to add at this time.
  22. Hi, you won't be disappointed with BGM once it reopens. At 36ft you won't be far from me either (ok, maybe you will be disappointed).
  23. Very well put. I would add that it may be better for history's sake if we let the situation in the USA settle down a bit before we started removing statues etc so that our efforts were not prompted by theirs or next time they have a mass shooting, we'll be banning guns.
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