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Posts posted by OldBerkshireBoy

  1. 1 minute ago, annv said:

    Yes but most boats don't have a fuze on alternator circuit it is just wire so where is the danger your just lowering the spec. John

    Without doubt you know far more than I on 12 & 24v systems however the very mention of fuses and wires makes me jumpy if people think it might sort their problem at home, this is from somebody who once found a pub robbing electricity via a 4" nail.

    I now apologise and withdraw from this thread.

  2. 22 hours ago, Poppy said:

    I did, last week.  An older lady was wearing hers over her mouth but under her mouth. I pointed out that her nose should be covered, she looked a little embarrassed and pulled it up. A little later I saw her again with it back under her nose, so it was clearly deliberate on her part !

    Giving benefit of doubt here, could it have been broken so wouldn`t stay in place ?

  3. 6 minutes ago, Cal said:

    Just thought about this further. If you had the inverter switched on and the battery charger switched on then depending on how the boat was wired it could well have been trying to charge the batteries from themselves which would explain why the alternator couldn't charge the batteries quickly enough and why they were flat even after cruising.


    If that is the case then the boat isn't really set up for novice hirers who would not understand the boats electrical systems!

    Would expect the engineeers to notice that and when in doubt I would expect the yard to swop out the batteries as well or am I expecting too much with the last point.

    Sometimes when faced with a head scratcher situation I get the customer to show me how they use the unit as often this shows up the problem straight away and saves me hours of fault finding time.

  4. 1 minute ago, 750XL said:

    I’ll hold out on a full review until Waveney River Centre have responded to my email.

    But in short, the batteries wouldn’t charge properly via the inverter which meant we couldn’t use the oven/hob/microwave/kettle/toaster for almost half the holiday - presumably the point where the shore power charged batteries finally went flat. Disappointing for a £900 boat, along with the additional costs of having to eat out + half a fridge of wasted food. 

    Looking at previous reviews of this boat dating back to August on Hoseasons, it doesn’t seem like an isolated one off issue like we were led to believe...! Disappointing.

    Did you call them out to attend to the problems?

    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

    It would appear that there is a shortage of moorings, at least for 45ft boats.

    It might be reasonable to guess that Joe Public's confidence in the future re jobs and security is presently on hold.

    I can agree on the first point however good boats will sell (at the right price).

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Cheesey69 said:

    In my experience of semi governmental organisations is you will like what we give you unless you really make bad publicity and the general public get upset. 
    until then just write strongly worded letters and we will take note and do what we was going to anyway 

    Are you still on topic here?

    Sounds like a daily news brief.

  7. 3 hours ago, oldgregg said:

    Having been on a syndicate recently and observed the engine hours that the boat was doing over a season, it was only around 600. That's a 48 week boat, so in theory just 12.5 hours a week.

    If you assume that in reality perhaps just 35 weeks are being used, that's still only 17.14 hours a week - Just 2 and three quarter engine hours per day.

    You average boater does seem happier cruising sedately around from one location to the next, and is not bothered about how much ground they cover. The southern rivers don't really fit with that model so perhaps explains why they're more popular with seasoned boaters who are more interested in doing six or more hours at the helm.

    It also explains why we have such problems with batteries on boats...

    Is the low engine hours anything to do with finding moorings by lunchtime and then staying put from fear of struggling later to finding one.

    • Like 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, SwanR said:

    Ha ha ha ... I realised it read like that once I’d posted it but couldn’t be bothered to edit it! :default_rofl:

    Sorry Jean but the door was wide open and I couldn`t resist. You know how it is. 

    Better it was me than the court jester eh?

    • Haha 2
  9. 28 minutes ago, SwanR said:

    This thing about water everyday ...  Showers are kept brief and water used sparingly ... too cold to want to take too long in March! 😂 And if we’re in a pub we use their facilities. 

    A pub with showers, never knew that!                :default_coat:

    • Haha 2
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