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Everything posted by kpnut

  1. And then we all woke to the most glorious morning, and it’s stayed like that all day. With the gazebo packed, litter check done, breakfasts eaten, we all went our separate ways, with at least three of us heading through Wroxham bridge now it seems to have finally opened itself for traffic over the past few days. I went through with the board saying 6’9” and I’ve been through with 2 or 3” less, but having not been through all winter, it felt tighter than I remembered. I think I appreciated the cruise up to Coltishall more than most trips, being deprived of the enjoyment all winter. Once at Coltishall Common, I quickly made the decision to stop there rather than going up to the lock, mainly ‘cos I couldn’t be bothered to use the rhond anchors-how lazy is that? Water Rail soon passed me on the way up to the lock and later, Karizma moored up next to me. Cody and Finlay made their re-aquaintance, having only said their goodbyes earlier in the morning.
  2. I’ll be down there asap! Grendel’s method will be quicker. We have to remember thistle flowers give plenty of nectar though. Although my argument is we leave plenty of space for the insects all over the marshes, I’m sure they wouldn’t begrudge us a tiny bit of weed free ground on the moorings or along the footpaths.
  3. I just wrote on the bridge height thread I’d spotted Tower Bridge in Hoveton. Of course, it was at the end of the Coltishall Common moorings. You certainly put in the miles.
  4. I passed Tower Bridge on one the moorings in Wroxham/Hoveton this morning but reckoned it couldn’t be the right Tower Bridge for you Howard as last time I heard you were pubcrawling down south. I presumed there must be more than one. Now I know you’re north again I’ll keep another eye out.
  5. My guess too. Near the top end of the straight moorings. I can’t think of elsewhere with grass up to the wood, although it’s not like that all along there either. And tall trees on both banks.
  6. Here you go Grendel. I came past on my walk and called you but no reply.
  7. The end of a lovely day among fellow minded folk. Thanks to NeilB for letting me hitch a lift on Rambling Rosie for the cinc, I thought cruising with someone else would be more sociable than driving on my own. And thanks to Nigel for a great quiz, something for everyone there, to Bluebell for agreeing to me my quiz buddy, and to Simon for all the organising of the weekend of course and to Grendel for baking bread. And then thanks to everyone else for just ‘being’ and contributing to a very relaxing day. Biker and I agreed he needs a second boat, just to store everything he needs on board!
  8. I did get to help, along with plenty of other folk. What a beast! Spent an enjoyable afternoon and evening in sociable company and being entertained by the antics of the three dogs. Thankyou all. And looking forward to the day’s events.
  9. It certainly is a misty morning. One of those you just feel sure the sun will burn off at some point. 🤞🤞 I’ll be leaving PH shortly to make my way along to Salhouse. I might even be able to make myself useful helping put up the gazebo if I time it wrong - oops right.
  10. I was taken on holiday when about 10 to Brittany in France. Much to my dismay, my dad had brought a project for us to do - measuring the diameter of lichens on the standing stones at Carnac to date the stones. We just wanted to go to a creperie! But is it any wonder that 30 years later I then studied for my OU degree in biology and geology? Thanks in retrospect, dad.
  11. I didn’t know her but feel sad for her suffering. And for Hele and for you, it’s a tough time. Glad you have a last memory not so long ago on the boat.
  12. Till 29th. All being well towards the end, I’m introducing the 5yr old grandson of a boaty friend of mine to the delights of time on a boat. I’ve just bought him a colouring book and pencils from Lathams in case of a rainy spell. And I’ve got an i-spy book of water birds onboard which I found at Hickling NWT the other week. Grandma says ‘no electronics’. I agree!
  13. Ha ha. Failed last year, could try this time round. He does have a couple of boots in case of injury, and a coat to say cosy in the saloon in winter nights, so I’d just need to borrow Desmond’s jimjams off Mermaid, but he’s not attending.
  14. I was probably still snuggled up in bed. Mind you I opened the curtains at 6.30 to watch the world go by. Sorry I missed you, but thanks. See you tomorrow.
  15. Is the fish restaurant in Horning high end? I’ve never been in.
  16. I arrived onboard yesterday afternoon after a somewhat uncomfortable journey from my daughter’s. I’d picked up yet another sickness bug from looking after the youngster. Just about recovered well enough to drive and now I’ve had a solid 10 hours sleep I’m feeling much better, moored at How Hill. Looking forward to the meet at the weekend. Hopefully fully relaxing this year. Last year, I was worried about Finlay eating that stick on the Thursday and certainly not being himself all weekend till it finally came out on the Monday. With a call to the emergency vet early on the Sunday morning after he’d had two bouts of sickness during the night and a walk round Salhouse in pyjamas, wellies and raincoat in the early hours. That was also the weekend I was due to become a Nana, that also happened on the Monday. I do remember having to have a plan B for the meet as I had Helen, Graham and Harry, Pozzick and Seren as guests on board. So I’ve ordered a noneventful trip this time, please🤞🤞🤞 A walk up the secret garden (in the rain) and extended for a good long walk with the dog is planned today and then slowly making my way along to Salhouse by tomorrow sometime.
  17. Days like that happen sometimes, thankfully, of hopefully, not too often. You’re on the Broads ready for the trip across to the north and a good weekend in the pipeline.
  18. Better found than not though Mr Raser.
  19. You have Helen, but it won’t have registered with you at the time. My dashboard is black. It does show up the dust!
  20. That looks a lovely stretch of river. Horrible feeling when you hear that certain noise and know you’ve hit bottom. I did it at Dilham in the winding circle, got too far over to the far bank as I didn’t want to frighten the folk moored up nearest the bridge by going too close. When I take the boat out in the autumn.winter, I’ll be interested to see if I took a chunk out of the rudder, doubt it but it was not a nice noise!
  21. kpnut

    My Day

    I’ve read quite a few of the books from childhood. A Traveller in Time, I am David, Stig of the Dump, Jane Eyre (which is the only one of that sort of book I like), Towers in the Mist, Adventure in Forgotten Valley to name a few. Always worth a revisit.
  22. kpnut

    My Day

    Well done Helen, but a fruitful day. Me too. Our class reading book in the equivalent of yr 5, age 9.
  23. I wonder if they ought to put a small roof over, not enough to stop the birds being able to fly in. Last year was very wet, this year there isn’t much shade in this scorching weather. I know they don’t have a roof on their cliffs, but they probably choose places with overhangs etc given half a chance.
  24. kpnut

    My Day

    I’m very glad to hear this Helen as although not what either of you would really have wanted for Graham’s father in normal circumstances, it’ll be so much safer for him and so much less of a worry for you both. I would say enjoy your trip to Anglesey, but that’s not really appropriate. So good luck and it’ll hopefully be the last cleanup operation you have to do.
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