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Everything posted by kpnut

  1. May make your acquaintance sometime this week NorfolkNog. If you pass a bright orange ex Richardson’s horizon 35 give me a toot. What boat are you on? The storm seems to have disappeared as quickly as it came. I haven’t seen tomorrow’s forecast yet. Hope you are nice and snug. Kate
  2. I think you can buy cotswold at that shop in wroxham by the bridge. Along with cheapo DAF that always smells awful so I avoid it.
  3. They look mighty tasty! cotswold raw is good stuff. I buy frozen too and can manage a week of raw on the boat before having to swap to cold pressed kibble.
  4. Xylitol is also in cheap peanut butter, which I know lots of dogs love (the p.butter that is). Re veg: Finlay grazes all day at my allotments, cabbage stalks are a favourite and he nicks any raspberries and apples within reach. I have to watch my peas and runner beans too. Half a cucumber and a carrot go down well too. I don’t let him have tomatoes (he doesn’t pick them anyway) and he also doesn’t seem to bother with my grapes vines, grapes are meant to be particularly bad for dogs. He must know! I would encourage raw feeding for any dog as long as you can cope with the slight messiness, and not to go for the really expensive ones which I think are just companies jumping on the band wagon. I use dogs butcher and can buy direct, although I get it from a supplier as it’s actually cheaper. It’s nice chunky mince and you can see the different stuff in it, some look like mush.
  5. Think it’ll be noisy at ranworth though, the sail boats in the private moorings have started their percussion chorus.
  6. Mine eats raw, turkey is on the menu every few days, so perhaps it makes a difference once it’s cooked, although I buy frozen cooked chicken pieces as training treats. He eats anything I give him to be honest, tripe, minced rabbit including guts, pheasant carcass etc and he like cheese as a treat too. He stole a pheasant breast I’d just taken off bird the other night, was very cross, but he is as gentle as you like when retrieving them when working, so obviously doesn’t associate an actual bird with dinner!
  7. On my tod at ranworth so went side on down side dyke, should be sheltered enough there, back of boat facing south. Just started raining and wind picked up, bang on cue of forecast I read this morning.
  8. Don’t forget the bigger the boat, the more costly the mooring fees and the toll. Finding one with a mooring allocated is always a bonus. Buying direct from Richardson’s may fulfil the mooring requirement and in my opinion, Paul is fair to deal with. Ex hire boats are ‘ready to go’ but will need refurb work over time. I do my simple diy eg interior painting, electrics when moored up on the river and then feel I’m still ‘using the boat’. Insist on anything that the survey brings up being done before any money changes hands. To be fair, Richardson’s seem to do that anyway and don’t expect you to pay a deposit or anything until completely satisfied. Maybe all companies are like that! Happy hunting. Bring waterproofs and wellies if you are planning any walks as it’s very puddly and muddy at the moment. good luck.
  9. And don't be afraid to ask all the questions you need, the specialist nurse and groups like Macmillan will be open and honest and, as my hubby was told, they get paid to talk, so use them! Xx
  10. And it was super. Mighty difficult for you to monitor though Polly! Thanks very much.
  11. I managed at surlingham, Helen, just about and with a couple of about turns due to the tide taking me downstream more than I thought. I was embarrassed at the time about having to abort and go again, but once I managed it, I was chuffed! And the bonus was , there was £22.76 left on the electric just by my mooring, how on earth did it get to that credit?
  12. YnysMon, I don’t know how to do the right emoji, but hugs to you, stressful when you have to drop everything and go into autopilot to sort something out. Xx
  13. I had Astra Zeneca for the first two with no side effects and Moderna booster 10 days ago. My arm has been hot, tender, swollen and very itchy ever since, no sign of abating yet, but thankfully not stopping me working. My sister was in bed for a week aftrer her booster with same vaccines, but two friends had no effects at all. So I think it's just the luck of the draw. incidentally, I tested positive on a PCR test in September. I had a headache for 3 days (not unusual to be honest) and a negative lateral flow test, and no other symptoms ( in fact my temp was 35.9, certainly not 'high temperature'), but a PCR test of the same sample, collected when at a screening clinic for a medical trial, was positive. By the time I was told the result, the headache had gone and I felt fine again. Just had to have the remainder of the 10 days at home! Not sure what this says about the efficacy of lateral flow tests versus PCR tests.
  14. Oops, didn't mean to press a sad face!
  15. It was good fun indeed, thanks very much. Must practice typing!
  16. I'll give it another whirl Grendel, really enjoyed it last week. Thanks very much. Kate
  17. But now, at gone 11pm my mind is buzzing when I should be trying to get some sleep before a busy day out working with the dog tomorrow.
  18. Thanks, I'll notch it up to 65% when I go next and save some money with a bit of luck. It does always feel nice and dry when I first go onboard. Because of the initial outlay I did think twice about getting one ( I think it's a seago dessicant), but would certainly recommend using one to anyone with access to electric. I lie the fact it blows out some warm air (costing me more money I expect!) so slightly fewer worries about things going pearshaped in winter too.
  19. Thanks for having me, really good fun and much easier to work out what to do than I was anticipating.
  20. Ha, ha. am I wasting money having mine set on 45%. It does have an auto cut off but now presume from what you are all saying that it won't be switching off at all
  21. Got it, like a chatbot when you ring a company and can't get through so you go on their website and a message pops up with 'Can I help you?' and you resort to an online typed 'phone call'! Thanks. I hope to be there in that case.
  22. I think I might like to join in but am not sure how it all works. Looks like I log in as Bern has said above, but then what happens? Do I need a zoom type thing as I have no idea how to do that, or just a computer to type my answer onto? any help (hopefully with clear instructions so I don't get in a muddle) gratefully received. Thanks, Kate
  23. Ah yes, that was it. What a beautiful boat. Very nice to meet you if only very briefly! I'll keep an eye out for you again. Kate
  24. Not till December sometime unfortunately.
  25. I’d love a vinyl one if I meet you, thank you very much. And yes, a printed off one would be sensible, I noticed Lulu had one the other day.
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