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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Light on in the Maltsters, no notice outside or any indication that it's closed
  2. More hungry ducks at Ranworth
  3. Getting better Neil moorings at St Bennetts above water
  4. Tiny bit chilly M! Ducks loving Mrs Nog's corn Bit misty at Ranworth too
  5. Some hungry customers this morning
  6. Thanks Jean and thanks for the update at your end hope to up that way next week so fingers crossed we can get in to NBO yard
  7. Mrs Nog had brought her Christmas lights M
  8. A pub that's actually open! It would be rude not to go in
  9. Lovely sunny day today. December is the best time to be on the river Think only a canoe will get through Potter at the moment though. Levels do seem to be dropping slowly.
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-67563964
  11. It's an excellent pub. Good selection of well kept, quality ales. Regular entry in the Good Beer Guide. I think they do food but its predominantly a wet led pub from what I can see. Well run, convivial and popular. Everything a good pub should be. I think if you go down the gastro route you are in a very crowded field and have to stand out to survive. But back to the Maltsters - I'd be very interested to know what's going on if anyone is passing by.
  12. That may well explain it. If I turned up on a hire boat in winter with little daylight left and found a pub shut when it's supposed to be open I would be very ticked off. I believe the Ship is closed and it's a long walk to the Fur and Feather. I'm going to make a point of phoning up now rather than relying on the published hours. I know pubs are struggling and I support them as much as I can but they do themselves no favours by closing at random, equally by booting customers out early. If a pub operates irregular hours then customers will get fed up and not return.
  13. Don't do Facebook but the website was active until very recently promoting their 'bottomless' roasts and did advertise winter hours. Reduced trade could indeed be a factor, the Dog has been closed over the winter for a few years now. At this rate I'm going to be having dry holidays!
  14. The Maltsters website appears to be down and I think Griff reported that it was closed on a Saturday. I wonder if this is a coincidence or if there is a problem? I know they run on reduced hours in winter but should be open at weekends?
  15. Another case of use it or lose it https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/23942423.white-horse-pub-upton-sees-150-villagers-call-help/?ref=rss
  16. ....this was in February, as Faircraft Loynes yard was full. We moored overnight with no issues but moored as close as we could to the Hotel so there would have been space behind us if needed. Edit: Should add of course that Faircraft Loynes don't allow private moorings so that is not an option in itself.
  17. We usually manage to moor in Faircraft Loynes yard during the winter. The yard staff are very helpful and we've only been turned away a couple of times when there is literally no room. On those occassions we were advised to moor at the Granary Staithe and did so without any problem. I dont think it's an issue out of season and coupled with high river levels it shouldn't be a problem.
  18. Latest news is that Hollocks has had approval to host a drum and bass event at the Beauchamp https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/23920811.beauchamp-arms-broads-pub-can-host-3am-rave-south-norfolk/?ref=rss
  19. Not sure if this will work https://sg.news.yahoo.com/wildlife-trust-buys-pub-promote-070759833.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&tsrc=twtr&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly90LmNvLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAF3N9c2PmXfBN3NVTplSe6BCFgauq_Zu8jr68TcMTAREApB8P-PztAgWVkMJi5yj-QtbTCEte117CM6aHd8P0OogV2ANXhZ5MWlu5tfcaeI09QCJtieaLT2q0bZeEKhVc-6WDAMqx7I_ICQgR3EoBp2gwTJ6lgNJ3y9l90VCrYlV
  20. I have reversed out but it's tricky if it's windy. I agree with Simon, turning at the end is not ideal. What we try to do is turn the boat on the ropes as soon as we moor up which makes it easier to get out later if the dyke gets full.
  21. That sounds good news, should be a good chance that they will keep it as it is. Better than it becoming a burger joint, flats or worse!
  22. I've tended to find that. The wind always seems to blow from the North bank which was always the 'pub' side although I think they have taken over the farm side too. Mooring on that bank in a strong cross wind without the aid of bow thrusters can be a bit of a challenge (been there..... etc)
  23. I see Hollocks is in the news again https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/23892439.raymond-hollocks-beauchamp-arms-pub-facing-licensing-review/
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