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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Well there are several pubs to go at JF However you have wisely chosen lager in the B*tch in the Ditch
  2. It is, I guess a lot of folk won't want the walk Landlord is very friendly, think he's called Ian. He remembers me, can't think why Nice unspoilt pub, not many left on the Broads now
  3. Ha, ha superb Bridge Inn I need to get Grace to chastise you over this beer though Seriously though a great pleasure folliwing your adventures BTW how was the Falgate?
  4. Great photos again JF You put the White Horse in again though
  5. Breydon by night, respect sir
  6. Easy peasey JF, the White Horse at Upton. Wont mention the beer You did well getting down the dyke there, its a bit narrow! Such a shame about the muppets, I could quite happily cruise from November to mid March and do an Andrew and sit on the wall at Reedham the rest of the year (unless Grace was afloat of course)
  7. Hi Trev Heartily recommend Swancraft - fuel, pump outs and all Boatyard facilities Did us a pumpout in February, very reasonable, not sure on current fuel prices but sure they will do a good deal. Forum sponsors too
  8. I thought Grace drank wine.............
  9. A three week holiday on the Broads would do me And a few beers..........
  10. NorfolkNog

    Snow Again

    Snow forecast up here in flat cap land too Gets warmer the next day though
  11. I'm on it this time Poser table in the Lord Nelson No comment on the beer
  12. Cracking photos again JF many thanks for sharing. Great tonic for those of us not out on the rivers
  13. I'm suitably abashed It must be in the posh side, we were in there in February too. We normally go in the side to the right as you go in.
  14. Mmmmmm, it did cross my mind but I don't think it is, looks a bit posh for the Ram (although it must be a couple of years since I've been in) But true, Jay may not have strayed far from Bramerton. Think, think, buzz whirrrr...........
  15. I think we'll draw a quick veil over the drink But I'm ashamed to say you've got me stumped with the pub JF, have to have a think about that one!!
  16. Hi Jean I think some yards err on the side of caution as they hate being called out for flat batteries! In all my years of hire I've never had a flat battery Swancraft were superb but most yards have reasonable batteries and charging systems I've also never plugged in during many years of hire It depends how you use them of course. If you sit on the boat with all lights blazing, TV on, inverter on, pumps running etc you will use more battery power. The trick is to remember that you are running off batteries and not the mains! It's worth running the engine while using a microwave for instance but not so you annoy others. Best bet is to switch everything off and go to the pub
  17. ...............Heathcliffe and Cathy
  18. I heard from a couple of sources locally that they were running a pizza delivery service but for delivery only i.e. you couldn't collect. But otherwise I can't confirm either way.
  19. Looks like the excellent Surlingham Ferry to me Glad the beer has improved, I was afraid that I may have had to send Grace round to sort you out
  20. Arrrgggggghhhhhh!!!!! Fantastic photos again though JF, can't get over how blue the sky is, you've done very well with the weather. You don't see that many flappy things on the Yare either, particularly at this time of year. I hope our Sussex Princess is looking in. Keep up the good work
  21. You're too kind JF That looks like the Reedcutter at Cantley to me
  22. For anyone lucky enough to be on the rivers this weekend there's quite a bit going on at the Red Lion. Including a beer festival and the excellent Evening With Bob Well worth a look I think
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