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Everything posted by FlyingFortress

  1. I am well aware of this fact MM. Sometimes it is simply not worth Persuing certain individuals. Let's hear this from The Broads Authority not from an individual on an internet forum. It's called telling the truth and not a cut and paste. I have always been a supporter of The BA and having worked for many years worked for an Authority that had to deal with similar problems that BA has to deal with I really do understand the issues involved. We would never have got away with the above cut and paste and I know that we would never have tried. Maybe my change in attitude is indicative of just how far BA has gone to lose trust of its Stakeholders.
  2. Thanks Tom Points 1+2 nice cut and paste 3+4 I don't really see point as they are in the Public Domain anyway and it does go some way to reassuring us Payers that The Authority is actually doing something about the problem.
  3. I was not trying to increase playing capacity as the auto changer stores enough for me and the XK does not have the other port. It is of course oldie worldie analogue radio C/W an electric Ariel 😳 , when was the last time you saw one of thoseπŸ˜₯ The last one I saw was on my 88 XJS😳
  4. Oh Noooooo not another hairdresser in Stalham 😳 and there was me thinking that one had closed down as there is a Z3 for sale at Nicholson's. 😁 All joking aside it does look rather smart πŸ‘
  5. You going up to Donny for your hair cut Scrumpy πŸ€ͺ
  6. You have not had the top down have you 😳 braver man than me then. I did put the top down last week when the sun came out but it was only a local trip. Heated seats were on and heating off climate control and blowing hot air on my feet 😳 Did you say earlier that Zebedee has a cassette deck AND a CD player? Mrs FF's last truck had the same. It was an 02 reg. My XK only has the CD multi changer in the boot but it is an 03. I wonder when Jaguar decided to do away with the Cassette deck.
  7. I was very much against the idea of Jenners Island at the time, but I am starting to think that this could have been a partial solution. See ,debate can change opinions 😁 This however is now in the past and it is how we address the future that concerns me the most. That is not to say that lessons cannot be learnt from the past.πŸ‘ What I would like from our resident BA representative is an explanation of clear policy on how you deal with non payers. I have often heard the term " they can't be made homeless" and I have some sympathy for that policy, but a clear policy statement would at least go someway to satisfy us Payers that something is being,or at least attempting, to be done .
  8. Thanks for all the very informative replies, I have learned quite a bit and may even have had my opinion on one particular subject changed. πŸ‘ More later 🫣 Like it or not this subject is one of great debate/ frustration on The Rhond and should IMHO be aired. I don't see this problem getting any better anytime soon. 😫
  9. Yeah and this is the dilemma that we and The BA face. But will the Broads be lost anyway if it replaces the local Authorities as a source of social housing? Or indeed is it in their remit to replace Social Services. Not being argumentative just asking genuine questions to which I have no answer.
  10. Fully agree CC in fact I have had more issues with private owners than any other group. The question I was asking, timing aside, is should The BA persue non toll payers or not?
  11. I do appreciate that there is a bigger picture here CC and I don't know the answer. I am just not sure that The BA should be social services. I only suspect that this will get worse before, if ever , it will get better. As I say I don't know the answers but I have witnessed holiday makers being put off returning after being around anti social behaviour. Trying to be as vaugue as possible here to stay within The TOS but a well known person with obvious problems was running his engine in gear at high speed while moored while drinking out of a bottle and abusing people nearby and the family who had obviously paid a large amount of money for an upmarket Hire Boat decided to return to their home yard rather than remain at their chosen overnight mooring. I know you can experience poor behaviour in The Costas but this example is of someone with obvious known problems. It's not the only example I have witnessed at different locations on The Broads.
  12. I see your point MT. My question is , should BA persue non toll payers or not? Yes I am aware that the chances of recovery of unpaid tolls is remote. But should they just be allowed to get away with it?
  13. They are used offshore on Anchor Handling Vessels to get hold of the surface buoy after they have been lassoed. Normally to move the chain lasso into place to heave it aboard. Lassoing is one skill I failed to master much to my frustration 🫣
  14. When I bought the XK there were some corrosion issues which I spoke about to the guy who had been looking after my XJS since I moved back to Norfolk. I was on my back underneath the car as we were discussing it and his reply was " budget 1.5k and I will sort it for you" When I took it to his place he Also identified some paint problems which is his speciality that he could fix. Couple that with a service on a V8 and I shelled out close to 3k . Taking into account the reduction in the purchase price I spent around 1k more and now I have a pristine 20 year old car. As I was still working full time I did not have the time or I may add the skills required to fix it myself I thought that good value for money. 20 year old sports cars are not cheap things to own. But by heck are they great fun😁 I wish I had Griff's skills
  15. Some of us are known to each other outside of fora. With Griff and I for around 20 years. We are both Sailors albeit of different flavours so we understand each other. So if we want to take the wee wee out of each other for our differing taste in boats, cars, engines or any other blooming thing we blooming well will do. As he has said on a different thread I am one of the few people he would trust with his beloved BA and likewise him with my pride and joy. So please. Can we get back to extracting the wee wee out of his hairdresser's car. πŸ‘
  16. Definitely some grumpy folks on here today
  17. Gosh there are some grumpy people on here today
  18. Ok let's think outside the box here. Let's do away with tolls altogether and Free 24hr moorings. Simply charge Β£10 a night at all BA moorings. Then the ones that use the moorings most would pay the most and the Hire Companies can charge less for Hire ( yeah right) . Β£700 would go a long way in my pocket for mooring fees particularly as I am quite happy to pay for multiple nights at Beccles and Oulton Broad at The Yacht Stations. Takes away the problem of overstaying as long as you pay you can stay as long as you like. It's win win for me as I find it quite pleasant to stay still for a few days when I am out on an extended stay on the boat.
  19. I beg to differ MM . Ranworth is only rammed on nice days. On dull or rainy days the only occupants are Boaters, holiday lets and locals. This from a frequent visitor both by road and water.
  20. If that's an issue then he is in real trouble 😜 Mind you the 5hp increase in power may actually take his total output into 3 figures 🫣
  21. Oh and remember it's only a couple of pints of beer. Well for someone on a tight budget that is a couple of pints less in The Maltsers, Ship and Nelson. Tesco et all must be rubbing their hands in glee
  22. I do like that expression. Sums it up perfectly for me.πŸ‘ I think that my main objection to these increases is that it is not just this year that I have felt that I am being milked by all and sundry. But the ongoing above inflation rises year on year without adding insult to injury by then trying to charge for free moorings. The increase in mooring fees at certain pubs is not an issue personally as I choose not to use them . But once the precedent is set for charging for free moorings then IMHO it will only spread.
  23. Nice blue paint πŸ‘ Does it make it go any faster 😜
  24. I do actually agree with you MT πŸ‘ The problem I have is the message that this is sending out. It's OK to just rock up wherever and whenever you feel like and wild camp. AND leave no waste human or otherwise. BUT how many others rock up and leave a mess? My answer is quite a few 😫 By putting this type of video on YouTube simply encourages the less responsible.
  25. It's nothing good as it isn't British 😜
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