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Everything posted by FlyingFortress

  1. Also went another time when our college was tasked with trialling Fast Rescue Craft for the offshore industry. The brief was to let the Cadets play with the at The time revolutionary water jet boats as the theory was is Cadets couldn't break them nobody could. So as young men and women ( around 19 to 20 Ish) we were let loose with these 30+ KTS boats. We were banned from terrorising the ferries and stopped from jumping their bow waves as they went innocently up Southampton Water but we found great sport slaloming through the multi million pound yachts on swinging moorings in The Hamble and then applying the brakes, yes brakes on a boat 🀣 before hitting the Director of the college's yacht 🫣 I do have one vivid memory of when one of our girls got it wrong. We were actually strapped in on a 4 point harness in a tandem configuration when she hit one of the mooring buoys at high speed. I distinctly remember looking up and seeing water and thinking, this is not going to end well, but thankfully the bow dug in first and we ended up upright. Shaken but not dead 🀣 Probably over refreshed from The Jolly Sailor 🀫
  2. Blimey. A real blast from the past.πŸ‘ When I was at Warsash School of Navigation ( basically marine college as a Navigation Cadet) it was our mission on a weekend to take one or more of the college boats up there for an afternoon session. Did it successfully several times but of course as navigators we knew stuff about tides and all that 🀫 I do remember one time either mis calculating the tide or more likely staying for one or three too many and ending up high and dry. It took a load of muscle to shift that boat back onto the wet stuff as the boats were around the size of ships lifeboats I would guess around 7 to 8 meters. 🫣 The mud up that way took an awful lot of Dhobying to get out of our clothes.😫
  3. So write to your MP. Oh just remembered you live in France 😞
  4. Mmmmmm Very interesting. Maybe I was wrong about the FB group. Happy if I am. πŸ‘ Also quite impressed with my own MP for getting involved πŸ‘ I think I need to write to him again.
  5. Just a little tip in case you have to raise the mud weight again before the installation is complete. If there are no octogenarians available of course πŸ˜₯ When on a stern mooring. Start engine Let go stern ropes. Proceed to bow or send crew. Take in all available slack on mud weight rope and make secure again. Engage clutch in of engine forward. Boat will move forward slowly and will break the suction that the mud weight has formed with the river bed . Put engine in neutral and get octogenarian to pull in mud weight. If this does not break the suction then the application of a little throttle may be required. If this fails, tie up stern ropes and return to the pub as you were never destined to leave in the first place.🫣
  6. Must say that's the way I would advise as well.
  7. Think you need to read the specs again.🫣 Oil filled radiator are often used as a supplement to blown warm air heating or as an alternative when on shore power. BBC do still have the Braemore former Moore's Boats don't they?
  8. Don't think Barnes have any of these anymore. 😁 I did accompany a former moderator on this site when he test drove his from BBC He is taller than me and a bit thinner on top. He did remove the top layer of skin on his head on the front door πŸ˜₯
  9. The 30 hp is on a shaft so I would think it would be quite enough. Mine has and had only 8 hp more and can break the speed limits in all tidal conditions apart from a full ebb when transiting South to North through Great Yarmouth
  10. Not sure about that. I would think it would be cheaper to have the windows re sealed than have covers made. Although not for me I do know some who has exterior covers on their boat and swears by them. Apparently cuts out a lot of condensation and is great insulation for winter cruising.
  11. This is what I have. Had her for almost 20 years so there must be something good about them. I do know this boat and IIRC she is in good condition. Good points. Gets under all the bridges except THAT blooming bridge. Split sliding roof so almost like a cabriolet car when both are fully back. You can of course choose which one to open depending on wind direction. One level so no upping and downing. Wide beam so very stable. Hardly any steering input needed to keep a steady course. Nice sociable front saloon for having guests. Ideal for 2 couples as both have en suite and still have access to galley and saloon when the others are still turned in. Big windows for a good view out. Downsides Low down so limited view over reeds. Big windows can be a problem with misting up. Also people can see in. I have fitted a film over all windows except front saloon ones so have like privacy glass. Difficult view when stern mooring. I stand on helm seat and operate controls with my feet. Needs a bow thruster but I see she already has bow and stern fitted. If you are taller mind your head at the doorways. I promise you will only do it twice.😫 Apart from that the fact we have had one of these all that time must say something about the boat type. In fact when we considered changing her a few years ago we were only going to change to a newer model. I think Meg has the engine in the middle cabin like ours. When we first got her ex hire fleet the engine could be a bit intrusive but I fitted sound deadening and even our old Lister was quiet enough. Now have a Nanni. Price seems pretty good too. I was offered a lot more than that early last year for mine when prices were silly. Any other questions please ask away either on this thread or by PM
  12. Of all your very valid points above I think 2/. Is the most relevant sadly.
  13. I think MM it's because a lot of folks post on internet fora what they remembered from their young days and look back with rose tinted glasses. Pubs in my youth were pretty rubbish with Watneys Red Barrel and if you were lucky a mince pie for lunch. Then some blooming genius discovered Proper beer again and Pubs started selling it yippee. Then people wanted more than a pie for lunch and pubs started selling it yippee Then people wanted more than chicken in a basket and pubs started selling it yippie Then there was Real Ale again and pubs started selling it yippie. Then folks wanted more than a burger for dinner and pubs started selling it yippee Then folks wanted craft beer, whatever the f££k that is and gourmet restaurants and pubs started selling it. A cautious yippee Then it was decent ale but burgers at £15 a go and folks stated giving it a miss. Then there was rubbish ale at £5 a pint and burgers at £15 a go , you have heard me preaching about The Norfolk Business Plan before, 🫣 Then they take over two absolute dives on the Broads and turn them into most successful places, The White Horse at Neatishead and The Lion at Thurne. And folk on here complain that they don't serve Fosters or good old Boddingtons and don't do chicken in a basket. These two places are very successful and deservedly so due to serving good quality ale at reasonable prices for the area and decent quality food at again a reasonable rate for the area but no blooming Yorkshire Bitter with a great big head, this is The South where us shandy drinking ####### drink beer with no head, and blooming enjoy it without moaning . If you want Yorkshire Bitter, go to Yorkshire, or Lancashire or Scotland or Wales or any blooming place but Norfolk Norfolk has been my home for 30 years or more. It is your holiday destination. Don't turn it into the home you left behind to come here. Gosh a rant. 😡😫🫣
  14. Not sure I would frequent a pub that did Mild and Chicken in a basket. Did that with my parents in the 1970's . Don't want it now 😫 And BTW I go to a local pub at least 4 nights a week and eat out at least Twice a week. More when on the boat. It's like all the folk who said they would be back in the pubs when they banned smoking. They lied.😡
  15. Pretty easy really 🍺😁🍺
  16. Well said MT. Last time I was in the Lion was 2007 . The last time I got under that blooming bridge
  17. I notice they have also slipped in a £3 charge for using a motor powered tender as well at Ranworth 🫣😫
  18. Feel very much the same as you. I managed to take a look on my wife's account and it did seem to me the same old names airing the same old gripes.
  19. Could someone who does use Facebook keep us updated on what's happening please
  20. Problem is Turnoar. Just how many people's will benefit from the removal of that blooming bridge. Not many. Only folks like me who have an airdraft of less than the bypass bridge. That excludes an awful lot of boats. In fact it only benefits boats that were actually designed to fit under that blooming monstrosity in the first place 😣
  21. It's not. You are correct. Trouble is , Faceache is easy to use and many folk live their whole lives on it. Also, and I am trying to say this in the nicest possible way, it's for people who call programming coding. 🫣
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