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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Don't hold your breath. All governments in the last 30 years have been more reactive than proactive. The problem is they have tied themselves up in red tape and regulation and any project takes decades rather than years to deliver, none want to take the flack now for another party to have the glory years down the line. My Jeep is not the most green vehicle on the road but the pollution costs of building it have already been incurred. what is the environmental cost of scrapping it before the end of life and replacing it with an electric vehicle ? The damage caused from producing just the batteries is huge and I suspect the life of the new car will be less than 10 years compared to the expected 20 year life of the Jeep. Providing the Jeep engine is properly maintained the emissions will be as low as possible.
  2. It's called humour. I have one on board, it was owned by the old gent who the boat is named after and it is about 95 years old. 3 ex naval relations have tried to play it, with limited success.
  3. Just seen a mega Trader go past, I didn't salute as I know it's not Indy.
  4. Shame you turned left not right, I would have lined up the crew to salute as you passed
  5. A photo, thought I had added one I blame the tinterweb.
  6. Seen 14 or 15 of these beautiful boats being rowed up The Yare today. Apparently they are heading to Norwich, mostly crewed by older ladies and all on visitors tolls. They have more energy than I have
  7. Peter, can you expand on this technique please, wheel to port or starboard, I tried it and the back end swung out.
  8. Having had an exchnge of emails with a senior ranger, I have accepted an apology and have suggested enhanced training for the ranger. If I pursued a claim it would only be taking money from other toll payers. My main intention was to raise awareness at a higher level of this unacceptable damage and to alert forum members. Having achieved that I am going to get on with my holiday.
  9. Hallelujah, we are in communication, the initial response is as I would expect
  10. Just sent an email to lucy.Burchnall@broads-authority.gov.uk It is virtually impossible to find any contact email address for anyone. I will be amazed if I get a response before I go home at the weekend.
  11. 4 working days and not a peep, am I surprised, no, No email, not a phone call. I think I will be "having a discussion " on Monday when I get home. Does anyone know the head of ranger services email address.
  12. Don't worry about sun cream, it's very cloudy in Brundall .
  13. Nice to meet you today Bill, thanks for the lights. Regards Mark
  14. All the glue is off but it has marked the window, lets see what they say when they eventually have the courtesy to contact me.
  15. The answer surely is, if they can't fix it on without damage, they shouldn't fix it on at all. There are enough chrome hand rails that it could have gone on or even tucked it under the canopy. It is never acceptable to damage someone's property just to issue a penalty notice.
  16. My boats show as fully tolled from 29th March and obviously have BSS. I even have them insured. Never had a problem before and I have seen the Rangers checking them.
  17. A simple tap with the knuckle would have solved this difficult dilemma. How difficult can it be to type 1 x number and 1 x letter The Rangers have "allegedly" had training on this subject. They made a mistake, it happens. It is compounded by a distinct lack of customer service. All the time they get away without any penalty it will continue to happen.
  18. Fully tolled in March, reg numbers in the correct size and place, even if it was a legitimate penalty notice, it is outrageous to cause damage fixing it to the boat. Sheer incompetence, the Rangers know only to fix then to glass, I have seen the damage they have caused to gelcoat and wooden doors in the marina. I should deliver an invoice to Fawlty Towers over the weekend and glue it to the front door or perhaps nail it to a window
  19. Compounded by the lack of any contact, If I ran my businesses the way they do I would have the the reputation they have, not a good thing in the private sector.
  20. I bet they use the same glue as the old toll disc,
  21. I shall await the response from BA, the longer I wait, the more I will pursue the matter, A phone call or email within a couple of hours with an apology and a proposal to put it right would have helped, the fact it is an obvious ongoing problem that is not being addressed just motivates me the get the problem officially sorted.
  22. I agree, the Calypso's are nice solid boats, I would avoid the fixed dinette style if you prefer a proper settee. I have a full 6'6" x 6' fixed bed in mine. 17k should get you a nice one.
  23. After 3 hours effort it is removed. Hair dryer to slowly remove the plastic film followed by WD40 with industrial wipes. What possessed the ranger to break all the guidelines and stick it on perspex. The marina had complained to the ranger when he announced his visit that they receive numerous complaints after such visits. "We don't stick them on GPR or doors because they cause damage", they offered to show him 3 recent notices examples of notices on wooden doors. The tolls office were great, they confirmed what I knew, the boat is tolled and they would pass my complaint on to the Head ranger or Head of Ranger services and they would contact me to. Heard nothing but I have saved them over 250 pounds for a new window. I wonder how quick I would be reported to the police if I vandalized a Rangers boat. To say I am hacked off is an understatement . Thanks for all the prompt and useful advice.
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