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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. If you can't beat them, cheat
  2. When I have nuffing to do I will work it out. In the mean time I have some drying paint to keep an eye on.
  3. Sorry, make that 5 smartarses
  4. This just proves 4 x nuffing = four smartarses
  5. Another stunning boat, Although I trained as a specialist timber surveyor many many moons ago I don't think I have the skill , patience and time to achieve what you guys and girls do. Hats off to you all.
  6. Am I the first one to try and do a post with nothing in it, You can't.
  7. 1976 was my first taste of the Broads, One of the Juliettes. Mum, dad, little sister, twin brother and his girlfriend, myself and Matron. We were 15 and 16. Brilliant holiday, bitten ever since.
  8. I really hope it isn't locked, time for someone to chill a bit, please.
  9. I was hoping it would be the weekend after when I am onboard, they will go right past me, hopefully giving my boat a wide berth.
  10. How do you stop a tow that size if you have a problem with delays, apart from stopping it against a bridge. Moorings are also few and far between if they need a plan B. I suspect they know what they are doing, Just wondering how you undertake this hype of operation given a few dodgy bridges.
  11. If a moveable bridge fails someone is inconvenienced, be that boats, cars or trains. The obvious solution is to fix and maintain them.
  12. It always amazes me how gridlocked traffic can move to let a blue light through.
  13. I suspect half the Brundall navy are heading that way. If traffic is being inconvenienced as well as boats perhaps it may actually get properly repaired.
  14. Wow, that is a labour of love. Is your biggest joy restoring the boat or being afloat. ? On a project like this do you always have bits to cut out and repair or when finished do you have a few years just to enjoy her before it all starts again.?
  15. I hope they have a few big pumps on standby.
  16. As one of those involved, I would offer my apologies to the OP. I have now located the report button .
  17. Betty, you didn't Needless intervention that indicated the boat you chose to not mention. Am I the only one who can see the irony.
  18. Congatulations, The boat you want isn't always the boat you need. Eventually you find the right one. Glad YOU didn't identify the original one, it may be perfect for any new owner. I nearly purchased a boat that looked great but with hindsight would have been too small, we would have had to change it within months. Enjoy.
  19. Is it special treatment to expect to be able to navigate a river that has been navigable since before the railway necessitated a crossing. A crossing that was designed to swing to allow navigation. Large boats pay a lot of toll, accepting that the cruise area is limited, not to find that free passage being restricted further by Network rails lack of investment or maintenance. You may not like big boats but they provide a lot of high value business for local companies.
  20. Build a canopy over the affected area, keep the sun off and you keep the heat off.
  21. If the van is a mercedes, the tubo might be the same as the jeep. If it is I have a refurbished actuator and a new replacement turbo in the shed if it is any help. The actuators can be refurbished at a place in Rochester, might be worth keeping the old one to have refurbed as a standby.
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