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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. I have a lot of them down the side of the drive, Matron says they are Crinum, part of the amaryllis family. Cut the flowers when they finish and cut to the ground in winter..
  2. Brundall gardens have mostly pontoons in the narina, from a fixed bank it can be a challenge to get onboard.
  3. You have heard about my 2 dyslexic sons then
  4. And that is the difference between the Forum and Facebook.
  5. As normal for F1 in Hungary, sweltering hot all morning and just as qualifying starts the heavens open and thunder and lightening fill the sky.
  6. A 4x4 driver but not arrogant, or foolish enough to class everyone as the same.
  7. Apparently none are considered to be arrogant when we are called upon in snow, ice and floods. We are the best thing since sliced bread (available from you local 4x4 owner free of charge together with milk, percription collection and taking nurses to and from work ) .
  8. The official spokesperson who peppers every sentence with, "you know", NO, I am listening to you because You are supposed to impart information in a clear and concise manner to me. If I knew I would not be wasting my time listening to you mangle the English language.
  9. To get videoed is unfortunate
  10. Budepest is 35 and very muggy, thunderstorms on the way.
  11. They are nice boats, saw one in use the other week, nice and quiet, with little wash.
  12. Kent ducks, on the upper Medway Not orange enough to be Essex Ducks.
  13. The one in the middle .
  14. Is this duck some form of cross breed, never seen this colouration before.
  15. I am off to Hungary tomorrow for 5 nights, it is only 30 degrees and thunderstorms there so should feel cooler
  16. Naughty Grace, I do hope you aren't condoning helming under the influence. Yours, Wasted of Royal Tunbridge Wells
  17. I think the OP has taken heed, or achieved his original objective, the heat and fire is only coming from elsewhere. I blame the hot weather
  18. This topic seems to have escalated out of all proportion. Now everyone has had chance to vent isn't it time to get back to the purpose of the title of the post ?
  19. Why should we ? There is a difference between a slight touch and a muppet hitting another vessel at full speed because they lack the training or don't care because they can hand it back at the end of the week. If someone damages my boat that's my holiday gone and probably the one after because no one is going to come out with a replacement for me.
  20. Amazing work. Well done Timbo for following your dream despite all the many obstacles you have faced. Well done to the Tudor Elves who stepped up to help, priceless friends.
  21. How high up do you fill the bilge, I assume this is to get the Timbers to swell before launching. Any chance of a description of the process for us plastic owners.. Good luck tomorrow.
  22. Finally got the aircon fixed on the Lexus today, packed up last week, great timing . The garages have been swamped with aircon repairs lately.
  23. North Kent is not forecast rain for at least a week .
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