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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Yes indeed Ray, single-handed this time, the same as the last time I had this boat. I considered going south this time which I've never done single-handed before but decided against it because I'm going to the meet at Salhouse on Saturday.
  2. Pedro's at Acle and The Broads Boating Company
  3. My boat, coincidently next to Concerto 5 which I hired with my son in 2015.
  4. I've finally done it. After hiring boats on the Broads for 36 years at long last I'm hiring a boat for the second time. Previously and somehow and for no particular reason, every boat I've had has been 'new'. Today though I boarded Broadland Wave 2 for the second time having previously hired in October 2014 and it felt just as good this time round. I write this having just enjoyed the very good food at the Bridge Inn, Acle. It's been a long day because my alarm went off at 0445 this morning but it doesn't feel like it. I left home in Cardiff at 0550 and the journey wasn't too bad so I was parking at Tesco Stalham at 1120. Having bought what I needed I was checking in at Richardsons at 1230 and the boat was ready at 1. The handovers at Richardsons are always short - when they hear I've been many times they always seem in a rush to get away. Today was a world record I think, must have been all of 5 minutes from start to finish. I was comfortable with that though and I unpacked everything before setting off at 1345. It was strange to see all the Horizon boats merged in with the Stalham fleet, so Dawn Horizon was next to Amber Gem 2. The sun was shining as I set off down river. The Ant was quiet. What a lovely time of year to come to the Broads. It's early enough to be before the summer crowds but late enough to be reasonably warm with long daylight hours. I'd long since decided on Acle as my first night spot but with plenty of time I pulled in at How Hill for a coffee stop en route. Although it was quiet there were still a few Richos boats returning to Stalham who thought nothing of firing past me in a big rush. Nevertheless How Hill takes some beating for a pretty spot to take a break. I continued and although the weather cooled down my enjoyment level didn't. The Bure was strangely quiet, with plenty of space at St Benets and only a handful of other boats on the move. I arrived at Acle at 1720 and picked a spot in my preferred area well above the bridge. This was my first chance to take a look at The Broads Boating Company and their associated restaurant. I like the white and blue colour scheme they've chosen for the boats. I'm less sure about the styling of the lettering for their boat names which cheapens the look in my view. The restaurant looked strangely incongruous with its surroundings but maybe that's because I will always think of it as the Horizon workshop. The Bridge Inn served me the best Hunters Chicken I've had in a long time. Also I need gluten-free and they have a superb gluten-free menu with plenty of choice. Photos to follow.
  5. I spotted this 'outfit' today on a wild mooring not far from Stalham. I didn't have chance to take a photo. Meeting it on the move on the Ant would have been fun....
  6. Yep Russell wouldnt mind me saying Robin's the boss from many perspectives such as production quality, Broads knowledge and humorous interludes.
  7. Ah Le Boat at Wroxham, that brings back memories. I think boatyard telling everyone to start the engine for using the heating doesn't help things. In my experience yes you may need to start it to bring up the voltage but more often than not I've successfully heated without disturbing anyone.
  8. I was going to say the same. I agree there is commonality with the Robin's style but big differences too. Russell is almost unashamedly unedited and sometimes repetitive in his ramblings but he's very human for that. Also he's fairly inexperienced Broads-wise and sharing his learning as he goes.
  9. I think there's room for everyone in the classic side of things. Spark of Light, built 1927, is super-old compared to the Martham fleet so I don't think it's direct competition. Even if it was, more choice for potential customers I say. It's a lovely looking boat and I'm hoping to see it out on hire in all its glory.
  10. I'm not convinced I'll need to bother with a bow thruster much on the north Broads, I've managed without one for so many years. I'll keep an open mind though.
  11. Ah 'The Dark Side'. I shall never think of the Bridge Inn in the same light again....
  12. I've been enjoying the Great Norfolk Broads Adventure III by Russell Thomson. It covers his solo trip in March and he has an enthusiastic chatty style and some lovely river footage. Each day's film is long but worth the effort. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC6FiLsEUtcp1kYCADtL-Qgw
  13. Thanks to all those who posted. Reflection has had the best press in this thread which I can understand. However a decision has been made and deposit just paid - we went for Roamer. The trip is end May 2018 so over 12 months away but I've got 2 trips this year first. This'll be my first Platinum fleet boat and the first time I've had a bow thruster, exciting stuff.
  14. Thanks Howard. I think the 35 footers are better value given the extra space and the bath. I know I wouldn't go wrong with any of them and it's a luxury to have the choice.
  15. I love centres too (got one this August) but I love forward steers almost as much, especially for the north Broads.
  16. Yes I know Reflection is smaller hence didn't list it in my title but accidentally wrote it in my post. Renown - lovely boat but given there will only be the two of us aboard probably not right for this trip.
  17. I'm a lucky, lucky man because for next year, Mrs Broads01 has decided she'd like to come with me for a short break and we both love the look of the Swancraft 2 berth offerings. Rapture, Reflection and Radiance are all available for the date we want and all are the same price. The differences I've picked out are Rapture has plainer upholstery and no whirlpool bath. Also Radiance has an L Shaped sofa (not a curved one) and no separate dining table (according to the plan). Which is the newest? Any recommendations?
  18. Broads01

    4,7, Or 10

    You're correct Keith but only when the 3/4 days is the full length of the hire. For 10/11 day hires, the cost is usually week + 50%, so an 11 night break is good value. I'd love to be able to do 11 days but alas Mrs Broads01 wouldn't be too keen.
  19. See you at the meet on Saturday 20th Bob, or our paths may cross on Friday 19th. I'm starting from Richardsons the day before you.
  20. I take your point Neil, but generally I am always on the move and I love it that way. I've never been one just to do 2 or 3 hours in a day and then stop for the night. I guess it might be different if I owned a boat but I think even then I'd spend time I wasn't cruising doing some job or other.
  21. Good call. I love Langley Dyke. When I stop for the night at Loddon, I always choose Pyes Mill rather than the Staithe. It's a lovely quiet spot and yet just a short very pleasant walk to the village.
  22. I intend to spend some time south next year. I'd like to hire south and have used both Pacific and Silverline some years ago. However, I may well end up hiring from the north for two reasons. Firstly, Richardsons choice, value for money and loyalty scheme keeps me with them (my last non-Richardsons trip was 2012). The overall choice of boats on the north Broads is massive compared to the South. Secondly, I love doing the Great Yarmouth negotiation and the Breydon crossing. Whilst I accept the Bure below Stracey Arms is a bit rubbish, 2 days out of my holiday it certainly isn't. So Mickey, a northern start makes sense to me.
  23. I live in Cardiff and so I'm familiar with the Bay. I had no idea there was a historic Broads boat there.
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