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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. Only the one? If so it must have been a fair trek back to the boat Griff
  2. Tuesdays intended second coat application didn't happen due to work commitments / other stuff. However last night I did manage a full de-nib, whit spirit wipe down followed by second application. I see this morning it has dried nicely so will get the third coat on today. Of course as expected, MrsG has started making noises about having the mast hung up in our conservatory, things like "Just how long is that thing going to be in here for" My reply:- "Not nearly as long as your new mantelpiece thing was sat on the lounge floor my dear" That'll hold her for a few more days I hope Griff
  3. Said expansion vessel and prv arrived yesterday. Snag there was by the time I had finished at yesterdays client, taken rubbish away, emptied same from van, then visited two clients for estimates I did not get in till 1930. By the time I had my tea, processed estimates etc it was 2130. Too late for I felt for mucking about up in the loft. Instead got second coat of varnish on the new mast - Gotta get ones priorities right. Due to a plumber getting behind (Aka letting me down) todays booking is postponed so the boiler will be tackled this morning Griff
  4. I don't have to discredit JP Of course you don't He manages that quite successfully all on his own Griff
  5. Ordered. Apparently it is due Wednesday too. Good, no prizes for guessing what I'll be doing Wednesday after work then Griff
  6. Right, That's done it for me oldgregg. The new prv is due to arrive Wednesday, knowing how these things go, I am immediately after this post ordering a new expansion tank. The two combined will be less than £50 and fitting will be free of course. What price piece of mind? Besides I am getting most royally pi55ed off with having to go up the loft and pressurise the system every time we want hot water or the heating on, not to mention a permanent puddle outside on the drive Griff
  7. Missed my target for first coat of varnish on the Sunday afternoon, pratting about with the boiler here at home amongst other things. This evening however, before tea I gave the mast a rub down with 0000 wire wool as the cuprinol had raised the grain slightly, hoovered it off, wipe down with white spirit then the first application of Ravilakk thinned down with turps. Onwards and upwards, same again tomorrow early evening Griff
  8. 'My' plumber is out of sorts lately So I may be needing someone that I can recommend to my clients but he MUST be reliable. Is he local to Donny? Griff
  9. I drained the system down before checking the expansion tank then re-pressuring and yes it was cold. Having researched this boiler I am informed the prv's get weak and start to drip after some years. So as well as the expansion vessel needing pressurising up the prv is tired too. Once the new prv arrives, after fitting I will report back. All is to the good at the moment with hot water on demand and a warm house so MrsG happy Griff
  10. The prv is dripping but managing to hold enough pressure for showers and the heating is ok for now. £8:50 delivered for a new one. At that price it ain't worth mucking about stripping the present unit, besides the spring by now is bound to be tired. Whilst I was having a search round I found that a new expansion tank can be had delivered for just under £40:00. I'm not planning on changing that but at least I can get one for sensible money should the need arise Griff
  11. The expansion tank had very little air in it and not much room for the water to expand as it heated up so it was exiting via the prv. Now we have the correct amount of air/pressure in the expansion tank there should be room for the expanded hot water so the prv doesn't open, therefore no leak of water outside - Does that sound correct? I just might change the prv as a matter of course, once I've priced them up Griff
  12. Green - Garden waste, Blue - Plastic, cardboard, paper, tins etc - the recycle one, Grey - Landfill, small green plastic box with black lid - Glass only. MrsG to put stuff into various bins ably assisted by her assistant who tends to do it all the time, assistant also puts them out on the correct day for emptying too, woe betide if he forgets - That's happened but rarely and results in increased volume assaulting my Port and Stbd listen outs Griff
  13. "We have Ignition"' I went fault finding on our Baxi Boiler in t loft this afternoon. I knew from the symptoms that it was either a faulty PRV, faulty expansion tank bladder, or low air pressure in the expansion tank. Tested PRV - Fine and dandy. Onto the expansion tank. The valve is situated in an awkward spot which meant removing a bracket to get to the valve. Even then not easy, depressed the pin in the valve to hear a small amount of air coming out but no water - Yippeeeee. Released pressure in the system to zero via the PRV, brought the expansion tank up to one bar. Re-pressurised the system, checked for leaks - None, bracket and covers back on and it is humming away like a gudden. Cost? - Nowt, diddly squat. Of course I won't really know if it is a proper fix until the morning, that is after the central heating has been on this evening, cooled down overnight and fired itsen up in the morning. Fingers crossed Griff
  14. We at this hovel often use Amazon (Prime) - Other on line retailers are available Thursday I somehow managed to break the claw end off my crowbar or wrecking bar as some would describe it. I was giving it plenty of welly, pulling out 6" nails that are proper thick out of cls into breeze block. So, late Friday evening I ordered a new un via Amazon. This morning I did not have to leave the house until 0820, delivery from Amazon arrived before I departed. Large box addressed to me. Strange, what's in here I thought as it is far too big to be the crowbar I ordered. It was. The size of the cardboard box was ridiculous, then paper packing, then bubble wrap, then a plastic sleeve, all for a crowbar? There is no wonder our blue recycle wheely bin gets full proper quick. What a waste of resources / overkill not to mention the amount having to be recycled. Griff
  15. I always thought the saying went - ‘You can leave your hat on’ Griff
  16. so 4-6 blokes causing a little mischief. How does this work? I’ve seen lots of films, but none with a northern tiler in them? Mischief / High spirits I can live with and no doubt partake myself on the odd / rare occasion - I have no beef with crews onboard 'B.A' doing that. Remember that super cringeworthy green mankini incident between Acle and Thurne? I'll never forget it, it still makes me go hide behind the nearest wall even now. Howard suffered more than I did as he was on the helm - I was very brave and went and hid mysen away from others eyes. But it was a real laugh and no harm done What I won't put up with is disrespecting 'B.A' that is, not looking after her / tidying up / getting her in a mess / damage or excessive wear and tear, casing issues for other families afloat - That's what I was referring to with regards to 'Previously Advised' What 4-6 blokes do causing mischief onboard other craft - not my concern / responsibility - Thank goodness Griff
  17. I'm under the impression that providers - by that I mean landlords and those electric posts / the Ba - are not allowed to make a profit on said electricity above what they pay for it - Is this correct? Griff
  18. At that price, I would want a Captain included I'm Free ! - Especially for those Hen do's afloat Griff
  19. Strange thing is though I'm torn between auction which raises money for a charity but means the winners obviously have some bucks, or find a way of just sharing with people who could never win an auction. Tricky Agreed, but sometimes the winners club together to outbid the opposition, I've seen it happen. Being able to take strangers for a trip down the river is truly magical. Sometimes I don't know who is enjoying it the most, me or them! The real pleasure though, the best ever, is children. No end of times allowing kids onboard for a look round, to see their faces is priceless. I've gone on to say to Mums and Dads, sommat like, have you got half an hour to spare? Right then, off we go and have taken a 'strange' family for a short river trip and back, ensuring I get the young ones on the helm - They love it. I've done this plenty of times and never had a problem or issues. Staying onboard overnight for long weekends however can throw up all sort of horror scenarios as previously mentioned in this thread. For us, so far good apart from just the once years ago when one of 'B.A's restoration crew invited a couple onboard for a weekend afloat. Their hygienic habits were not the best plus beds unmade, curtains not drawn, gear left out and not stowed, by the end of the trip I was pulling my hair out as they just could not seem to take onboard any subtle hints from me - My fault as I'm not good at that, so back to straight Yorkshire speak - That worked and must have put them off for good as they have never been back onboard since - Result ! As far as sharing the loo goes, a brush and appropriate cleaner left in a strategic place may save embarrassment, if not just cross the perpetrator off your Christmas card list. I go one further than that and just tell them straight - "There is a loo brush in the heads, go and apply it's design features immediately" That does work and has indeed embarrassed crews members - Tough I've tried before now to 'Lend Out' 'B.A' to friends (Not for financial gain of course) but those that I have offered her to have never taken me up on the offer. (You know who you are). My Lad has taken her out with his own crew before now a few times without issues - I think he is the only 'Skipper' to date that has done so other than one of the owners. It'll happen soon though. On our Annual Lads Week, we rotate who is skippering 'B.A' one of the skippers that happily manages a Jewel of Light will 'Get his turn' and be skippering 'B.A' for the week whether he likes it or not. Myself, Howard and Robin will sit back and watch his terror - Cruel / nasty lot that we are Griff
  20. Andrew - Great news ref your hearing capabilities. I reckon it'll take ages for the novelty to wear off of being able to hear sounds all around you that we take for granted. As you come to naturally use your new found hearing capability all the time and it becomes second nature, will your lip reading prowess falter as it will now not be required? - I hope not, handy tool to have in your locker is that. Mind you, there is a down side to all this, you won't have any excuse when your lady friend is giving you a verbal ear bashing, nor will you now be able to 'Turn a deaf ear' ! Griff
  21. Agreed. I'm prepared to take that risk when giving to charity, tis always a sacrifice if not always in monetary terms Apart from the 'Meet your match' - Don't understand that one, I'm not in any sort of competition Although - I already have - My match is called MrsG Griff
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