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Everything posted by DAVIDH

  1. It sounded like a large operation as the article says "Mr. Wilkinson, who has built up a fleet of 26 boats, plans to name his next dozen craft, due to be completed before next Easter, after more products of the Whitbread group". Probably just as well Whitbread didn't own this brewery at the time: Thinking about it, can you imagine any existing boatyard being able to put another 12 new boats in the water in a single season?

    Web Cam

    Just been watching the Portsmouth camera again. It really is interesting. Can even see a murmuration of starlings flying around http://www.hmswarrior.org/webcam
  3. Probably going to name their boats after planets - Jupiter, Mars, Saturn etc. I guess they will start as they did at Horning with second hand boats, establishing the business and giving time to build new ones.
  4. I would do that but it's only 4 times a year and can't see anyone being interested in that. It was discussed at the last AGM but declined as a group.
  5. Not till balmy April now Jean. Glad you enjoyed it. It spurred me on!
  6. Friday 14th December. It was an early start to my four hour cleaning and turn-around plan, which began after consumption of a bowl of Mornflake Hawaiian Granola – did not want to muck the cooker up. I won’t go through it all again as it was the same tortuous process I went through in my “report” in October. Eventually the boatyard staff arrived and I told them the electric had gone off. It was eventually re-instated but by that time I was already hot under the collar with all the cleaning which needed to be completed before I could depart. By 11.15am, the car was packed and I was ready to leave. I made my way back down the road in the direction of the Swan Inn. Did I pick up my little mifi unit which I had needed to place on top of the fire blanket holder in order to get a half decent signal? I stopped and checked… no I didn’t. So I had to turn around and make my way back on board. Mifi unit retrieved, I cut the elastic which seemed to be not letting me escape and set off – finally - for The Yare in Brundall for my final meal on the Broads. I was sat at my table ordering Chicken Pieces In Batter by 12.15pm. Still time for one more mishap. Knowing in advance what I would order for my meal, I dispensed with the menu and went straight to order at the bar. Chicken Pieces in Batter and a pint of lager shandy please. I chose to sit in the little extension bit which overlooks the Broom moorings, to await my meal. It duly arrived about 15 minutes later and it became clear I had forgotten to ask to change the rice for chips. Never mind – rice will make a change. It was actually a delicious alternative… but chips next time please! Here endeth my tale. Observations At this moment (may change on reflection) I would check on the weather forecast before committing to a holiday in December or January. The problem is that the days are so short with light disappearing by 4pm so you need to plan carefully if you want access to an electric post – which I did with temperatures falling sub-zero most nights and barely above it on a couple of days. This is restricting in that I needed to be sure I could get to a plan B location if electricity was not available. The cold frosty nights led to bright sunlit clear days which warmed the boat well during the day. I also liked the way it illuminated the passing scenery. It was as though someone had set hundreds of bright movie lamps on the Broads “set”. Moorings were delightfully empty. I never saw even one other hire boat out and about. Ranworth in particular was a favourite spot, being able to moor up stern on looking out onto the Broad, watching the sun go down and come up was a treat. I saw lots more ducks than I usually see. They were everywhere, yet in season you hardly ever see them. I was worried that the otters were responsible for that but now I wonder if it is just that they have learned to keep away from humans in season for some reason. Perhaps they have developed a form of duck-dementia and forgotten that we have all the bread! Finally, I was pleasantly surprised that the local hostelries were still overall, well supported at this time of the year. The food options were still good and contrast so much with my last visit to the Broads at this time of the year, some 30 years ago when we felt like an intruder coming into someone’s front living room. Some images which did not make the tale above: Like leaving your car in somebody elses driveway Can't remember where this is.... or why I took it! All that money just shunted together Thurne Windpump (again) How Hill Nice reflections at Potter
  7. I started hiring with Sandersons in 1973 and they had four new Sanderlings at that time. I wonder if they were just replacing the "Lady'" class at that time.
  8. Thursday 13th December. The alarm went off – the oil heater was not working. It was getting to be a familiar story. I turned the boat heater on, noticing that it did not feel so cold. The electricity credit had run out in the night again but having lit the gas hob and put the kettle on, it soon warmed up. A look out of the window showed a cloudy day, which is why the temperature had not fallen away in the night. I decided not to spend any more of my electricity credits and to make do with the boat’s own heating. A fried egg sandwich for breakfast was actually only the second egg I had used so far. The boat which had moved on seeing my approach was gone from the moorings before I awoke so the mystery of why he moved was to remain just that. I had decided to cruise up to Wroxham this morning, knowing that I would have the security of electricity at my home mooring in Horning for my last night aboard Goosander. I cast off around 10am again and took a slow cruise up towards Wroxham. Passing through Horning was like motoring down a deserted high street. No boats were out and about and it made a change to be able to just stop mid-stream to take a picture without having to worry what might be coming up behind me. I continued on selecting the passage through Wroxham Broad as opposed to the main river, eventually arriving at the fringes of Wroxham around midday. So the question now was, where would I be able to moor? I just wanted to stay for a couple of hours before returning to Horning so did not feel like paying £15 to moor outside the Wroxham Hotel. I had noticed on my visit to Wroxham earlier in the week that Barnes Brinkcraft offer short term mooring for private craft at £15 for overnight or £7.50 if you leave before 5pm, so that could be an option if there was space available in their boatyard. Faircraft Loynes do not allow private craft in full stop. I cruised very slowly past Barnes looking for room and could have got in with some jiggling around on the quay where the new huge sign has been erected. But I had a better plan. I considered that the moorings just before the bridge, where the pilot normally operates from, would be redundant at this time of the year so I continued on and eventually lodged Goosander in the little dyke at the side so as to be out of anyone’s way. I stepped ashore and read the sign which stated moorings were permitted for hire craft only between the months of April and October. This was December – bingo! All tied up, I walked into town and went for a coffee in McDonalds before exploring the best of what Roys has to offer. I was due to eat out at the New Inn in Horning this evening so I did not stop for a pub lunch. After around one and a half hours, I returned to Goosander, making a detour to collect a fried fish from Ken’s to make a sandwich when back on board. The sun was shining as I edged back out onto the main river and it made for a pleasant cruise back down the Bure to my home mooring. The clear skies would of course lead to a cold night again as had been forecast but I was not concerned as I had, in effect, unlimited electricity where Goosander lives. Eventually the entrance to the mooring came into view and I proceeded slowly down turning at the last minute to come alongside with all the grace of a majestic swan – no honestly! I “plugged in” for the night and went for a walk down the high street to purchase a newspaper for the evening, which I had forgotten to do in Wroxham. I was back on board Goosander just as it was getting dark, where I remained until around 7pm. All togged up for the cold air, I made my way to the New Inn for a meal. I opened the door to a two thirds full establishment. Not only was it “Pie Night” at the New Inn, but a small folk band were also playing music to the listening diners – me included. I ordered a Chicken and Mushroom Pie for £10.95 (or was it £11,95?) which included a pint so not bad value. The pie was actually a puff pastry lid on top of a dish of casseroled meat and veg. Nevertheless, it was delicious and filling. I stayed on to read my paper but found the music distracting so having listened for an hour or so without being invited to take lead vocals, I gathered my belongings and left. I walked back towards the moorings in pitch blackness but for my tiny £3 key ring torch Just as I stepped onto Goosander, I noticed all the boatyard’s decking lights go off. Unusual considering it was only around 9pm! I feared this could be a sign that the electricity supply had failed. I went straight to turn the convector heater on and was greeted by….nothing. No heat, no fan twirling. I switched the boat’s heating on then set about checking that the electric connection lead was properly secured in the respective sockets. Whatever I tried was to no avail. Clearly the electricity had tripped out boatyard wide. It was a cold night and frost had been forecast. The boat heating coped at first but needed to be assisted by the lighting of two of the innermost gas hobs. This stabilised the temperature and I remained comfortable for the rest of the evening. Final report and observations tomorrow. Nobody will notice - it's only little... Nodoby queueing for dayboats They came from outer space From darkness to light.
  9. I looked at the photo and that's the first thing I thought. It's desperately in need of a floating pontoon for more moorings to be added but there does not look to be any room to either side of the square to place it.
  10. Hi Jen and Roy, Yes I read of your exploits in the torture chamber (just the shower folks - unless there is still a part of the boat I am yet to discover) in the on-board diary. It was like a deep freeze in there some mornings. There is a lot of cold glass in that corner of the boat. All I can say is forewarned is forearmed. Cup of tea first - leave the door open to acclimatise then dive in. Bridgestones will soon have to have a health warning signpost as you enter. If in Potter, you just have to go.
  11. Interesting that not long after the sale of Ferry in Horning, Len's associates restart the hire boat operation at WRC. I guess the new owners of Ferry must have known or expected such a development?
  12. It was a toss-up for me whether to have a hot meal or the cake. Trouble is as soon as I pass the cake display my mind is made up. Not room for both!
  13. Wednesday 12th December. The convector heater has a timer, which I had set to come on at 7am to warm the saloon before getting up. The alarm went off and not only could I not here the convector heater’s fan, but the cabin was extremely cold. It transpired that the electricity credit ran out around 4am. There was going to be no instant heat until I got out to the meter and put more credit on. I switched the boat thermostat so the diesel heater came on, then hastily got dressed, put on a warm coat and went ashore with an electricity card in my hand. The water level had gone down further overnight so the drop was not as much as yesterday. I was conscious of the possibility of slippery surfaces so I took care when jumping off. The meter was quickly credited and within 60 seconds I was back on Goosander, switching the heater on. Goosander’s heater is efficient but it takes time to warm up so I left it on and crouched over the convector heater for a short while to get warm. The kettle was similarly crouched over the gas hob and was soon offering me hot water for the first cuppa of the day. The boat warmed quickly and thoughts turned to breakfast. It was cold again so this time I opted for a bacon sandwich, after which I ventured off the boat to walk to Lathams for a newspaper I could read in the evening. By 10am I was ready to set off for my evening destination, which was to be The Maltsters at Ranworth. Again, there was to be no stops for lunch en-route as mooring with electricity was a must. I was making good progress down the Thurne and thought to myself that Ludham (Womack Water) would be a good place to visit and to fly my drone , somewhere I had not been to previously, especially as there would likely be nobody else in attendance. So I diverted along the dyke which leads to Ludham and cruised on down past the Hunters fleet moorings to where it opens out onto Womack Water. As I approached I could see what looked like a covering on top of the water. I realised I was about to cruise into an iced up Broad so I quickly put Goosander into reverse and brought her around before any damage to the hull could occur. Ludham would have to wait for another visit. I retraced my steps out onto the Thurne and made my way to Ranworth, arriving around 1pm (I think). There was just one other private boat moored stern on as I approached and curiously, it moved on seeing me from one side of the moorings to the other side of the dinghy dyke. Why did he do that? Was the electric post not working? The only way to find out was to moor up. I came to rest stern-on next to one of the electric posts. I jumped ashore with my electric credit card to see if it was working and it was. I therefore plugged in and wondered why the other boat had moved. Anyway, whatever it was for, I had paid my money and like a good Yorkshireman, I was not moving now! There was plenty of time for a walk so after a sandwich, I went ashore and walked past St Helens church and in a circular sort of way, ended up at the consevation centre, which was obviously closed at this time of the year. As I looked over the Broad, an otter arched it’s back out of the water before diving back down well before the shutter on my camera had even opened. I stayed there for another 15 minutes but he did not reappear. I made my way back to the boat and stayed on board until it was time for my evening meal at the Maltsters. The last time I had been in the Maltsters was around 10 years ago, such is the awkwardness of getting a mooring at Ranworth. I opened the door to find the place buzzing with chatter. It was warm with a lit fire which was very inviting. The place was well patronised without being overly full. I found a table and ordered the Hunters Chicken. It was delicious and was followed by a chocolate brownie sundae which finished the meal off nicely. I watched the comings and goings as I read my paper and eventually left for the boat around 9pm. As I walked back to Goosander, I sensed the air was not as cold as the preceding nights. Still I checked the meter and put another £1 credit on before getting back on board. I turned in for the night around 11pm, switching off the convector heater completely so that it would not come back on with the timer. It just did not feel as cold tonight. The little oil heater would still be on in the cabin however. Sunlit day boats Goosader's life support Ranworth Where I saw the otter OK so we have enough for five a side - who wants to be the referee? The only time I was able to launch the drone - it's currently on its way back from Gatwick
  14. Thanks Jean. The sun was so low it was almost floodlight like and very bright. You could not help but notice the intensity.
  15. Tuesday 11th December Despite the little oil heater in the cabin, it was really cold upon waking. I was straight out to the electric heaters and to put the kettle on. I peaked through the window to see that in the night, the grass had changed from green to white. The second I removed the covers from the windows, they steamed up but as there was ample time before setting off, I just left the heating to deal with it. The sun was rising but was not beaming onto the grass yet, which remained white. In view of the temperature outside, I decided to have something warm for breakfast in the form of a sausage sandwich. Whilst stood tending to the sausages, I saw first a squirrel meander across the grass, followed by the arrival of a heron. Just after he flew off I heard a loud squawk and looked out to see a pheasant hopping across the green. If I could have taken images with a sausage, they would be displayed below. Unfortunately, the camera was not to hand. My destination for the coming night was Potter Heigham. Again, I knew where the electric posts were placed and my plan B would be to cruise back to Ludham Bridge if plan A was unavailable. So around 10am, I cast off in a deliberate slow manner as the mooring path was still iced up. The only boats out and about on Barton Broad were the Nancy Oldfield Trust craft. Other than that nothing was moving. Not a single boat was moored along the length of the How Hill moorings. Ludham Bridge approached, and the yacht was still in the same position at the front of the electric post. Soon I was out onto the Bure once more passing the odd private boat but nothing on hire. I turned up the Thurne, passing the white Thurne Windpump, which looked as though it had been freshly repainted and was glistening in the strong sunlight, the sort you get when there is not a cloud in the sky. The frontier chalets of Potter soon appeared and I mosied on into town (village). There was just one private boat moored opposite the Herbert Woods yard and two electric posts to choose from. I turned Goosander around and moored up right in front of one of the electric posts, which is located about 50 feet from the other one. So both boats had a post to themselves. I plugged in and got one of the heaters working. The sun was warming the boat like a greenhouse so that was all that was needed at this stage. Lathams was calling so I jumped off the boat - notice I said jumped . The water level was still high. Any higher and I would have had to call the fire brigade for their turntable ladder. Walking towards the Pilot Office, the land was riddled with puddles. A chap told me it had been under water the day before but was receding now. I passed the Norada pub, wondering if it would be open this evening for a meal. I could see no signs of life at 2.30pm so would have to take my chances. As a form of back up/insurance I thought it prudent to enter Bridgestones for a coffee and a piece of cake. Would you believe that on a Wednesday, weeks from Christmas, it was almost packed out. Two people got up to leave and I grabbed their table. I think I had the Millionaires Chocolate Brownie cake thing. Whatever it was, it was delicious. I considered I would need to wait until at least 7pm for an evening meal to be sure I was hungry by then. Lathams was busy (of course). I think I must be developing an immunity though as I came out without purchasing anything. Those allergy immunotherapy sessions at the clinic where they put little models of Lathams on your skin so that slowly you are able to avoid the cravings are working. I returned to Goosander and was able to clamber back on board without a call to air sea rescue. As soon as the sun went down, the temperature outside and in, dropped like a stone. I thought I ought to check there was enough credit on the electric meter to see me through the night as by this time, the second heater was also switched on. The £1 I had put on earlier was down to 37p so I credited another which I thought would be enough until the morning. Around 7pm I leaped ashore and headed for the Norada. It was open. Well I say it was open. There was a chap in a coat standing my side of the bar who welcomed me. I asked if they were serving food, to which he replied that they were but only from the takeaway menu. Well, that was better than nothing so I looked for a table. Well actually I did not need to look. Every table was empty so I just sat at one in the middle of the room. I had not had burger and chips so far so this would be the ideal time to order it. The chap took my order and within a short time, a young lady brought out cutlery and condiments to the table. I realised why the chap had his coat on as it was perhaps just two degrees above the temperature outside in there. The meal arrived and it was surprisingly good - and hot! It was washed down with a pint of Bud Light, which they had declined to put in the microwave to warm up for me. I read my paper afterwards until my fingers were turning blue, at which point I thought it wise to return to the boat. I was back on board by 9pm, having put another £1 worth of credit on the meter – life support for the heaters. I retired around 11.30pm, with the oil heater in the cabin to keep the worst of the cold away. Sutton Staithe first thing - told you it was cold Sure you know but Thurne Windpump Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent into Potter Heigham, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you. Loads a' room My favourite pic. Look at it full screen - click on it - click again, then click again View from the walkway Well, the Norada's open
  16. Perhaps they have just had too many mince pies for Christmas
  17. Monday 10th December. It was getting light around 7.30am so it was the alarm clock and not the squawk of the nearby geese which awoke me. The saloon was cold so the first task – even before the kettle – was to put the two heaters on. In my semi-comotose state I fumbled with the cooker hob trying to light the gas but my brain seemed to be ignoring the fact that I had to hold the knob in to stop the flame going out. The funny thing is that now when home, I still keep holding the cooker knob in when it is not required. I hobbled to the front of the boat to look through the windows and discovered that the sun was beaming down (well sideways) onto Goosander. Realising the sun’s rays were a fast way of heating the boat I “undressed” all the curtains from the windows and let it pour in. Breakfast today was going to be the full English variety so I planned everything I would need and in what order to ensure this culinary exercise would pass off without a hitch. Goosander does not have 240 volts and so no microwave. But I considered I would be on moorings with electric posts as much as possible so I decided to bring my own. It helped greatly with keeping the food and plates warm when cooking. The sausages went on first, which they clearly did not appreciate as they kept spitting at me. Then came the bacon, followed by the eggs. Meanwhile the microwave was taking care of the beans. This was so much more civilised than my last cooking experience on Goosander. Unusually for me, I had not planned in advance where I would cruise to as I knew the short days would restrict me, so whilst eating my superbly cooked breakfast (nobody else saw it so there is no proof either way), I decided I would leave Horning around 10am and make for a night stop at Sutton Staithe. I knew these moorings had an electric post but I needed to consider a second choice in the event someone was already moored and taking up the available connection. Under those circumstances, I would need to still have enough daylight to get there. It was going to be below freezing tonight so the option of a mooring without electricity was not a consideration. Under the circumstances I decided to cruise to Sutton Staithe in one go – without a lunchtime stop. I passed Ludham Bridge noting it had an electric post but currently had a small yacht moored directly in-front. This could be my “emergency” spot if other options proved unsuccessful. You are probably wondering why I was making such earnest plans? Well, the very first time we holidayed on the Broads was on the 3rd March 1973. We hired Sanderling from Sandersons for a week and cruised up to Wroxham, back down through Neatishead and was making for Acle one particular day. It was late afternoon and I could see it would be dark in around an hour. We cruised down the Bure to the junction with the Thurne and managed to take the turn towards Potter Heigham in error. I always think that junction makes it look like the Thurne is the continuation of the river as the Bure takes such a dog-leg turn to the right. Anyway on approaching the white windmill at Thurne I realised my error and turned around. I can still remember the curtains of the moored boats being cocked open to see who this mad idiot was coming at such low light. The obvious thing to do would have been to check my Broads book to see how far I was from Acle, but you don’t always do the obvious things in a panic so I went hell for leather back down the Thurne and onwards towards Acle. A little way along it became obvious we would not make it as darkness was enveloping us. I spied a dyke on the right bank and decided our cruising was over for the night. I edged the boat to the bank in squally wind and rain (of course) then dived on the bank with the stern rope in my hand. It was dark but I could still see that there were no mooring posts in this dyke. So whilst Doreen held Sanderling to the bank (she was not happy as the wind and rain was soaking us) I jumped back on board and broke out (I must be a seaman) the rhond anchors. After two or three attempts I got them to stay in the bank and tied the boat up. We hurried back on board out of the rain and came to the conclusion we would not be venturing out again that night. It seemed like we were in the middle of nowhere – miles from civilisation. I stayed awake most of the night listening to the clinking of lines against masts of the nearby moored yachts. I did not drop off until daylight at which time, the wind and the rain had stopped. Of course, studying my Broads book the next mooring, I realised that we were infact moored at Upton Dyke and that if we had continued down the dyke, civilisation was readily at hand. Lesson learned – never run out of daylight! Onwards towards Sutton, passing by the Irstead moorings (they were taken – do people realise it’s December? ) then on to my moorings for the night. I arrived around 1.30pm and of course the choice of mooring was entirely mine. I cruised up to the electric post, made fast the ropes and settled back with a cup of tea and a sandwich. I still had a couple of hours of daylight so I decided to walk down to Stalham as I had never done that before. The main road, the A149 is fast stretch of carriageway so you need to keep going on to the grass verge as there is no pavement. After around a 30 minute walk, I was outside Richardsons boatyard. I had a look at all the boats jammed in like sardines, then carried on to Tesco and the high street. I had a wander around then with about one hour before nightfall, I thought I had better start back. I avoided some of the main road by walking through Richardsons boatyard again. At the far end a lady told me to take the path to the right which will get me to Sutton Staithe. That was curious as I could see the main road on the path to the left. I thought locals know best, and it avoids the road so I tramped on down the path, which was muddy and leaf covered in places for what seemed like twice the time it took me to come here on the road. The sun had gone down by now and the thought of walking down a country pathway in the pitch dark did not appeal much. Just as I was wondering if someone had been having a joke, I stumbled out onto the A149 again, just below the road entrance to the Sutton Staithe Hotel, in the last of the day light. Adventure over, I boarded Goosander and rested until around 7pm before entering the Hotel for a meal. On the way to Stalham, I had popped into the hotel to ask if I needed to book a table but was advised it would not be necessary. They were right. There was just me, the lady behind the bar and a couple of gents in front of it. I ordered a chicken and mushroom pie and read my paper whilst waiting for it’s arrival. After about five minutes the lady came over to tell me that they had run out of the pie and could I choose again. Well it was quiet so these things have to be expected at this time of the year. I volunteered the beef lasagne and joked that she might want to check that was still on the menu. I was assured she already done so and settled back with my paper. Five minutes later, she came over again apologising profusely that the lasagne was also not available. Someone in the kitchen was making a fool out of the both of us! Third prize was the steak and ale suet pudding. I did not need to ask for confirmation. She went straight to the kitchen to confirm its availability. Actually, the third choice turned out to be probably first choice as it was delicious. After my meal, I stayed and chatted to the people for a little while before returning to Goosander. It was cold outside and my pathway across the grass was both wet and slippery with a layer of frost to cope with. Getting onto the boat I could feel ice both on the wood mooring edging and on Goosander’s deck. I got safely inside and wondered just what I was doing out in these conditions. The electric heating coped for the rest of the night and soon it was time to retire. (I have just looked at the length of today’s report and am sure it took me less time to walk from Stalham to Sutton than it has taken to read this – sorry) The stillness of a December (home) mooring Not long after I moored at Sutton a ranger arrived to move this HUGE clump of reed which had settled taking up two boat lengths of the staithe. They literally had to push it out back into the Broad Nice pic of Richardsons Cheek by jowl Glistening in the afternoon sun Sutton Staithe Hotel
  18. You clearly had each other to keep warm!
  19. DAVIDH


    I suppose ultimately the contract was made with Hoseasons. In travel it would be no different to a tour operator abdicating responsibility for a rubbish hotel. Hoseasons needs to act on the customer's behalf by liasing with the boatyard in question - even applying pressure to resolve the complaint. As long as they have done that then though they are still responsible in law, you would have sympathy with them if the boatyard was just stone-walling them. They may decide then to pay compensation which they would ultimately cross-claim from the boatyard. All this is conditional of course on what the booking conditions say - sorry I do not have the inclination to read through that with a fine tooth-comb today.
  20. Well with little to do between Christmas and the New Year, I thought i would write up my tale of my break aboard Goosander a couple of weeks ago. Beware - even though I have tried to condense it, I still do go on a little. Sunday 9th December Well I was not sure what to expect of a holiday in December so I decided I would not risk a full week aboard Goosander just in case the brass monkeys were all jostling to get on board with me. As a compromise I decided to stay Sunday to Friday, so here I was arriving at Boulters in Horning, just after midday on the 9th December. I noticed that the tide was unusually high and part of the walkway to Goosander was already under a couple of inches of water so as I was yet to unpack my water-wings I carefully slopped through the water and stepped aboard my home for the rest of the week. Naturally enough, Goosander was freezing cold so the next item on the delivery schedule was the fan heater I had brought as back-up. Goosander has an electric post on it’s home mooring so the heater was soon gushing warm air throughout the boat. After around 5 round trips to the car, I had unloaded and unpacked. My plan was to stay on the mooring tonight as it was quite gusty (again) out there. So to vary the scenery I navigated back to the car through around 3 inches of water in places now and set off for Wroxham to do some shopping. I had parked in Roys car park outside the DIY store and noticed that the gates were locked at 4pm on a Sunday so I still had a couple of hours or so before I had to leave. I had often thought the model railway exhibition in Wroxham would be good to visit but never got around to it so this would be the ideal time. I paid £8.95 to enter and thought I had better watch the time as I did not want my enthusiasm to run away with me. I had actually seen everything and was out in 35 minutes, and have to say the place did not live up to expectations. It has a number of display boards but not a lot seems to be moving at times. The “busiest” was an N gauge set where trains were whizzing around all over the place but N gauge is very small so it does not have the same effect. I would say the exhibition is good if you want to entertain the kids (or me) for a half hour or so but is expensive at £8.95! I drove back to the boat and parked up wondering if the water level had receded but it was as I high as when I left. So I tip-toed through the encroaching river and settled back on board for the next few hours. Come 6pm I was getting hungry so I made my way to the Ferry Inn. It was Sunday so a roast beef carvery seemed to be the ideal choice. I was pleasantly surprised at how many people were in at that time. Doreen and I once visited the Broads in late November many years ago and I remember all the bars being virtually empty and the Ferry Inn, in particular was partitioned off so that only the part with the bay window was accessible. The meal was of a good standard, after which I stayed on to read my paper. There is something about reading a paper in a pub. You have the time to thoroughly explore it, where viewing on a smart phone seems very restrictive and narrow in comparison. So around 8.30pm I walked back to Goosander, noting that the water level had dropped a little by then. As the night progressed you could feel it getting colder. I had brought a convector heater with an integral fan AND a fan heater as the night temperatures were forecast to drop below zero for the next few days. Thinking that it made sense to use the free electricity on the yard rather than the boat’s diesel fired heating, I made good use of them until it was time to retire. Overnight I used Goosander’s resident oil radiator heater in the sleeping quarters, which worked a treat. Some images from the model railway exhibition - taken with my phone so not the best quality. A quick visit to the Barnes Brinkcraft yard, which would help me with mooring later in the week. (where did that thumb come from?)
  21. DAVIDH

    Web Cam

    Agree with you regarding the Portsmouth webcam. Interesting view points and a very clear picture.
  22. DAVIDH


    Hoseasons are members of ABTA. If they really are ignoring you why not use the ABTA concilliation scheme to get an independent party to look at the matter: http://help.hoseasons.co.uk/customer/en/portal/articles/2704517-what-does-your-membership-of-abta-mean-
  23. DAVIDH

    Web Cam

    It looks like they are working on the page at the moment - the boat availability search has appeared at the top - so I guess when they have finished, it will be restored.
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