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Everything posted by DAVIDH

  1. Yes Jean, October was noticeably quieter - much easier to get a mooring. I think June is possibly the last month before the school holidays where you can still find space, though you do need to stop before 4pm. I like June though because of the extra long daylight hours. I have a week in July next year on Goosander (before the kids break up) so that will be an education.
  2. Sunday 7th October It was Sunday so a cooked breakfast was warranted. Goosander does not have a microwave which made the procedure a little more challenging as it means everything has to be cooked on the small 4 ring hob. In practice, once you place the frying pan, you only really have one ring spare. So the egg was fried first then placed between two plates which had to be warmed first using hot water. Then the sausage, bacon and beans were cooked. Somehow it all came together and as we all know a fry-up on the water always tastes better than at home. The wind was still so I decided to get the drone out for some better images than I managed to get earlier in the summer. This was the first of four launches, the others being Acle, St Olaves and Oulton Broad. All went successfully. Now it was time to set sail for unknown lands and legends – alright Ludham Bridge. Not being used to electric hook-ups, I worried that I would slip the moorings, forgetting the cable was still attached and proceed down the dyke with the electric pillar floating behind me. So I made a laminated sign reminding me to stow the cable, and hung it around the throttle lever. The sight of bright orange cable right next to the mooring ropes was probably another reminder but I was not taking any chances. Anyway, the adventure began as I left the dyke and cruised on down the Bure. The wind and rain of yesterday had passed and the sun was shining. In what seemed like no time at all, I was proceeding up the River Ant wondering if I would get a mooring the other side of the bridge. October is noticeably quieter than June and I had a choice of mooring locations so chose the left bank in what was the first available space after the bridge. This first mooring was OK but could have been better. You really have to turn the wheel a great distance to register a change of direction and as such Goosander met the bank a little more forcefully than I would have liked. No harm done though. Ludham Bridge is a favourite mooring for me as I like all the comings and goings at the bridge. I noticed a hire cruiser hovering near to an adjacent space but not committing and then passing under the bridge. A few minutes later, he was back and heading at 90 degrees for the space. I stepped out and helped them alongside. Mrs helm told me they were desperate to moor at Ludham Bridge as they were meeting their sons but did not fancy the manoeuvre being fresh out of Richardsons the day before. I spent a couple of hours there before retracing me steps back under the bridge and onto the Bure once more. I wanted to be in Yarmouth tomorrow so I thought an overnight in Acle would be just the job. As I approached I could see that there was just one space left on the left bank before the bridge. Not wanting to pay £10 for the privilege of tying up outside either Pedros or the Bridge Inn, I made a sweeping turn and came alongside the last space perfectly. That did a lot for my confidence in piloting this “new to me“ boat. I planned to eat at the Bridge Inn and remembered the last time I was there, also on a Sunday in June, I was lucky to get a table so I called in to book for 7pm. I need not have bothered as the restaurant had just 3 tables occupied as I entered. I had the Steak and Ale pie, which was good. No room for dessert! Then it was back to the boat to watch the first episode of Killing Eve, which I had downloaded to my laptop before I came away, and then to bed. Ludham Bridge Goosander at Ludham Bridge Some would say - a rose between two thorns Next three are all drone shots of the Ferry Inn area of Horning
  3. Saturday 6th October After a pretty uneventful journey down from Leeds, I arrived in Horning around 12.15pm. I am a Leeds United fan and my team was on Sky at 12.30pm so instead of heading for the boat, I made straight for the New Inn to see if they were screening the game. The lady barmaid told me that none of the pubs in Horning screened Sky Sports so I climbed back in the driver’s seat and ten minutes later was in Roys car park – the one next to the DIY department. A remember seeing televised games in the Kings Head in the past so this was my target. Sure enough LUFC v Brentford was on the screen so I settled down with a drink to watch. At half time I ordered the steak sandwich, salad and chips from the menu which did not disappoint. I just wish they had used a baguette rather than bread slices as they tend to get soggy with the contents. By 2.20pm the match was over and as not everyone is a football fan, I will suffice to say – we were robbed! So after a little shopping in Roys supermarket, I returned to the car and drove on to meet Goosander, a syndicate boat, for a more intimate look than the 15 minute speed date I had with her back in June. She is moored at Boulters in Horning and as the weather was not good, squally winds and rain, I decided I would stay put for the night. So Goosander and I got to know each other over that first night. As is usual on a new boat, you cannot find anything. It did not help that I was stowing things away in cupboards and then not being able to find them again. I knew I had brought it – just could not remember where I put it! Goosander had a multitude of cupboards and drawers so as I was searching for things I had stowed, I was coming across all manner of treasures. One such cupboard houses a stack of DVD’s for my listening pleasure, some films, books to read, a sewing kit, fly swats, fly spray and a first aid kit. Other cupboards did not disappoint but more on those later. It really did seems as though someone had thought of all these things before and had left them on the boat for all to use. I knew that the New Inn had a band on this evening so I walked down and spent a couple of hours being entertained by a folk trio. By 10pm I was heading back, in pitch black darkness at times, so the trusty torch was a necessity. On it’s home mooring, Goosander is hooked up to an electricity supply and what better way to keep warm in the squally weather than to plug in the oil filled electric radiator which I found in another cupboard just in-front of the helm. I read for a while then retired. Tomorrow was going to see mine and Goosander’s maiden voyage together. Wroxham from the Bridge And again This view of Pulls Ferry was taken 3 weeks earlier on the occasion of Goosanders Annual Meeting but thought I would include it here as I like it!
  4. Not being used to using on-shore power and having had access to it for the first time on Goosander, I was terrified I would do the same so I made up a laminated sign which I place over the throttle lever to remind me. So far so good!
  5. Yes you are correct. Most of the images on the page are from Hoseasons but they did not have any of the kitchen area so I went to Brooms Boating Holidays site to look for one. The image is from their site believe it or not and also shows a microwave which I had not noticed at the time. Hoseasons have now uploaded an image of the kitchen which is as you say and no mention of a microwave. I guess Brooms used an image of a private fit-out whilst their hire boats were being built but forgot to replace it.
  6. Experiential travel. That's what it's called and marketed as in the travel industry. You are right when you say "I genuinely can see it now, selfie taken on the back of the boat in the morning sunshine - coffee on the table from the Nespresso machine, sat in the white fluffy bathroom with the embroidered emblem of the blue star on it with the backdrop of Malthouse Broad" Instagram is full of that "look where I am" killer image that everyone wants, to make their friends sit up and take notice. I was talking to a chap at Yarmouth who had hired a Commander from Richardsons and asked him if he got preferential treatment when checking in. He told me they were well looked after. The bling boats were all moored together near reception and hand over times were well ahead of the standard boats. The facilities on-board speak for themselves. Faircraft Loynes boats cultivate the 5 star standard. A great many of their boats turn heads and are - for a boat - luxuriously fitted out. They have seen where the market is going and have invested accordingly. Search for norfolk broads boat hire on Google. They are always No1 of the natural listings. That is in part due to their terrific customer satisfaction levels. Yes Robin, you do need much more than a microwave to compete in this market. Mood lighting, temperature controlled showers, 240 volts - not just on hook-up, en-suite cabins with own TVs, island beds and of course, those huge sundecks on the dual steer craft from which the hirer's can be seen. Take a look at the standards set HERE. (takes you to the luxury boats for hire section of my website). These boats are fitted out to attract those people who want to experience the best, and there are plenty of them.
  7. People who book these boats are wanting an experience. They expect to see all the extras that will enhance their stay onboard. You have a microwave at home - why would you not expect to see one on a boat? Also the 240v thing is not just to power the microwave, it's so people can take their gadgets with them - just like they would if staying in a cottage.
  8. I could never understand why the Brooms and now this new boat do not have 240 volts and a microwave. It/they are top end boats and their contemporaries, in general, do have them. Tablets, phone charging, game consoles etc accompany the average holidaymaker so it feels like a miss.
  9. St Olaves moorings OK - stayed there last week
  10. Just added the last update for the season for the Live Music guide. The Norada in Potter Heigham is hosting live music most weekends throughout October. There are quite a few Halloween themed parties and the White Horse in Loddon/Chedgrave is hosting a live music and fireworks party on the 25th October. Full listing HERE
  11. Just found this taken from the same drone which i have. (Not mine unfortunately). Beautiful sunny day.
  12. I considered the Spark as it has a good pedigree and the video would be better - though my Hubsan is 1080p. What put me off was that it is so small it would be difficult to see it when it's not that far away. The new regulations say you have to have "line of sight" at all times. Plus, the cost was around 3 x what I paid (around £180). I am reluctant to spend over £500 for a piece of kit which is as prone as any to flyaways (possibly never to be seen again) and where I believe their use will become severely restricted once the present consultation finishes and new rules for flying are adopted. Back to the video quality, yes it would be better as the one I use has a rolling shutter which can cause a slight shimmering effect when moving forward. The still images are unaffected however as you can see from above. Hope this helps.
  13. It was a Friday evening - around 6pm
  14. This is a really nice one overlooking Hong Kong Island. It can be put to full screen in Chrome. For some reason (on my machine) it stops streaming on Edge after a few seconds. Remember that HK is 7 hours in front so though it is light at the time of writing it may not be later. Plenty of floodlit buildings when it's dark though! https://www.earthtv.com/en/webcam/hong-kong-victoria-harbor
  15. Yes, not a hotel. I had a meal in the Yare on the Friday evening and had been speaking to one of the staff who told me originally it was a hotel and showed me a photo of it on one of the walls. All many years ago but it stuck in my mind when typing the descriptions. I first went there in 1973 on our first Broads holiday from Sandersons in Reedham and remember at one time it had a stage and entertainment (a band?). Thought i had been dreaming it but the waitress confirmed it was like that until around 1980 when the present owners took over. Still my most favourite pub on the Broads.
  16. Taken from the Broads Authority page on drone flying: Be legal Whether you want to fly your drone or report the misuse of a drone here are some things to be aware of: The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) specify that unless permission has been granted by them that you must not: Fly above 120m (400ft) Fly within 150m of a built-up or congested areas or crowds. Fly closer than 50m to people or property. See the full page here: http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/visiting/drone-use I would challenge that a marina of boats could be described as a built up area.
  17. Betty1, it was a Hubsan H501SS and it was replaced with the same model - so still a H501SS following problems with the original - it became faulty showing an error message which would not clear on my last Broads trip.
  18. I stayed in Norwich for a couple of nights last weekend whilst attending the Goosander AGM in Horning on the Saturday. I have a new drone, though the same model as the one which failed, and took it with me. I had time to fly it on the Friday evening so I took the train to Brundall and took the following images: Silverline's base with Swancraft just infront. Part of Brooms More Brooms (I think) Brooms with the Yare Hotel in right bottom corner. Looking across the estate.
  19. No Stumpy, I was there just for the meeting, though I spent two nights in Norwich. My first week ever on Goosander is in just under two weeks time - Sat 6th Octoberso if you are about then and see me, please do say hello - or anyone else for that matter!
  20. It was the AGM of the Goosander syndicate last Saturday, which I attended in Horning. Amongst lots of things which were discussed, was a suggestion to have Goosander's annual service carried out by Southgates in Horning this winter. It came up that from the 1st October, the people who own Southgates - Cators? take full ownership of Ferry Marina as Len Funnel is selling up. I am surprised that such an event has not attracted interest on here! Unless it has been kept under wraps?
  21. Oldgregg is correct - it is a version of Silent Emblem
  22. Just come across Faircaft's new boat for 2019. It's on the Faircraft site but not currently on Hoseasons yet. https://www.broads.co.uk/boats/fair-marquess/
  23. A full suite of "how to" videos has been available on Youtube for years now published by the Broads Authority, including how to stern moor, going under bridges etc. They are company neutral so yes eddybear an email with links to them would be easy to achieve. It surprises me that hardly any of the boatyard websites refer to them.
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