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Everything posted by DAVIDH

  1. I think we refer to all the rivers which eventually drain down to Yarmouth (The Bure, Ant, Thurne) as the Northern Broads and the rivers Yare, Waveney, Chet which (on a map at least) look to drain "up" to Yarmouth as the Southern Broads.
  2. Alan, we have never met but I feel your loss. It must have been heart wrenching just writing the post. Life is so unfair.
  3. Don't think Chrome would message you that you have a virus - it only tells you if you are about to visit a site known to be infected. If you are getting pop-up messages saying the same, it may be that your computer has been infected with some form of advertising application - "potentially unwanted program" I think they are referred as. Either way I would go to one of the on-line malware checkers and let it do a scan and clear the problem. I use either ESET or Malwarebytes. Both are free and should sort out any instances of unwanted programs which may have hitched a ride on your computer.
  4. You have to envy the chap who took these stunning images from the flight deck of his 747 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-6366823/Jumbo-jet-pilot-Christiaan-van-Heijst-shares-incredible-pictures-hes-taken-cockpit.html?ito=social-facebook
  5. Saturday 11th October Well, after another cereal breakfast I started the preparation for my disembarkation. I figured it would be best to wash the outside last so I set about cleaning everything inside from the front to the back. We need to have the toilet pumped out, fuel replaced and water tanks filled before leaving and seeing that Boulters (where we are moored) open at 8.30am, I was ready to get to the pump out station before any other interlopers tried it. This involved reversing into a fairly tight spot, which I managed at a speed so slow, to describe it as snails-pace would have been a misrepresentation and a slur on your average snail. I was taking no chances. Whilst the “services” were being seen to, I recalled that Boulters now occupies what years ago was King Line’s boatyard. In 1974 (I think) we hired a Calypso King for the week from them – they were brand new then – and on the last full day, we returned to the yard ready to hand back the next day. The Calypso’s were moored in a sort of tight bay and the only space available was at the far end, making it impossible to approach bow first as I would not be able to stern moor. The fuel station mooring was available as you enter the bay but it was strictly no mooring there. Hope you are all following this. So you needed to approach stern first, but there was no room to swing the boat around to stern first once inside the bay. The only way to do it was to go in bow first, tie the boat at the bow then let the engine swing the stern around. From there, the gap was just wide enough to reverse down the line of Calypsos. Once we were adjacent to the gap, I stepped off and pulled the boat into it’s vacant slot. I remember thinking at the time, well if my present job goes out the window, I have an alternative career to call on – sardine packer. So back to the present. The toilet was emptied and the boat refuelled so I slowly cruised back out onto the dyke and snuggled up to the moorings again. It’s funny how you think you have lots of time but that time starts going by and you start getting into a panic, which in turn induces electrical equipment to refuse to co-operate. Goosander has a vacuum cleaner onboard and it made light work of the carpets etc. It also has an attachment for upholstery but try as I did, I could not get it to fit. So having vacuumed the carpet, my only redress was to sweep the upholstery “bits” onto the carpet, so that I could then……vacuum the carpet again. I finished the inside and set straight to work on the outside. Just my luck, Goosander is moored near to a tree – this is autumn – it was covered in small, tiny leaves. So I thought here my colt 45 hose will be my best friend, which it was but it was still windy and the more you hosed off, the more was blown on again. Anyway, I hosed everything down topside, including the windows and was back inside with around an hour to spare. This is easy I thought, but then looking sat the windows, I could see they had dried all smeary both inside and out. Earlier in the week I had seen a bottle of Vanish glass cleaner but where was it? I looked high and low for it and it was only after I had found an alternative that I came across it, I think in the bedroom wardrobe (I think!). Eventually the cleaning was finished with about 5 mins to spare. The final job is to clean the bilge pump filter. Never done this before in my life so I asked for assistance from the Boulters chap who serviced the boat earlier. He showed me how to take it off, wash it and left me to reseat it. That done I took the last of my belongings to the car and went back to lock up the boat. However, I noticed that the bilge pump was running but with no water coming out. This is not right! The Boulters chap came to investigate it for me and it appeared that a new sealer was required. He said to leave it with him and I eventually trundled out of the yard at 11.20am. Thankfully, the new crew had not arrived by that time. What a palaver. I had been at it 3 hours and will definitely have to think of ways to streamline the task. I now have new admiration for how boatyards turn their craft around in such a short time. So as it was close to lunch time I decided to go to the Yare in Brundall before setting off for Leeds. Always my favourite place on the Broads and very underrated I think. The 8oz burger with chips was delivered and suitably calmed, I set off back home. Observations: It’s many years since I holidayed in October and the wide availability of moorings was a plus. I never had to worry about arriving somewhere early to get a space. There were a good few boats out however and it was noticeable how many were the luxury type. I was very lucky with the weather and that always makes a big difference. I worked in travel for 38 years and it was well known that this was the case. The questionnaires they sometimes give out on your return flight ask for your opinions but also ask what the weather was like to weight your answers. Goosander was great and it’s easy to see I have made a good investment. Once the share cost is paid (currently £5,000), then I pay just £880 per year for maintenance, or £220 per season if you like. My one week aboard Silver Symphony last June cost more than a thousand pounds so its easy to see it represents value for money. Well all finished now. Thank you for reading my tale, the encouragement and the comments. It makes it worthwhile writing. I am back aboard Goosander in December and I am sure that will be a very different experience. I am looking forward to it with excitement and trepidation at the same time. No images from the last day so here are a few which did not make the "A" list Photogenic! Mooring at St Olaves Outside the Fishermans Inn at Burgh Castle Another aerial of Horning Aerial of Acle looking away from the bridge Finally, which train station is this?
  6. Not quite finished yet. There were a few trials on the day of leaving
  7. Friday 10th October Blue skies welcomed me as I tweaked the bedroom curtain open. There was no wind and you would think the warnings were misplaced. I turned on the radio and the forecast was still the same. So I made a breakfast sandwich using up some of the remaining bacon and generally readied the boat for departure. I wished the couple in the next boat a pleasant holiday and arranged for one of the rangers to assist me by holding onto the bow rope to allow the tide to turn Goosander to face away from the bridges, before reversing out into the stream and on my way up river. I was on my way by 10am and thought as long as I keep mid-stream, any gusts of wind are not going to do me any harm. It’s a long old slog all the way to Horning in one go and there were hardly any boats on the river, probably heeding the weather alert. By now, the gusts of wind were punching the boat which made me think I was not going to enjoy coming into the mooring at Horning. By 2pm, I was turning into the dyke where Goosander lives taking a very slow cruise down knowing I would need to swing her around to get her into the mooring. Often, there is someone living on the boat behind Goosander’s mooring and I was pleased that on this occasion, they were not in residence. Anyway, I managed to come alongside without mishap and scrambled ashore as quickly as possible, grabbing the ropes to stop the wind from carrying the boat across the dyke. I made the ropes secure and noticed the amount of goose excrement on the walkway. Clearly, in Goosanders absence, every goose in Horning had decided to stake a claim. Two of the blighters we sitting comfortably watching me struggle. If it stayed there I would be walking it in the boat and it was slippy under foot so I used the nearby hose to wash the surface clean. Well most of it just splashed onto Goosander’s hull at first so then I had to wash the hull and the decks so by the time I had finished, I was soaking wet. Well, if I was wet, there was no way the geese were getting away with it so I chased them off the staging with my trusty colt 45 hose pipe. There were around 10 of them all squawking at me from the dyke and it took quite a few sprays before they decided this was a battle they were not going to win, and headed down the dyke to the open river making more noise than Status Quo at full pelt in a telephone box. After completing the task it was still only around 3pm so I decided to drive to Potter Heigham as I could not reach it by boat. I thought Lathams might have some of those PVC bench covers I saw earlier in the season which would be ideal to protect some garden furniture I have at home over the winter. Well, Lathams have most things but alas no bench covers. I wandered into Bridgestones and had a decedant peice of cake and a latte to make up for the wasted journey. By nightfall, the wind was shaking the leaves from the trees, though it has to be said, it was a warm wind. I decided to eat at the Ferry Inn this evening as it was much closer than the New Inn and I did not feel like a long walk in a battering wind. Upon entering, I could see there were no free tables, mostly because the room to the left of the carvery section had been dressed for someone’s wedding forcing everybody else into the remaining space. So I turned around and went back to the boat to make myself a meal from what I had left onboard. If I could remember what that was I would tell you but I am writing this some two weeks later and it’s gone right out of my mind. I had already started packing away certain items “ not wanted on voyage” and resigned to leave the rest until the morning. I had to be off Goosander by 11am. On your marks, get set..... Saw this at Ludham Bridge on the way to PH Lots of these about all week A couple of Goosander internal images
  8. The ladders are not just for use as safety ladders there. The rise and fall up to 6ft at the Yacht Station and there are times it would be impossible, or dangerous to get on or off without the ladders. I have specifically asked to be near one in the past as Doreen was only 5ft and any shore leave would have been precluded had the ladder not been available. Having said that, the ladders are spread right across the moorings.
  9. You can see them posing, sorry sat on top of their cruiser in image No2. Actually, they were very nice people just enjoying the sundeck that they have paid considerably for. I could not work it out either. If you love GY so much why not just book a hotel near the sea. My estimation was that they like the "pseudo sea life" watching the comings and goings, the strong tidal flows etc at the Yacht Station.
  10. Thursday 9th October It was just breaking light as I arose and knowing that I only had 45 minutes before I needed to be on my way, I opted for a toasted currant teacake for breakfast. Of course, because I was in a hurry, I could not get the grill to stay alight. In the end I resorted to holding each half of the teacake in tongs over one of the gas burners. Not ideal but it worked. So just time for a cup of tea and then I was off. Goosander was facing the wrong way but into the ebbing tide so a quick burst on the bow thrusters easily got me out into the stream so I could turn around. Optimum arrival time at Yarmouth was around 9 to 10am so I tried to pace the speed accordingly, thinking as I had done on the last holiday that if I arrive too soon the rangers at the Yacht Station may charge me twice – once to 10am and then for the following 24 hours. But then again, if I arrived too late to traverse the bridges, I would kick myself for having to turn around and go back all the way to Berney Arms. So I decided to slow my approach as the tide was adding speed to the trip. However, by the time I got to the start of Breydon, the tide was flowing in again wish it would make it’s mind up) and the height gauge was showing just 8 feet of headroom. So I decided now to put my foot down to get to the bridges before “access was denied”. Just before passing under Breydon Bridge, I called the Yacht Station and asked what the headroom was. The chap told me it was 7.1 feet – that’s how he put it but I guessed he meant 7 foot 3 inches. He told me not to dawdle and assured me I would get through OK. Within 5 minutes, I had hit the incoming flow of the Bure and doing my best to approach the bridges as slow as I could – just in case. One of the YS rangers came to meet me on his bike, checking the headroom and assuring me it was OK. So I passed under the first bridge noting around 3 inches clearance, then the next and with a huuuggge sigh of relief turned the boat around to moor into the stream, right alongside the electricity post, where the ranger was waiting for me. I had arrived smack on 9.30am and was NOT charged for two stay periods. The ranger told me when I called he could see there was a little over 7 feet clearance and as he knows the required headroom for this type of boat, and as he considered the bridge gauges to be a few inches out, our safe passage through was assured. They know their stuff and out of all the places you need to pay a mooring fee, this is the one I consider to be value for money! They tied my ropes for the night and over a settling cup of tea, I wondered what I would do with the day, being tied up so early in Yarmouth. I decided to have a walk along part of the perimeter of Breydon so I made my way past the train station, past the ASDA car park and stopped on a convenient bench to observe an egret in the shallows of the water. Everytime I got a little closer, it flew a few feet away but eventually plodded its way back to it’s “fishing pond”. I watched it for about 20 minutes, creeping further around the pathway to get closer but had to give that up when a group of people talking loudly rounded the corner before proceeding into ASDA. The egret also gave up and flew off. I have some nice images of it nevertheless. I needed a few items from ASDA too so on my way back I called in and arrived back at the boat around 2pm. It was a lovely day so I thought I would just stay on the boat watching the world go by. The next boat to Goosander, sharing the electric post, was a Commander from Richardsons. They are lovely boats and I told the skipper as much as I went by. We got talking and he showed me onboard. His crew consisted of his wife and himself and I asked how he coped mooring such a large boat. With the bow and stern thrusters, he could easily manage it. He had hired it a couple of occasions before and was a regular Richardsons customer. He always chooses one of the elite (or whatever Richardsons call them) cruisers paying anything up to £4,000 for two weeks in late June, together with a week in spring and a week in autumn. He is a regular at the YS and calls the rangers in advance, who then save the electricity post mooring for him, which he occupies for up to a week because he likes it there. It does no harm that his wife prepares bacon sandwiches each morning for the rangers. I told him it would be cheaper to stay in the Premier Inn across the river but he laughed that off. The YS was where he wanted to be. Come 7pm, I was on my way to the Kings Arms once more for my evening meal. It was very quiet in there. I ordered a lamb steak, which was a special for the night. Again, the food was really good. After that I returned to the boat to watch the final download of Killing Eve on my laptop. The weather forecast for the next day was a little concerning because the warm weather system we were experiencing was due to break down with strong winds and rain. Gusts of up to 45 mph were forecast from 11am. My plan for Friday originally was to stop of at Potter Heigham for lunch before returning Goosander to her home mooring in Horning for the evening. But the thought of trying to moor single handed in the cross winds of Potter did not appeal to me so I made my mind up to travel up to Horning in one trip come the morning. Sorry - no more drone shots now! Looking towards the Yacht Station from the road bridge at Yarmouth The Yacht Station (not a yacht in sight!) The Egret I asked him to stand up for this one Looking over Breydon bridge from the pathway alongside Breydon
  11. Wednesday 8th October. The sun was shining as I awoke and temperatures were actually on the up for the rest of the week so I had been lucky with the weather. By the end of the week, it actually passed 21c, though the breeze did get up as well but as it was a southerly, it did not detract from the temperatures. I needed some milk and wanted a newspaper and had heard that the Co-op supermarket was due to close. The Yacht Station chaps told me it was it’s last day today so I walked up to it and was pleased to be able to buy a paper and some milk. Shame it won’t be there next time. There Is a small provisions shop in the opposite direction half way between the Wherry Inn and the level crossing which sells milk etc, but alas not papers. Back onboard I set off for Reedham. I had intended to stop off at Somerleyton to break the journey but having moored there on the way down to meet the “Lads” I decided to go directly to Reedham, which is another favourite mooring spot. I passed under Reedham Swing Bridge around 2pm and wondered if I would find a mooring space. I noticed that the far end, towards Sandersons was free and as I could see an electric post I could use, I headed on down to the far end. Approaching I could see why it was free. The river had overtopped the moorings and was lapping a few inches below the base of the electric post. Now I am no electrician but even I could reason that I would get more than my monies worth if I tried to plug in to that supply. Fortunately there were another couple of suitable spots where I would not get my feet wet so I chose one and came alongside. It was a warm sunny afternoon so I opened one half of the canopy allowing the other half to act as a wind break and just sat and watched the comings and goings for a while. Tomorrow, I would be heading for Yarmouth again and it struck me that I may have trouble with high water time again, which was moving towards the middle of the day by now so I called the Yacht Station asking for advice on the latest time I could leave Reedham in the morning and still get under the bridges. The advice was to leave no later than 7.30am or I would end up not getting under the bridges until late afternoon. That was going to mean an early start! Later I fancied a walk so I walked up the middle hill and called at the shop for a newspaper and a Magnum. Wow! Lesson learned. The Magnum was £2. I can get 4 of them for that price in ASDA or Morrisons at home. With my ice-cream lolly in my hand, I decided to walk up to the Ferry Inn, partly to see whether the riverside path had been re-opened (it has not). Then it was back to the boat for a rest before an evening meal at the Ship Inn. We always liked the food at the Ship Inn under the last managers, especially the Steak Pie so on entering I looked down the menu for it. It was not there but the specials board did promise a Steak and Ale Pie so I went for that. It was not the same but was still to be commended. After a read of my paper over a pint, I retired back to Goosander for the night. I set the alarm for 6.45am and retired. Oulton Broad drone images Reedham Just liked this - on the way to the Ferry inn
  12. Thanks for the encouragement Michelle and nice to see you on here. Have not found the spare glasses yet but there is so much on Goosander which you come across as you go along that when you need it, you forget where it lived. I'll post the next installment a little later this evening as I have just got home from work.
  13. Tuesday 7th October Another early start as the tides are rising. I had envisaged a bacon sandwich and a cup of tea before setting off but a conversation with one of the rangers saved a few extra millilitres of Cholesterol from slushing around my veins. The height board was showing 7ft 9inches so I asked him how long I would have before it rose enough to block my passage and was told to go now! So I quickly packed up, detached the shore power cable and all but two of the ropes. The ranger let the tide swing the boat around to face the bridge and then I was away. Breydon was quiet with no passing boats and at an average speed of around 8mph I soon arrived at Burgh Castle where I decided I would stop for breakfast. By this time the flow was slowing right down so as the 24 hour free moorings were closed, I came alongside at the Fishermans moorings. It seemed wild , almost on the edge of civilisation. The arrival of a famous dark blue police telephone box would not have looked out of place. It was chilly so I went back onboard to make myself another cereal breakfast as the taste for bacon had passed. After about 30 minutes I was back on my way for a stop at St Olaves. People often talk about the barren country between Stracey Arms and Yarmouth but the stretch between Burgh Castle and St Olaves can easily rival that. Not much to see then until the sight of the crane’s jib which pierces the sky just before happening upon St Olaves. That crane always intrigues me as it was obviously just left where it stands to rot. It looks to be in an area surrounded by reeds now so is lost to any sort of recovery. Later I will fly the drone over the area to get an impression of the boatyards that used to line the river at this point. There is just one small cabin cruiser at the free 24 hour moorings so I have lots of space to moor up towards the end facing the bridge. My plan is to stay here for lunch then move on to Oulton Broad for the night. As it’s so quiet, I decided to launch the drone before any other boats arrive. The flight is good but it’s a little breezy so although I headed for the crane area, I didn’t get as close to it as I would have liked. Still, the images are pretty revealing as you will see below. I have always liked these moorings and can remember many overnight stays where the sun sets in the direction I have just come from. With the fast flowing (at times) river beneath you, it really takes you back to how it must have felt before the arrival of the hire industry. After lunch I decided to use the drone again, this time from outside the Bell Inn to view the other side of the bridge. All went well until I realised on the way back to Goosander that I had not replaced the SD card in the drone after transferring the earlier images to my laptop. STUPID BOY! So back out to do the same flight with an SD card this time. I thought I am just asking for trouble here and something will go wrong, but it passed without event. It had been necessary to turn Goosander to moor against the tide when I arrived but by now, the tide had turned and with the aid of the front rope, I allowed the stern to swing around so I was once more heading into the stream. Then I was off towards Oulton Broad. Enroute, at Somerleyton I saw what was obviously the Lads Week flotilla moored up so having never met any of them before, I decided to moor up and present myself! I recognised Charlie so approached him first. He made me very welcome, introduced me to the crews – too many names to remember but I recognised the Wizzard from an earlier photograph, Robin who was busy playing Battleships and I spoke with Grendel whilst viewing the micro version of Broad Ambition, before inspecting it’s bigger brother. Thanks Charlie for your hospitality. All four of their boats then departed in one direction, which was my cue to depart in the other. Occupants of the only other boat on the moorings shouted to me as I left “was it something we said?” I finally entered Oulton Broad around 3pm and was in a quandary as to whether to moor outside the Wherry with it’s better view or at the Yacht Station with it’s security. As there were no other boats outside the Wherry, I opted for the Yacht Station. I try to avoid moorings where you are packed in like sardines so as I rounded the outer pier I was pleased to see I could moor stern on close to but not on the floating jetty. That meant nobody would try to moor that side and the other side was a decent six feet from the next boat, plus I could still see out through the entrance to the Broad. All settled, I walked to the Wherry for my evening meal. It was of course the carvery for me. I even went for the two course option to include a dessert. I was properly stuffed by the time I returned. I noticed that the sun was setting over the Oulton Dyke end of the Broad and that this would be a good time to fly the drone as if I left it until the morning, the sun would be shining right at me. So I took up a position in Nicholas Everitt Park, close to the Broad and got the pictures you see below. After that I returned and stayed on the boat for the rest of the evening. Time to catch up with Killing Eve and some other programmes I had previously downloaded to my laptop. NOTE: The Oulton Broad drone images will be in tomorrow’s installment as there are enough photos already for today. St Olaves looking away from the bridge The bridge Still St Olaves but from the other side of the bridge The derelict boatyard area I was talking about. The crane can just be seen in the distance. If you enlarge the image by clicking on it then clicking the plus sign on the curser, you can see many abandoned hulls and boat tops. Oulton Broad His and hers? Seen better days
  14. No just the luck of the draw. The weather changed for the better the day after i arrived and kept up right to the start of the high winds on the following Friday.
  15. YnysMon, currently the Hawaiian Granola is on special offer at £1 per packet in Morrisons. It's always a little cheaper than other makes of granola but when Morrisons have this offer on, which seems to be quite often, I buy lots of packets because they have a long best before date. As for Yarmouth, we (my wife and I) have always called twice - out and back - on every holiday we have been on since 1973. Always found the place fascinating and a little adventurous.
  16. Monday 8th October The sun was shining through the curtains as the alarm went off, which was a good sign I would be able to launch the drone again. First, down to breakfast. Having had the trad breakfast thing yesterday, and as I wanted to set off for Yarmouth around 9am, I opted for Hawaiian Granola. It’s made by Mornflake and is my favourite cereal. It tastes so good I am sure it must contain lots of sugar and other bad for me ingredients. But I have not checked the side of the packet, and if I have not checked the side of the packet, then I can live in blissful ignorance. So the best place to launch the drone was just outside the now disused shop. My heart is always in my mouth when I fly it as I have read many other stories of drone flyers where, like the Charlie Drake song about a boomerang – they don’t always come back. So a quick circuit either side of the bridge was completed and “though I am not allowed to tell you how many aircraft took off, I counted them all out and I counted them all back again”. Sorry, that will only make sense to those who remember the Falklands war. The tide was rising and had been pretty high the previous night so it was important I set off around 9am just in case I needed to pass under the bridges at Yarmouth to turn around before mooring. I have mentioned before that I like mooring at Yarmouth. It’s a little adventurous with the tides and the large rise and fall, and the sight of the odd fishing boat makes it feel like a departure from the norm of the Broads. But this would be the first time aboard Goosander, of which I own just one twelfth (I always point it out as the bit at the front if anyone asks), so I need to take care not just for me but for others too. I called the Yacht Station on approaching the old Marina building, asking for assistance with mooring as I am single handed. They told me I would need to turn before the bridges as there was not enough clearance and asked which boat I was on. The chances of them recalling what the shape and height a private boat called Goosander was, I surmised was nil. So having thought of this problem in advance, I told them it was similar to Swan Reflection so they could look out for me. On approaching the moorings, I could see that there was actually 8 foot of clearance – Goosander needs 7 foot. Still there was no need to pass under the bridges as the tide was ebbing at a slow rate and with ease, I turned into the current and came alongside just next to the electric post. All tied up and secure for the night, I put the kettle on for a calming cuppa. Suitably calmed, I decided to hook up to the electric post. At first the lead would not reach but with a little bit of manoeuvring assistance from one of the rangers, we were in the optimal position. The ranger chap joked that he had only performed his mooring duties five times that morning and three of those were for my boat! Off I went for the walk into town. It was a lovely sunny day so after the regulation Yarmouth chips and a coffee at McDonalds, I decided I would walk along the seafront as far as the Wellington Pier then cut through the streets until I collided with the riverside as I had not visited the port area for years. It was a long walk but I did manage to get close to the river and view a few ships which were in port. By around 4pm, I was back on board, feet aching and ready for a spot of relaxation. As it was close to low tide, quite a few hire craft were passing through, which made it interesting. My evening meal was at the Kings Arms, which I had visited earlier in the year and liked. I had the cottage pie, which I can heartily recommend and stayed for around 90 minutes before returning to the boat. It was getting cooler in the evenings so the electric hook up was most welcome. I had brought a small fan heater and I discovered a free standing oil heater in one of the cupboards, both of which were employed that evening. Watched part two of Killing Eve. I was already hooked from the first episode. She (the assassin) is such a blend of opposing qualities. She is pretty, feminine and has a lovely smile but is ruthless, unfeeling and ready to put a knife in your back soon as look at you. I have parts three and four downloaded to watch on subsequent nights. The docks at Yarmouth Yarmouth Yacht Station Bridgecraft from the air Broads Boating Company premises in the background Sure nobody needs telling this is the Bridge Inn at Acle The view up river from at Acle
  17. Scrambled eggs - I wish there was a microwave on Goosander!
  18. Yes, but then you have to discard the oil in the frying pan and possibly clean it because it's dirty with the bacon and sausages, and start again with clean oil - wait for that to get hot before placing the egg - whilst somehow having to keep the rest of the fry-up hot. No win either way!
  19. Yes Jean, October was noticeably quieter - much easier to get a mooring. I think June is possibly the last month before the school holidays where you can still find space, though you do need to stop before 4pm. I like June though because of the extra long daylight hours. I have a week in July next year on Goosander (before the kids break up) so that will be an education.
  20. Sunday 7th October It was Sunday so a cooked breakfast was warranted. Goosander does not have a microwave which made the procedure a little more challenging as it means everything has to be cooked on the small 4 ring hob. In practice, once you place the frying pan, you only really have one ring spare. So the egg was fried first then placed between two plates which had to be warmed first using hot water. Then the sausage, bacon and beans were cooked. Somehow it all came together and as we all know a fry-up on the water always tastes better than at home. The wind was still so I decided to get the drone out for some better images than I managed to get earlier in the summer. This was the first of four launches, the others being Acle, St Olaves and Oulton Broad. All went successfully. Now it was time to set sail for unknown lands and legends – alright Ludham Bridge. Not being used to electric hook-ups, I worried that I would slip the moorings, forgetting the cable was still attached and proceed down the dyke with the electric pillar floating behind me. So I made a laminated sign reminding me to stow the cable, and hung it around the throttle lever. The sight of bright orange cable right next to the mooring ropes was probably another reminder but I was not taking any chances. Anyway, the adventure began as I left the dyke and cruised on down the Bure. The wind and rain of yesterday had passed and the sun was shining. In what seemed like no time at all, I was proceeding up the River Ant wondering if I would get a mooring the other side of the bridge. October is noticeably quieter than June and I had a choice of mooring locations so chose the left bank in what was the first available space after the bridge. This first mooring was OK but could have been better. You really have to turn the wheel a great distance to register a change of direction and as such Goosander met the bank a little more forcefully than I would have liked. No harm done though. Ludham Bridge is a favourite mooring for me as I like all the comings and goings at the bridge. I noticed a hire cruiser hovering near to an adjacent space but not committing and then passing under the bridge. A few minutes later, he was back and heading at 90 degrees for the space. I stepped out and helped them alongside. Mrs helm told me they were desperate to moor at Ludham Bridge as they were meeting their sons but did not fancy the manoeuvre being fresh out of Richardsons the day before. I spent a couple of hours there before retracing me steps back under the bridge and onto the Bure once more. I wanted to be in Yarmouth tomorrow so I thought an overnight in Acle would be just the job. As I approached I could see that there was just one space left on the left bank before the bridge. Not wanting to pay £10 for the privilege of tying up outside either Pedros or the Bridge Inn, I made a sweeping turn and came alongside the last space perfectly. That did a lot for my confidence in piloting this “new to me“ boat. I planned to eat at the Bridge Inn and remembered the last time I was there, also on a Sunday in June, I was lucky to get a table so I called in to book for 7pm. I need not have bothered as the restaurant had just 3 tables occupied as I entered. I had the Steak and Ale pie, which was good. No room for dessert! Then it was back to the boat to watch the first episode of Killing Eve, which I had downloaded to my laptop before I came away, and then to bed. Ludham Bridge Goosander at Ludham Bridge Some would say - a rose between two thorns Next three are all drone shots of the Ferry Inn area of Horning
  21. Saturday 6th October After a pretty uneventful journey down from Leeds, I arrived in Horning around 12.15pm. I am a Leeds United fan and my team was on Sky at 12.30pm so instead of heading for the boat, I made straight for the New Inn to see if they were screening the game. The lady barmaid told me that none of the pubs in Horning screened Sky Sports so I climbed back in the driver’s seat and ten minutes later was in Roys car park – the one next to the DIY department. A remember seeing televised games in the Kings Head in the past so this was my target. Sure enough LUFC v Brentford was on the screen so I settled down with a drink to watch. At half time I ordered the steak sandwich, salad and chips from the menu which did not disappoint. I just wish they had used a baguette rather than bread slices as they tend to get soggy with the contents. By 2.20pm the match was over and as not everyone is a football fan, I will suffice to say – we were robbed! So after a little shopping in Roys supermarket, I returned to the car and drove on to meet Goosander, a syndicate boat, for a more intimate look than the 15 minute speed date I had with her back in June. She is moored at Boulters in Horning and as the weather was not good, squally winds and rain, I decided I would stay put for the night. So Goosander and I got to know each other over that first night. As is usual on a new boat, you cannot find anything. It did not help that I was stowing things away in cupboards and then not being able to find them again. I knew I had brought it – just could not remember where I put it! Goosander had a multitude of cupboards and drawers so as I was searching for things I had stowed, I was coming across all manner of treasures. One such cupboard houses a stack of DVD’s for my listening pleasure, some films, books to read, a sewing kit, fly swats, fly spray and a first aid kit. Other cupboards did not disappoint but more on those later. It really did seems as though someone had thought of all these things before and had left them on the boat for all to use. I knew that the New Inn had a band on this evening so I walked down and spent a couple of hours being entertained by a folk trio. By 10pm I was heading back, in pitch black darkness at times, so the trusty torch was a necessity. On it’s home mooring, Goosander is hooked up to an electricity supply and what better way to keep warm in the squally weather than to plug in the oil filled electric radiator which I found in another cupboard just in-front of the helm. I read for a while then retired. Tomorrow was going to see mine and Goosander’s maiden voyage together. Wroxham from the Bridge And again This view of Pulls Ferry was taken 3 weeks earlier on the occasion of Goosanders Annual Meeting but thought I would include it here as I like it!
  22. Not being used to using on-shore power and having had access to it for the first time on Goosander, I was terrified I would do the same so I made up a laminated sign which I place over the throttle lever to remind me. So far so good!
  23. Yes you are correct. Most of the images on the page are from Hoseasons but they did not have any of the kitchen area so I went to Brooms Boating Holidays site to look for one. The image is from their site believe it or not and also shows a microwave which I had not noticed at the time. Hoseasons have now uploaded an image of the kitchen which is as you say and no mention of a microwave. I guess Brooms used an image of a private fit-out whilst their hire boats were being built but forgot to replace it.
  24. Experiential travel. That's what it's called and marketed as in the travel industry. You are right when you say "I genuinely can see it now, selfie taken on the back of the boat in the morning sunshine - coffee on the table from the Nespresso machine, sat in the white fluffy bathroom with the embroidered emblem of the blue star on it with the backdrop of Malthouse Broad" Instagram is full of that "look where I am" killer image that everyone wants, to make their friends sit up and take notice. I was talking to a chap at Yarmouth who had hired a Commander from Richardsons and asked him if he got preferential treatment when checking in. He told me they were well looked after. The bling boats were all moored together near reception and hand over times were well ahead of the standard boats. The facilities on-board speak for themselves. Faircraft Loynes boats cultivate the 5 star standard. A great many of their boats turn heads and are - for a boat - luxuriously fitted out. They have seen where the market is going and have invested accordingly. Search for norfolk broads boat hire on Google. They are always No1 of the natural listings. That is in part due to their terrific customer satisfaction levels. Yes Robin, you do need much more than a microwave to compete in this market. Mood lighting, temperature controlled showers, 240 volts - not just on hook-up, en-suite cabins with own TVs, island beds and of course, those huge sundecks on the dual steer craft from which the hirer's can be seen. Take a look at the standards set HERE. (takes you to the luxury boats for hire section of my website). These boats are fitted out to attract those people who want to experience the best, and there are plenty of them.
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