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Everything posted by mbird

  1. No problem! By the way, really sorry to hear about the diesel/poo cocktail in the bilges! I bet that took some serious cleaning up!
  2. Congratulations on your new hobby/obsession!!! Just one word of warning.... the list of jobs to do NEVER gets any shorter, it's more or a rolling wishlist!
  3. I don't know anyone who uses white diesel in their boat. As for the statement that red is only slightly cheaper than white, that's poppycock. The last time I filled up, at Titchmarsh Marina on the Walton Backwaters, I paid £1.10 per litre. On the Broads, Goodchilds are usually the cheapest (I think at around £1.18 though I haven't filled up there this year so far). Both these costs are based on the 60/40 split, and are considerably cheaper than the £1.40ish that white diesel will cost you from the roadside pumps. If you are buying 600 litres, that makes a saving of around £130!!!!!
  4. Yes, we know the boat well! Welcome to the forum.
  5. I no longer own that boat, but it is berthed in our marina, and the flooring is still looking as good as new. If I were to lay the Karndene stuff again, I would use the epoxy glue I think. The pressure sensitive glue is fine and still stuck well, but actually using it was a bit of a pain due to the time you have to wait for the glue to "go off" after spreading. It has to dry before you can lay the floor which took up to 2 hours so a lot of wasted time. I seem to remember the epoxy stuff can have the flooring laid on it within about 15 minutes.
  6. I don't think there is much chance of a blank nowadays. I have found that as long as you are fishing on the bottom then you are pretty well guaranteed to catch something, even if its only a few Ruff. One of the best places on the northern side that I have fished is off the bow of the boat when moored stern on at Ranworth Staithe. Once dusk arrives, the bream often appear. I have caught some quite sizeable fish with just a 4m whip off the front like this. The only places I never seemed to catch much were the broads (Wroxham, Salhouse, South Walsham) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  7. Head for Barton Broad up the river ant, drop your mud weight, and then explore all the little creeks in amongst the reeds in your Kayak. I managed to get some great photos of a kingfisher doing just this a few years ago. Hope you have a great time! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  8. Nice to see some pics thanks Dan. She does look smart, but it looks to me as though anyone sitting on the settee can't actually see out of the windows due to the height of the window cills. Is this just a optical illusion Dan? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  9. HI Naijan. I don't think I'd want to use it in an exterior situation, as it is meant for inside and would probably degrade quite quickly in UV and weather. The best option would be a synthetic teak such as TekDek or Permateek.
  10. Most of my childhood holidays were taken during the October half term. We've had weather from scorching sunshine to torrential rain and some very frosty nights. As others have said, it tends to be much quieter, but the pubs should all be open! Have a great time!
  11. Yes indeed Trevor. Well done to all the AA award winners!
  12. There is also one of my photos on page 16 (the one with the windfarm) on pages 16 and two on page 97! Me and another couple of forumites are also mentioned on page 16 in the bit about hydroplanes (the Powerboat challenge for the RNLI which was unfortunately postponed until July) and a photo of a whole group of us at the top of page 98, with a lot of forumites in it, during the last big meet! I've never been in print so much!
  13. Just love those old photos. Really interesting to see that some places have changed beyond recognition and yet some seem almost timeless!
  14. With regard the OP, I think those pontoons are floating ones that get towed out for various events. I've seen them used at things like the dragon boat racing. They are gone today so I assume you are right Lori, and they were for safety reasons.
  15. You are right Strowy, that we would prefer people to use external image hosting in order to keep disk usage down, which is why I put the "how to" post about uploading with Photobucket in the pictures section of the forum. If people are unable or unwilling to do it that way though, of course they are still welcome to use the normal upload method within the forum.
  16. Unfortunately the powerboat racing didn't happen last night due to a communication error between the club and the organiser. The boat we were supposed to use was already booked for someone else. A bit disappointing but we are going to reschedule for the end of July so we are still going for it. At least the wedding will be over and done by then so no fear of plastercasts in the wedding photos!
  17. Glad you got it all working Dave!
  18. I've seen a couple of Sparrowhawks recently. Lovely birds, but glad I'm not a pigeon!
  19. Thanks for that Hylander, as we need three bespoke mirrors as the originals are now showing their 20 year plus age!
  20. Apparently I misheard the type of boat we'll be racing, it's actually an OSY 400, not F3. Thank heaven for that!!
  21. Thank you to all who have donated so far! Our total now stands at £370 including gift aid!
  22. Ok, now I am REALLY scared . It's def F3 and I know now why I was told to bring spare pants....! It's only 6 weeks to my wedding, so I'd better not break anything. I don't think a plaster cast will look good with a kilt! At least future wife is a Senior Sister in Intensive care so I might get specialist treatment...!
  23. Ah, I didn't realise you were posting from a mobile device. I've just tried it on my iPad and have the same problem. I'll mention it to Jonzo to add to his "to do" list.
  24. So do I Trev, but apparently we have to lay down in it!
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