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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Hi Branden In the reply box, click on the smiley face icon and they will appear at the bottom of the window. If you then click on the "show all" text below it, a separate window will appear with the full suite of smileys :
  2. With many more donations, the total is now £312.50 including gift aid! In another twist, £500 has been pledged if a team of 3 of us take part in some powerboat racing on Oulton Broad in two weeks time! None of us has ever driven a powerboat, and these will be proper formula 3 boats. We each have to complete one race each, preferably without coming a cropper and have been told we will "earn" every penny! Sounds scary, but Team Thunderbolts are well up for it!
  3. I agree with Mark. I tried one of those polishers and they are useless. i bought the Halfords version and it vibrated so much it made my hands go numb after 10 minutes!
  4. Possibly John, from the old photography walk days!
  5. Trevor, the links weren't working in your post, so I tried to edit them, but somehow lost half your post. My apologies, but could you re-post the other link please? Sorry
  6. Thank you for all your donations so far. So far the total raised is £250 including gift aid...in the first day! The event isn't until August so plenty of time to raise lots more! I have posted this in various forums to get as much coverage as possible for the event and blag as much money as possible for this life saving charity
  7. I am still getting the "Uploading is not allowed" next to the attach button?
  8. No, I think this must be a glitch in the software Strowy, as there has not been any mention of stopping normal photo uploads, even though we would prefer people to use external hosting like Photobucket or Flickr etc to reduce forum costs. The one downside of external hosting sites of course, is that if you move or delete a picture, then the link on the forum no longer works (as I found last week when I re-organised my Photobucket albums
  9. John, next to the "Attach this file" button it states "You can upload up to Uploading is not allowed of files (Max. single file size: 2MB)" Could that be the problem?
  10. I've just signed up to raise money for the RNLI, a charity I am sure is dear to all our hearts! The only snag is that I have to abseil down the outside of Southwold Lighthouse (assuming I actually survive the 200 steps up to the top of course!) on 11th August this year. I've never abseiled before so this could be a little scary! If you are able to donate, then please visit my donation page at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/Mark.Bird and don't forget to click the gift-aid box so the RNLI can claim the tax on your donation (at no extra cost to you) Thank you!!
  11. I keep saying we must stop there, and will certainly do so soon! Welcome to the forum!
  12. Looks like a good job on a tricky canopy!
  13. Lovely photos Trev! That boat certainly looks like she shifts!
  14. Like I mentioned earlier, if you get a mirror specifically for a bathroom they will cope with the damp no problem. In addition to that, B&Q sell mirror fixing adhesive (normally with the tubes of silicon etc) which we used to fix a large mirror in our forward cabin. It is very good and is fine in damp conditions.
  15. Any bathroom mirror from a DIY shop or website would be suitable. These are resistant to dampness.
  16. Warning points are just a feature of the site, and one I don't suppose will ever be used. Moderators can see the warning points under everyone's posts, but from previous comments it sounds like members can only ever see their own points to avoid everyone else knowing if someone has been a naughty chap. I guess it is to provide an aide-memoire for moderators if the forum is operating a "3 strikes and you're out" type of policy. Bear in mind that this forum software is used by a large range of forums and therefore has a lot of features that aren't necessarily specific to the NBN.
  17. Hi Pat Another vote for a boat jumble. We went to the one in Newark last year and got 60m of brand new 3 strand for £50. I do the splices myself and am happy to do them for you if you are ever in the Reedham area.
  18. It works for me. I wonder if there is a permission thing that needs tweaking? I'll let Jonzo know
  19. mbird

    Well Done

    I thought everyone had the warning points under their avatars? It is a feature that comes with the software so a warning can be issued for misconduct. We don't think it's ever likely to be something we will use (a bit too much like a letter from teacher for my liking!). Jonzo is still very busy sorting stuff out, and there's a good possibility this feature will be removed when he has a spare 5 minutes.
  20. mbird

    Well Done

    Looks like you cracked it then
  21. That often gets covered on high tides, which I think is why they put the fencing up.
  22. mbird

    Well Done

    Silly question Lori, but are you using a shortcut/bookmark from your browser that was created with you logged in? I have just logged out, closed my browser, reopened the browser then put in the web address http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/ and then had to sign in, so it obviously had logged me out properly?
  23. mbird

    Well Done

    Trevor, just as a thought, if you use the "View New Content" button (right hand side near the top) it will display only the posts since your last visit and therefore bypass all the pinned topics in each section. There aren't any more pinned topics than there were previously, but they are more spread out on the new format and so do need a lot more scrolling. Some of them may be a little old-hat now and could do with pruning a bit......
  24. Opens up the saloon nicely Andy, but where did you relocate that HUGE speaker?
  25. :grin: Not sure the outboards should be underwater for too long! And just what does "Dang, man, dang! actually mean?
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