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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Nah, Cillit Bang would be better . Does need a bit of a scrub up, but with us on and off the boat in all weather doing jobs, it hardly seems worth it at the moment.
  2. Just an update, a reply was received from Polymarine telling me the centres of the holes on the Weaver snap davit pads are different to the Ceredi ones. Looks like I'm going ot have to fork our £200 on a complete Ceredi set!
  3. Hi Luke, I had Barry's Honwave T27 off him. Looks to be just about big enough for the 4 of us but still be manageble. I've emailed Polymarine to see if they can also help with the size of the Weaver cleats, as they do sell these on their own without the pads (£28 each mind you ).
  4. Hi David It's the hole centres on the pads that are the issue. The Ceredi pads have holes at 150mm crs, whereas I believe the weavers are a lot wider. I've also checked out the Waveline ones which are about 200 crs.
  5. HI All The dinghy I bought from Barry already has snap-davit pads glued to the side, made by Ceredi. They sell these in Norfolk Marine for £210 per set , which will obviously include the pads. I just wondered if anyone has come across them any cheaper? I did find a second hand pair of them online, but only the davits themselves, and I would also need to source the metal cleat that fits into the dinghy pad, which is proving difficult.....
  6. I completely agree Luke! I think I recall from the conversation I had with their MD that they can offer either with or without borders, but I would always go for the "with" option personally. Incidentally, what is that extra bit of steelwork on your transom next to the fender cage above the starboard step for??
  7. Hi Trev One of the companies I saw at LIBS was called Foredeck Ltd. Their product was very similar to Tek Dek, but they claimed to be cheaper. The chap I spoke to also said if you could make a paper template of the area and send it to them, they would make up the decking as a complete panel for you to fit yourself. I will eventually want to do our bathing platform too, so I'll definatley give these guys a chance to quote. For reference their web site is http://www.fore-deck.com
  8. Hi Wayne We have a tele too, but don't use it that often (too little on, and too much else to look at), but I've never heard of a 12v tv that required a voltage regulator. I caravanned for years before changing to boats, and the same applies, in that I've not come across one of those before.
  9. That's the sort I've seen Jonny, but when you read how big an area they will demist (8-10" x 12-14") I'd need about 10 of them!
  10. Eeee. I got one of them too, so I'd best get to B&Q before easter!
  11. Thats a good question Ian. We hada some misting issues at new year which resulted in us deciding to muy a long handled mop . Hardly ideal, but better than nothing. Motorcycle shops do sell anti-misting solution for use on the inside of helmet visors, which works by breaking down the surface tension of the water to stop miniscule droplets forming. These work fine for a little while, but then you end up looking through a big puddle instead. I was thinking of these small 12v screen heaters you sometimes see fitted to boats. Do they not work then?
  12. When moored near a supply we would also use a fan heater or oil rad in preference too, but it's more when travelling along on one of these rag-top jobbies that the heating is needed. Not like you posh types with indoor steering
  13. Not quite Jonny, there's no carbon involved in that!! There are far easier way's of spotting that Jimbo, like me not buying you a pint for example
  14. Hi Trev Yes, the Webo exhaust does indeed have the spigot pointing upwards to help stop water ingress. As for the inlet, I'll obviously try to sort one of equal diameter so there's no flow problems and ensure there is a swan neck to stop the water. To be honest, the proper Propex one is a shoddy bit of fabrication so I don't think there'll be any problems with that.
  15. We're not sure either Suzanne. It largely depends on the weather and how much work I have on at the time as to whether we have a few extra days or not. We'll just play it by ear I reckon!
  16. Alright if you are rich enough to have Sky! What about us paupers with Freeview
  17. The depth sounder I won on ebay was faulty . Even though it was sold as seen with no warranty, the seller has kindly agreed to exchange it for a tri-data display so fingers crossed on that. HOWEVER.... down a tthe boat on Sunday, I noticed purely by chance that at some point the depth transduce appears to bave been trodden on, and where the wire exits the unit, there is some damage, which makes me think some of the issues I have had are simply down to a broken wire Next problem is to try to shoe-horn myself under the engines to get to the bloddy thing to see is a repair is viable ..... What I need is a 2ft tall munchkin who's good at soldering
  18. I wasn't going to resurect this, but seeing as it's already been done for me ..... I placed an order at Norfolk Marine this weekend for a new Propex HS2800 triple outlet marine kit.A bit of negotiating and price matching brought the cost in at about half what the equivalent Webo would have been. They may be a bit more expensive to run, but the difference in initial outlay is going to buy a hell of a lot of gas!!! The one thing I am going to do, though, is purchase a Webo exhast skin fitting. The Propex ones have an inlet and an outlet, as they take the combustion air from outside unlike the Webo's. On quizzing Propex on this, it is because in theory, if the solenoid valve failed in the open position, then theoretically gas could end up coming out of the air intake and therefore needs to be vented outside. The problem is the Propex skin fitting is a bit of a naff flimsy affair that Ido not think is going to stand up to any sea use very well. I'm therefore going with the more robist Webo exhaust fitting and a metal skin fitting for the air intake. Apart from the massive difference in price, the ease of installation was another big factor as I simply cannot see and easy way of getting to the fuel tanks. However, the gas pipe runs through the locker where I intend to mount the Propex unit so thats handy! The only tricky bit is going to be trying to route the hot air ducts . Hopefully in a couple of weeks we should have heating
  19. Yaaay! Nice one Leroy I know when we took Serenity onto Breydon with Jonathan for moral support, I was cacking myself a bit, especially after we flopped over sideways . I've yet to do it without a mentor though, but I don't think it'll be too much longer before we are out playing
  20. Oh god, you've gone and done it now Ian. Just hide the red wine
  21. I'm pretty sure that's the stuff that Brian Wards at Brundall use for their panel engraving too. When Imade the new dash for out last boat, they engraves the panel to my design and then I fitted the clocks etc after bonding it to a sheet of half-inch ply. I couldn't resist putting the name on too She looks like she's coming along nicely Andy
  22. I've got one of their love-childs too!!!!
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