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Norfolk & Suffolk Hit By Flooding This Morning

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As most of you know, Norfolk & Suffolk were hit with high winds and lots of rain, trees have fallen on vehicles and a caravan at Reedham, trains were delayed or cancelled and many boats were staying put where they were moored.

Here is dashcam footage of a drive through Suffolk:-


By all accounts the weather should improve by Thursday.



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12 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

By all accounts the weather should improve by Thursday.

It chuffin well wants to, I'm hoping to be night navving tomorrow night and over to the Waveney  on Thursday


Best of luck Griff.

Sand & blasting edited for Muppetry:naughty:



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5 minutes ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

Reminds me of October 2014. We took Lightning for the very first time, and had to contend with Beccles quay being under about 20-24" of water. We left half an hour before high water, and the tide was still comeing up.

Aye Neil, they don't tell you these things in a holiday brochure ! :naughty:

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8 minutes ago, BroadScot said:

Aye Neil, they don't tell you these things in a holiday brochure ! :naughty:

To be fair though Iain, that was freak weather due to a major Atlantic storm pushing the tides up the English Channell, and around the tpo of Scotland and down the North Sea. It all converged on the east coast, and the Broadland rivers took a large part of it.

That said, when we were on Lightning last November, we had gales and high tides. So high in fact, when we left Lightning on the Saturday, if i did`nt have my car parked beside the boat overnight, we would`nt have been able to walk to the car without getting our feet soaked.

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I had a similar experience at Beccles, thankfully by the morning the tide had dropped quite a bit, it was in mid October. 


3 minutes ago, johnb said:

could have floated a boat on parts of the M25 this morning-just closed my eyes and pretended the next bridge was Potter!

Ah, so the M25 is now a boating lake as well as Britains largest car park !:naughty:

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