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Another In The Herd Waiting At The Rainbow Bridge


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Today we lost another of our cats, bringing us down to 6.

Kitkat who was 16 or 17 years old started looking a bit wobbly on her legs Friday. we took her to the vets Saturday, where blood tests showed her anemic, antibiotics were administered. 

She got a little worse through sunday, and this morning could no longer stand. we had been warned it was possibly a tumor (if it was there was no treatment, so we didnt put her through any further testing that would just have upset her) , but after having not eaten or drunk for 24 hours she was starting to get very dehydrated, and having been comforted by Ingrid (the little blonde one that always knows at these times - she has cuddled up to the last 3 of our cats that have passed in their last few hours). I got a call at work, and came home at lunch time, another visit to the vets and she peacefully passed into sleep to get ready to meet up with us at the rainbow bridge.

Ingrid herself is a similar age, and Boo our old boy is still sprightly at 22 years old.

Rest in Peace dear Kitkat.


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Very sad, Grendel. Our Cleo has been diagnosed with an aggressive cancer after recent surgery. She is  perfectly ok at present but we know the end is going to come sometime soon. Like you, we have no intention of dragging things out when she is next symptomatic. Hard but this is the price we pay for their loving companionship through their years.

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we had no signs until Friday, though she has always been a grumpy so and so, but all the signs were there - we have seen similar several times before, when they get to the stage where they are unable to stand eat and drink, it is only kindness to release them.

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It's amazing how attached we can get to our pets. It's never easy losing them. You can have comfort in the memories and the fact I'm sure you gave her the best possible environment to enjoy her life.

A lovely touching picture and anecdote about Ingrid .

chin up 


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Chuffin 'Eck - I can't take much more of this emotional battering, having just read about Alfie, now KitKat too.

Neil, you have my thoughts and sympathy - So sad, but a good long life Kitkat had.

I'm orf to bed before I have to resort to man size tissues


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