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Richardsons RC45 and RC35

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Here that Jonny, Clive already has a booking for the new boat..

yes the RC45 is stunning but i want Clive to let me have a spin of a much larger bit old but a very lush boat :grin::grin:

mind you taking away the cup holder away does disappoint one a little :naughty::naughty:

Jonny ice sliceice slice

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  • 3 weeks later...

We lifted the mould off on Monday, it is now turned over and has wheels.

the white lines are plastacine which is radiused into sharp corners.

the white circle you can see on the doorway to the cockpit area is a 'blow off point' which we attach to the airline.


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Very nicely done Clive, was that done today?. It looks like you`ve planned it just in time, before the snow comes :lol::lol: . What happens to the plug now, will you be able to cut it down and reshape the rear end for the 35, or is it going to need a whole new plug?. Regards ................. Neil.

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What happens to the plug now, will you be able to cut it down and reshape the rear end for the 35, or is it going to need a whole new plug?. Regards ................. Neil.


have a look at my posts and the pics at the bottom of the page.. ;)


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hi clive, it looked heavier then 3 tons... sorry if this is a daft question but does the superstructure mould require the same level of polishing as the hull mould did? and from your picture all weight seems to be down the right hand side of the boat as you look at the photo or is this just the way im looking at it? sorry for all the quesyion but iv really been hooked by this thread i really had no idea their was so much work in getting this set up. guess im used to seeing a yard buy a mould and then fitting it out in a few months,

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Hi Andy,

it will be roughly 3 tonnes as I worked out what materials went into the build.

The superstructure will need more time put in as there are less 'big' areas which can be sanded with machines and will have to be done by hand,

also with the hull there is a large part which is underwater which is not so crucial to be blemish free. we have our finisher and a self employed finisher

on the case now for the next 2- 3 weeks before we can start to mould the first superstructure, by then we should have the floors and showers finished ready to

put in the hull before the 'top' is put on.

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if you make one with blemishes in it...

just to let you know I'd happily buy it at a reduced price... say £10 and a mars bar?


P.s... Fancy selling sheridan!!! that was a silly thing to do I was coming up to buy her myself!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

got going a day early and put the first coat of gel in the superstructure mould, we have lots of 'plants' in this mould, what they achieve is a indent where you would not want one in the mould,

for instance you will see that there are internal and external steps which we decided to inset the tread so that it does not protrude above the gel surface more than a millimeter or two, we have also inset the dashboard, a few hatches in the floor and some drawer fronts as well as the windows and one for the mudweight in case a bow roller is wanted. All the plants have to be bolted into place, then have a plastacine radius pushed round it before final polish and laying up with the GRP. Some of the plants will need to be unbolted before the mould is released they will come out with the superstructure then pushed out to reveal the moulded surface. It is quite a lot of extra work I hope it is worth it!

We decided to pick out the decks in a slightly different colour, this is done last so that there is no accidental spillage in the wrong place, the main area is masked first then more tape put up to the edge, this is done because the superstructure is double coated and the tape has to be removed while it is wet, the tape can then be re applied before the second layer.

in the pictures you can see some of the plants for the floor inserts and for the drawer fronts for the cockpit, you can also see where we have put a reverse flange on the cockpit floor so that it can be bonded to the floor bearers.

The final pictures show the finished floor moulds with the wheels already on, we have incorporated a few things into the floor moulds such as diesel tank and galley plinths as well as hatches and bunk fronts, being made from fiberglass does take a little more time to plan and has cost a little more but they will not rot and dont hold any smells in so will keep the boat in good condition for years We have nearly finished the shower moulds, these are made one piece so that we should not have to use silicone more than necessary as over time it does not look good and if it leaks it could smell or cause problems.





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the decks will be an Ivory colour gel, the rear deck, well and steps up either side will be Tek deck, (pretend teak) and the floors in the wheelhouse should be inset with laminates, all of this is done with the plants, and can be removed if not required.

the coach roof will be made with a layer of balsa wood which creates a gap into which a screw can be 'lost' this way battens can be fixed to the roof to secure the lining to.

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think this new build will be talk of the fleets for some time to come also with hirers & maybe private buyers i cant wait to see if there is going to be a sedan built....

Jonny ice sliceice slice

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