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The NHS are currently running their FAST campaign to alert the public to what action they should take if they suspect someone is having a stroke. 
FAST is an acronym used as a mnemonic to help detect and enhance responsiveness to stroke victim needs. The acronym stands for Facial drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties and Time to call emergency services.

All well and good BUT

Please for pity's sake make sure that the suspected stroke victim is indeed having a stroke at that moment and not as in my case just now...already bloody had one! Yes my face droops, yes I have arm weakness and yes I have speech difficulties but NO THANKS I DIDN'T NEED A NAFFING AMBULANCE, I didn't need to be dragged out of my seat in the cafe and thrown on the floor in the recovery position, I didn't need holding down when I protested, NO I'M NOT UNGRATEFUL, NO I DON'T CARE IF YOU FEEL A FOOL...HOW DO YOU THINK I FELT? :facepalm:

Of course me being me, I can now see the funny side but not at the time and no I'm not going to sue you. :naughty: So please folks ask the potential patient before you start manhandling them? :norty:

Moan over.

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Reminds me of an occasion many years ago I saw at an autocross meeting.

One competitor drove a very fast Ford Anglia with hand controls - he had a 'tin leg' following a motorcycle accident some years before. Anyhow, he 'rolled' his Anglia on a corner, and it ended up on its roof.

As he crawled out of the car and limped to his feet, two Red Cross blokes dashed to his aid  totally heedless of his protests and dragged him on to their stretcher. He kept trying to get off, and they persisted in holding him down, until finally he was able to explain the reason for his lameness.

Exit stage right two very embarrassed first aiders.  :party:

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I once knew an electrician, he had lost both legs and had 2 tin legs, one above and one below the knee. this injury was caused by stepping on a poisonous sea urchin, one leg was amputated below the knee - by the time they had realised it was the wrong leg he had to have the other taken off above the knee.

with his two tin legs he was active and able, he used to race motorcycles, his favorite trick to unseat an opponent in close racing was to stick his foot through the front wheel of his opponent, of course the foot came off, and he would finish the race then fall over- legless.

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