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the pictures I find do show steps at the back, sometimes it can be quite a large step down to the bank, so it might be worth taking some kind of small step to help getting onto the boat too (eg caravan step). if you feel as though you may be unsteady on your feet, dont forget to wear your life jacket for getting on and off the boat. if you are uncertain it would probably be worth having a chat to the boat yard, they may have steps available to assist you- always worth asking.

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Hello Martino and welcome to the forum!

The boat you have hired is a big one, so I assume you will have several people with you, who can give you a hand. It is a low freeboard boat with good side decks, so you should be "on the  level" for most moorings. It is on one level throughout inside, and you just have to get up a couple of steps to get to the helm position. The only access though, is by the stern.

Should give you a good holiday, I would think!

By the way, I don't know what your disability is, but have you informed the boatyard? If they know that you are disabled, they may be able to provide things, such as portable steps, to help you.

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