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Marina Wrist

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Last Monday,Marina had a op on her wrist for carpal tunnel. Today we did the shopping at Morrison's and Sainsbury's. We did so by bus and a cab.We got water for me,Marina said get some for CC(one of our cats).I got another bottle.No she said Evian.Thats the same water as our daughter drinks.Back home showing put away.Then out to the chemist  for dressings for Marina.While she was there I went to Sainsbury's to get wait for it frozen cod for poppy our other cat.She don't like Morrisons fish.We used to have a rabbit she liked rocket.once I was going to have some,no that's for the rabbit. I know where I am in the picking order.Sadly I don't drive cars only boats.






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Best wishes Marina, hope you're wrist heals quickly.

Ian sadly I feel from the first photo that it looks like it might be a long job, Marina looks far too comfortable sitting there with her feet up.

Get used to the housework mate :default_hiding:

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