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Bbc Countryfile Discussion


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By coincidence I listened to this last night, probably from the same source.

This recording in particular and the general feeling of seeing BNP referred to so much online, in the press and 'those' signs leads me to think that in many ways it's now just a matter of time. Repeat something often enough and it becomes true has reached what you might call tipping point.

The interviewee at least acknowledged the specific navigation issues that applies to the Broads and that is probably the best we can hope for long term.

For what it's worth I think that all the National Parks, The Broads and AONB will swept up into one big group and rebranded National Landscapes as suggested by Glover. Ironic if it does happen that the BA will have to have all those references to BNP reprinted to BNL

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Surprised so little reaction to the Countryfile Podcast as it really sets the scene for the next stage in the "Evolution" of the Norfolk & Suffolk Broads - The Campaign for National Parks is a strong route to be able to influence how the National Parks Service (or whatever other name it may become as they clearly have the ear of DEFRA who's Officials will produce the papers to carry it forward but being London based they really do need well reasoned feedback.

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Sorry but I am not very impressed with either the CNP or its CEO, while she condescendingly admitted that the Broads are not a NP she then went on to try and tell everyone it was all but and anyone especially the BBC was entitled to call it a NP, sounded very much like she was someone else`s mouthpiece. 


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2 hours ago, rightsaidfred said:

Sorry but I am not very impressed with either the CNP or its CEO, while she condescendingly admitted that the Broads are not a NP she then went on to try and tell everyone it was all but and anyone especially the BBC was entitled to call it a NP, sounded very much like she was someone else`s mouthpiece. 


My thoughts exactly, but at least an admission is an admission.

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