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A Question For Our Military Experts


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Upcycler, you will find a lot of respect and support for our armed forces on this site, several members are ex servicemen themselves, many others myself included have lost family members in defence of our nation. Belittling the efforts of anyone who served this country's armed forces, be they Crown Prince or East End barrow boy will not endear you to anyone. 

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7 minutes ago, Malanka said:

I’m not a royalist in any way shape or form, so the question is simple really, what’s the point of your post, so what if he does or doesn’t, thinly veiled sarcasm or poorly bounded irony are not 100% in line with our TOS. 

Just a thought 


Sorry, but with some threads they can punch certain buttons and things can get out of TOS.

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9 hours ago, Upcycler said:

Unfortunately my dad had the opposite thinking to you, unless there is a joke going on here linked to Only Fools and Horses?

I can always remember when I was living at home and my dad was still around, he always had a severe rant at the tv when Philip appeared wearing his RSJ supported medals. I think it was because his dad died during his service war years and picked up a couple of medals and Philip who has many, I doubt has heard a bullet pass by his head.

Over the years I have heard this brought up in conversation concerning the royals and Philip, and it seems for many to be and on going joke.

The reference to Uncle Albert is a reference to my father who served in the Royal Navy for twenty years. Just like the TV show the running family joke was that Dad had served on every ship and boat the navy had and just like Uncle Albert they had probably all sunk under him.

Although he finished his service on nuclear submarines, had a spell with the Special Boat Company, Dad was a destroyer man and was invited to attend the dedication of the National Destroyer Monument HMS Cavalier. I also attended to escort my Dad due to his ill health and mobility problems. Mobility problems that made transiting London via tube from Kings Cross to Victoria a nightmare, but mobility problems that seemed to miraculously disappear when we were given access to roam about HMS Cavalier and the dash to the hotel bar afterwards with his blues.

Like many long serving members of the RN present that day, Dad had a chest full of medals but not as many as the old boys who had served during the war. When he first left the service Dad was not overly concerned with his decorations, but as he got older they meant much more to him. 

I once had the privilege to know Fred and Brian, two old soldiers that met each other during the invasion of Italy. Fred was driving a tank and Brian was slogging it on foot beside it. They became fast friends throughout the rest of their lives. At a Remembrance Sunday parade, one of the scouts in the troop I was the leader of asked Fred about his row of medals.
"They are my pride and my shame." Fred had said. "Pride because they are my memories..."
"...and shame because we are alive to wear them when so many are not." Brian finished off the sentence.

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On 21/05/2020 at 01:31, psychicsurveyor said:


Prince Philip's rank in 1947 was Lieutenant (RN) and his substantive rank now is Admiral of the Fleet.  For many years until his retirement he was Colonel in Chief of the Grenadier Guards and that is the uniform we see him in here.  By the way, the Queen is laughing because she had just walked past and didn't recognise him!

I don't think honorary colonels are called colonel, but they are referred to as such.  "Our Colonel in Chief" is always toasted after "The Queen" at regimental mess dinner nights.  I hope that helps to answer Paul's question.

The thread has suffered what we would call a "flanking skirmish" since then but perhaps I can also clear up some mis-understanding?

During my time in the Army I became friends with Col. Reggie Steward of the Army Careers Office in Norwich - in the days when Norwich had one - and he told me that of the very few young men who actually apply for an officer career only one 1 in 400 get through the selection and training to earn a Commission.  The military academy at Sandhurst trains royal princes (and princesses) from Commonwealth and other countries all over the World including, infamously, Idi Amin and Muammar Gaddafi although we were told they didn't complete the course!

I did my training with 2 foreign princes, 3 sons of Commonwealth government and 3 relatives of the British royal family.  I can assure you none of them got a softer ride than the rest of us.  In fact, they probably got it worse.

And I would have been proud to serve beside any one of them.



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On 22/05/2020 at 07:10, Vaughan said:

And I would have been proud to serve beside any one of them.



Along those lines you would of been safe!

Its common knowledge that any Royal that serves in battle will have protection, because if whoever we are fighting against kill a Royal like Harry or William, its a victory for them! 

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On 22/05/2020 at 07:10, Vaughan said:

  For many years until his retirement he was Colonel in Chief of the Grenadier Guards and that is the uniform we see him in here.  By the way, the Queen is laughing because she had just walked past and didn't recognise him!



Sorry Vaughan, but you made me laugh at this bit! :default_biggrin:

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