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Fire Safety Sticks?


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All they have to do is present their product to the Loss Prevention Certification Board and the rest preferably, like every other fire protection company does. Be it detection, gaseous extinguishing, sprinker, air sampling, oxygen depletion etc. But it is not cheap.

I am sure the product is fine and a useful bit of kit but it is never going to pass muster with BSS and Insurance Companies until it carries the correct certification.



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Personally - and I am no chemist - having seen the advert I would think it would be effective on a fire with instant flame, such as petrol or a chip pan fire. Who deep fries chips on a boat these days?

I am not sure that it would be much use on a fire which had developed a good heat base, such as wood or indeed, Fibreglass.

May be good though, for giving you a few seconds in which to escape.


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On 15/06/2020 at 09:23, marshman said:

Unlike Vaughan, I mistrust the use of the powder ones!!!

I understand what MM means by this as there have been several times in the past where a dry powder extinguisher has failed. This is why nowadays they must be checked annually - mainly to see that the powder is still loose within the bottle. The best ones have a pressure gauge, which shows that the propellant gas is still charged. See your boatyard about getting them tested and labelled.

And while you're at it, have them pressure test your gas system.

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Vaughan -  FYI it costs nearly as much to test them as it does to buy them and as far as the BSS is concerned they just look, I believe,  to see if they are in date. Compaction is a real problem as far as I see it and no turning or shaking will guarantee they will fire effectively. 

 I have been looking for sometime for a backup  - or to use before a powder one so for peace of mind I may well go down this road. 

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