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A Nice Few Days.


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This morning  we visited Celia Hammond Animal Trust.And we brought home two cats.A boy and a girl.They came from a house  that were hoarders.One black other Black and white.Jo Jo and Macey.Aka JP and Zola.Yesterday it was confirmed that I can have a blue badge.Tonight strictly and watch England play Italy in the Rugby.At present,cant get there photos, both behind the chair.Will post photos when I can.:206_cat:

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Blue Badge does help when you are feeling under the weather - we had to apply for one for our daughter.  Don't always use it but it really helps getting into London and parking near the hospitals and congestion charge!  Not a time for using public transport!  Pictures of cats please


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 How lovely two beautiful cats to distract you from this trying time We watched Strictly too. It was very enjoyable. Usually I can't wait for the Strictly series to start. It's been my antedote foir the end of the boating season for many years but somehow this year my heart is not in it as before and my enthusiasm has waned somewhat. Also I 'm thoroughly fed up with seeing Shirley Ballas simpering at me every time  I open a newspaper or magazine. I was disappointed with the choice to make her head judge when Len retired. I hoped they would appoint Anton who I think would have made a much better job of it. 




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