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As to when I look up the Barnes Web Cam there are Boat's waiting to go under Wroxham Bridal plus queuing up to Moor up while that Boat awaits to going under . How many Pilots are there ? As One is not enough during the Summer High season as this would cut down the congestion that happens also this Pleasure Boat coming in and going out not a pretty sight seeing that. 

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That's a fair point, Andrew. To my knowledge there's only ever one pilot on duty. When the pilot took us through recently he mentioned he'd been taking boats continuously throughout the day. The issue with having two pilots would be it might not make much difference because only one boat can pass through at a time.

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just what i was gong to say, with 1 pilot he knows that the other isnt piloting a boat through as he is trying to, i have known them just come alongside the next boat and step across and get them going, so he can manage virtually non stop.


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There seems to be some strange logic at play here. :default_biggrin: If there's only one pilot, he may be sure that there won't be another pilot coming the other way, but won't he still be checking anyway for any boats coming the other way? :default_biggrin: Might as well check for another pilot whilst he's at it, and likewise whilst only one boat can pass at one time, that passage is a small part of the overall journey from one side to the other for the pilot.

I have known there to be two pilots on duty at very busy times. If most of the boats are going in one direction, there may not be a return boat to bring back through which means walking back from the opposite side. On such occasions from the pilot stepping onboard, to walking back and stepping on board the next boat can easily be 7-8 minutes. This can lead to queues of boats forming and milling around waiting to get on the pilot moorings. On such occasion two or even three pilots would be useful, but I guess the number is actually dictated by what else needs to be done in the boat yard. None of the pilots are dedicated solely to pilotage duties.

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Had many an hours entertainment sitting outside the Wroxham hotel with a cold beer watching the chaos at the Bridge. Chuck 20 odd day boats into the mix and it gets a bit lively, things start getting really interesting when the old broads tours turn up. Tempers start to fray horns start being blasted out. Better then any benny Hill sketch your watch. I understand we have canoes and paddle boarders to add to that now. Oh the joys 😂🙄

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Some of the many reasons why I'm more likely to slip through the bridge at first light or even late in the evening and then go and find a Broad to mud weight in for the night. Would much rather navigate the bridge in the dark with nav lights than a Summer lunchtime!!

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