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If it helps get the navigation restored then I’m all for it. The additional surface water run off from North Walsham over the next couple of thousand houses should fill it! What with Spa common to Royston bridge being rewatered soon then maybe in my lifetime I’ll see a Wherry passing by the former Wherry PH on the Bacton Road!

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Not unless the situation concerning the existing landowner changes! Above Honing Lock maybe, but not south towards Wayford unless I am very much mistaken. Used to get a cruiser up almost to the lock 50 years ago but its now a canoe preserve up their these days!!

It would have to be a very small wherry - there are no little ones left!!

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6 minutes ago, marshman said:

It would have to be a very small wherry - there are no little ones left!!

Quite right!  

A north river wherry would only be rated at about 17 to 20 tons burden. The Albion and the Maud, by comparison, are 40 tonners, normally found on the south rivers.

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A mini wherry would be fine, besides it really needs the house to be re licensed and some benches outside for the punters to enjoy a half of Bullards. The quay heading was still there last time I biked past.

I remember the Maid of the Mist based on a Double ended north norfolk coast design of some sort, fooled me many a time from first sight in the distance, based at Wayford I recall so seemingly poised for the reopening. I’m sure there’s a chance that negotiations could yield some sort of favourable outcome for the landowners, the trust can certainly muster the resources, hope the resistance isn’t down to people letting dogs off their leads, last time I was down there someone had let theirs loose oblivious to the risks.

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I don't always agree with Marshman but he's absolutely spot on. Considering about 3 years ago the landowner wanted to put a set of piles in and a gate across the canal at there boundary Wayford end, and recent stories of them trying to discourage paddle boards and canoe that haven't been launched off there premises, I find the idea that anyone other than those paying to stay on the campsite or in one of the cottages would ever get to see it. A terrible waste when you consider all the work that has gone into the NWDC by Laurie and the volunteers.

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