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Any New Yards 2022


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I was running 3 boats for a coupe of years, we have jumped to 8 this year under Horning Pleasurecraft but its not been simple or straight forward although finding the customers has not been difficult. 

Wroxham daybook hire has new owners also Norfolk dayboat  hire at Woods Dyke are relatively new from the current base but were operating last year.. 

Summercraft has a boat or two in operation after a break (I think)

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2 minutes ago, Andrewcook said:

Hi Clive it's good to see you are giving an Olive Branch to getting Yards to coming along as I hope more will come from the other side of the Broads as oulton Broads did have  Base but sadly no longer could their be a revival for that to happen?

Little chance really. It takes a great deal of money to start something like this from scratch as I can attest. Real profits come from volume and that's not easy to achieve with any speed unless you have very deep pockets. But as it's very-much a service business, you need the quality of service to go with quality boats and all of this comes at immense cost and that is before you factor in the cost of a riverside base to operate from. There are no remaining viable yards at Oulton Broads apart from the old TopCraft site which is now private and under new ownership. Everything else that way has long since been flattened. 

The old site at Thorpe that I rented is barely viable and needs huge investment, the Sandersons site will be lost to new development it seems and there's just little real financial incentive to convert an old yard that's turn private back into hire.  Clive is, of course, an exception and quite mad :default_eusa_dance:but as he says too, it's not been straight forward even for someone with his resources and experience. 

There's a reason there are fewer and fewer yards and that's cost. Hire fleets are VERY hard work and very expensive to build and maintain. Been there, done it and lost my children growing up in the process. 

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