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How Much Diesel Use


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£1.16 on Thursday when we called in.  I don’t know the exact capacity of our fuel,tank, but am aware that it’s not very big, so am careful to keep it topped up when we’re on board for an extended break. Prior to coming away last Sunday, we’d been from Brundall to Langley Dyke and back since refuelling at our base previously.

We set off last Sunday 10th, mooring at Hardley Mill, cruised across Breydon and to Womack Dyke on Monday.  Tuesday saw us travel from Womack to Wroxham (Hoveton) and back to St Benets overnight.  Wednesday, we tried to go up The Ant, but we’re prevented by the high river levels at Ludham Bridge, so went to Ranworth.  Thursday, we cruised back to Boulters for fuel, where they squeezed 27 litres into the tank.

I haven’t calculated mileage, but given that also provided heating, I’m very happy that our 50hp Nanni is sipping fuel at an acceptable rate.

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