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Merry Christmas


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A very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to one and all, wherever you are and whatever you are doing on this wet and windy Christmas Day morning!  Surely 2022 can only get better, let's hope so!! I'm celebrating my 69th birthday today with good old fashioned steak and chips and all the trimmings, washed down with copious amounts of beer later :default_biggrin: (there's only the two of us so not having the traditional Christmas dinner this year).  Have a great day everyone :default_drinks:


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Happy Birthday to you.     :default_beerchug:    You enjoy your steak and chips.   Got plenty of mustard?      We need some 'hot stuff' on Christmas Day.


Only two us and we are having the works.     Spent the last two days preparing it all.     There is a method in my madness, from today I can relax a bit, other than , doing magic with left overs.




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1 hour ago, Hylander said:

Happy Birthday to you.     :default_beerchug:    You enjoy your steak and chips.   Got plenty of mustard?      We need some 'hot stuff' on Christmas Day.


Only two us and we are having the works.     Spent the last two days preparing it all.     There is a method in my madness, from today I can relax a bit, other than , doing magic with left overs.




Just made a peppercorn sauce to go with the steak 😊 used black peppercorns, flour, chicken stock, butter, milk and a dash of malt whisky. Tastes excellent!! Very little washing up to do later - more time to lubricate the throat 😂😂😂 


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2 hours ago, CeePee1952 said:

A very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to one and all, wherever you are and whatever you are doing on this wet and windy Christmas Day morning!  Surely 2022 can only get better, let's hope so!! I'm celebrating my 69th birthday today . . . . . . . . . . . .

Happy birthday Chris!!  Hope you have a cracking day.  It may be windy today, but I fear it may be more so tomorrow here.  Sprouts, stuffing, parsnips, swede . . . . . . . . . . 😉😉

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9 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

Happy birthday Chris!!  Hope you have a cracking day.  It may be windy today, but I fear it may be more so tomorrow here.  Sprouts, stuffing, parsnips, swede . . . . . . . . . . 😉😉

Thank you :default_smile: Have a brilliant (and not too windy a day) yourselves!!


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