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Dinghy Transport Needed

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It may be easier to load dinghy and trailer onto a flat bed. Transporters do not like towing other's trailers. Understandable as they don't know the condition of the overrun brakes, wheel bearings etc.

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Its unlikely that over run brakes are needed on a dinghy trailer.

The wheel bearings can be checked by jacking the wheels, giving them a shake and spinning them. If they rumble, the bearings are shot and need replacing.

Most dinghy trailers that are immersed have damaged bearings except if they are SFL (Sealed for life) bearings. Due to the expense of SFL bearings, usually taper bearings are used which are ok until they are immersed and then they are done for and need replacing.

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I think also, If I were pulling an unknown trailer for somebody I would like to see the bearing caps removed to make sure that there was adequate grease in there and vitally that there are split pins in the castellated nuts holding the wheels on.


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