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A Warning From Rnli

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The Black Spot is the West point of Scolt Head Island up here. People are constantly trying to get to the wreck of SS Vina  and get into difficulties. They are always sending out Hunstanton's rescue Hovercraft.

Unfortunately a number of people have lost their lives walking/wading out to the remains.

There is not a lot to see as for many years it was used by the RAF for target practice. 


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When I was a very youngfchild my parents together with friends and would set off from North London  Early on a Sunday morning in several cars and head for Wells-next-the-Sea . Once there they would  park in the pine woods among the trees. Cloths would be laid out on the ground. Chairs and picnic tables  would  be set out. The primus stove woluld be set to boil the kettle and copious amounts of food would be set out too. After we had disposed of the food and drunk enough tea to float a yacht, it would off to the beach, walk out across the sandbanks with sacks and spend the afternoon filling them with cockles. Of course we always  left it too late to walk back as the tide was in, an enterprising chap would turn up with a rowing boat and row us back - the cost of this service? The cockles! But we kids didn't mind it was the fun of collecting them that was the point to us. Happy Days.




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