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Pubs You Miss


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10 hours ago, Mouldy said:

Not exactly a pub I miss, but one whose popularity has waned somewhat over the past few years.  This photo was taken in May 1995, when we went to The Broads with mum and dad.  We found the picture whilst going through some of the many photo albums they accumulated over the years.  We do not have the space to keep much of the 'stuff' they hoarded and going through their possessions is sometimes difficult, but stumbling across things like this does remind us of good times and makes an onerous task a little easier. 

It was on the additional moorings at Reedham Ferry, which have now fallen into a state of acute disrepair.  We haven't been into the pub for many years and really cannot say what it's like now, other than it used to be one of our favorites - always busy and a lottery whether you got a mooring or not.

Reedham Ferry.jpg

I remember mooring there numerous times Malcom and indeed it was very popular. I visited Reedham Ferry last year and found the food ordinary to say the least. That pontoon is a sad sight nowadays. The location of the pub is lovely and somehow I enjoy the sound of the ferry close by. I hope it doesn't turn into another "pub I miss".

I have a memory of that mooring which will always stay with me. We were on Jamaica from Richardsons in 2012 and my younger daughter was 12 at the time. Jamaica had a side entrance in the saloon and my daughter exited through it so enthusiastically her momentum took her across the pontoon and in to the reeds and shallow water beyond. She was thankfully unhurt but it was certainly a memorable moment.

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When I first stated holidaying on the broads with my parents in the late 60s / 70s we spent a lot of time on the Southern Broads and used the Waveney House Hotel in Beccles quite a lot. At that time you could moor about 4 / 5 boats outside the hotel. There was a notice on the moorings which stated No mooring without permission. You had to personally ask the owner, Mr Brumfitt, if you could moor there. Once you had assured him you would be using the hotel he would have a quick look at you before giving his answer. Further up river from there was the Geldeston Lock House. At that time it didn’t have a proper Bar / Serving area, the drinks used to appear from out the back. It was run by a well known character called Susan. After you had consumed a couple of drinks she would tell you you had had enough. Time to move on to Geldeston Wherry, in the village, where you could drink all afternoon. (Don’t forget, in those days pubs used to close between 2.30pm and 6.00pm.) I have very fond memories of my early days on the broads. They were the good old days.




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20 minutes ago, Spray said:

Talking of Beccles there was The Pickerel down Puddingmoor where the Poolcraft boatyard used to operate from.

I had the honour, back in the 60s, to row for two years running in the Pickerel No 2 crew, in the Beccles and All England Shovel-boat race, on the last evening of Beccles Regatta.

The only rule of the race, was that you were not allowed to sink any competitors before the start! 

Were were in standard hire dinghies, about 5 to a crew, rowing with genuine brewer's wooden shovels and armed with paper bags full of flour and soot. The winner was always the crew who managed to swim back over the line first!

Happy days, that I very much doubt "Elf 'n safety" will ever let us see again.

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